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Universität Karlsruhe Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 076803 (2006)

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1 Universität Karlsruhe Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 076803 (2006)

2 And beyond – The ‘dream’ of Quantum Computation Richard P. Feynman A brand new degree of freedom – Real-world electronics has still only used half of its potential – The future: Non-volatile, ultrafast MRAM Spin logic New detectors …

3 Some recent efforts to control a single electron spin Single-shot read-out of an individual electron spin in a quantum dot J. M. Elzerman, R. Hanson, et al. Nature 430, 431 (2004 ).

4 … or two spins! Coherent Manipulation of Coupled Electron Spins in Semiconductor Quantum Dots J. R. Petta, A. C. Johnson, et al. Science 309 2180 (2005)

5 Spin decay mechanisms – Magnetic noise (hyperfine coupling to nuclear spins) – Electric noise (spin-orbit mediated)

6 Generalized Theory of Relaxation F. Bloch. Phys. Rev. 105, 1206 (1957).

7 Environment charge fluctuations or phonons produce noisy electric fields But electric fields do not couple to electron spin! Indirect spin decay: Spin-orbit (SO) coupling So, err… what is spin-orbit coupling? Spin-orbit mediated decay “Coupling between the orbital and the spin degrees of freedom arising from relativistic corrections to the Schrödinger equation” Uh? In semiconductor heterostructures:

8 A: Momentum dependent ‘magnetic field’ ( B ext =0 ) B: Quasiclassically: as the electron moves a distance dr in time dt the spin is rotated by U, which doesn’t depend on dt (‘geometric’) C: Motion induced by random external forces (phonons) induces a diffusion of the electron spin Measurement, control, and decay of quantum-dots spins W. A. Coish, V. N. Golovach, J. C. Egues, D. Loss. cond-mat/0606782

9 Detailed model for an electron in a quantum dot Low energy effective dynamics Low energy effective dynamics

10 The two eigenstates (without noise) are actually ‘pseudospin’ states For small external magnetic fields only the ‘twist’ contribution yields a finite relaxation rate (no Van-Vleck type cancellations) This is related to the fact that time reversal doesn’t alter the first two, and therefore Kramer’s theorem prevails (at B=0 ) Spin-flip transitions between Zeeman sublevels in semiconductor quantum dots A. V. Khaetskii and Y. V. Nazarov. Phys. Rev. B. 64, 125316 (2001).

11 Three relaxation times T 1 (one for each process) Different environments, different spectral densities: it affects the relaxation rate Piezoelectric phonons Charge fluctuations

12 Spin relaxation rate resulting from each of the different processes (in a symmetrical GaAs lateral quantum dot with 1 Kelvin unperturbed level spacing) Crossover magnetic field: B ** =15 mT

13 At B=0 the environment dephases the two pseudospin states: each one acquires an opposite (and random) geometrical phase “A quantal system in an eigenstate, slowly transported round a circuit C by varying parameters R(t) in its Hamiltonian H(R), will acquire a geometrical phase factor exp{i  (C)} in addition to the familiar dynamical phase factor”  Pure geometric dephasing Pointer basis = normal to the heterostructure Quantal phase factors accompanying adiabatic changes M. V. Berry, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 392, 45-57 (1984)

14 Even in a strongly quantum system at B=0, a noisy electric environment can cause geometric spin dephasing and relaxation through spin-orbit coupling

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