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Published byKathleen Phillips Modified over 9 years ago
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Measurement of the Hadronic Cross Section via Radiative Return at DA NE Achim Denig for the KLOE Collaboration MENU 2004 September 3 rd Beijing, IHEP Universität Karlsruhe Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 hep-ex/0407048, sent to Phys. Lett. B Outline: Muon Anomaly Radiative Return at KLOE Results & Outlook Further KLOE-Results: St. Müller (Session B2)
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Motivation: Determination of Hadronic Vacuum Polarization = High Precision Test of the Standard Model Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon a m = (g- 2) m Running fine structure constant at Z 0 -mass a QED (M Z ) Dirac-Theory: (g - 2 ) = 0 Quantum corrections: (g - 2 ) 0 due to corrections of: - electromagnetic interaction - weak interaction - strong interaction (and maybe NEW PHYSICS ???) Hadronic Vacuum Polarization 2nd largest contrib., cannot be calculated in pQCD Error of hadronic contribution is dominating total error ! Muon - Anomaly
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Hadronic contribution to a m can be estimated by means of a dispersion integral: - K(s) = analytic kernel-function, almost flat in s - above 2…5 GeV, use pQCD Hadronic Cross Section Input Dispersion Integral: a) hadronic electron-positron cross section data, e.g. e + e - p + p - b) hadronic t - decays ( CVC -theorem, taking into account isospin breaking corrections), e.g. t - p 0 p - n t H 1 / s 2 makes low energy contributions especially important: in the range < 1 GeV contributes to 70% !
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Muon-Anomaly: Theory vs. Experiment a m - 11 659 000 ∙ 10 -10 THEORY ’20/‘03 Experiment ’20/‘04 Experiment BNL-E821 Values for m + (2002) and m - (2004) in agreement with each other. Precision: 0.5ppm Dispersion integral for hadronic contribution to a m evaluated for: a) e + e - -Data ONLY CMD-2 (VEPP-2M) measured p + p - channel with 0.6% precision < 1 GeV 2.7 s – Deviation b) t -Data ONLY (if available) ALEPH /OPAL/CLEO 1.4 s – Deviation Theoretical values taken from Davier, Eidelman, Höcker, Zhang: hep-ex/0308213 a m - 11 659 000 ∙ 10 -10 e + e - data and t data differ for p + p - channel in a specific energy window above 0.6 GeV 2 (above the r -peak)! Status up to July ‘04
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Radiative Return Standard method for cross section measurement is the energy scan, i.e. the systematic variation of the c.m.s.-energy of the accelerator DA NE is a f - factory and therefore designed for a fixed c.m.s.-energy: s = m f = 1 019 MeV; a variation of the energy is not foreseen in near future Complementary approach: Take events with Initial State Radiation ( ISR ) Cross section as a function of the 2-Pion invariant mass s p = M pp 2 “Radiative Return” to r(w) -resonance: e + e - r(w) + g p + p - + g ds ( e + e - p + p - g ) dM pp r0r0 ISR MC - Generator PHOKHARA = NLO J. Kühn, H. Czyż, G. Rodrigo Radiator-Function H(s) H(s) spsp g
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Background Signal Selections-Efficiency Luminosity Acceptance Analysis p + p - g Final state e + e - p + p - g relatively easy signature, however cross section measurement on percent level is a challenging task (normali- zation, efficiencies, background) KLOE Detector designed for CP – violation, we are having a high resolution tracking chamber ideal for the measurement of M pp ! Analysis- Items:
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Selection p + p - g 50 0 < < 130 0 < 15 0 > 165 0 Pion tracks at large angles 50° < q p < 130° High statistics for ISR events Reduced background contamination Low relative contribution of FSR Photons at small angles q g 165° are shadowed by quadrupoles near the I.P. Drift Chamber EM Calorimeter NO PHOTON TAGGING
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Background p + p - g e e signal region M TRK (MeV) mm tail 1) Pion-Electron-Separation Rad. Bhabhas e + e - e + e - g are separated by means of a Likelihood- Method (Signature of EmC-Clusters and TOF of particle tracks ) mm mm 2) Kinematic Separation f p + p - p 0 e + e - m + m - g using „Trackmass“-variable M pp – dependent M TRK -Cut 3) Residual Background Fit Trackmass-Spectra for signal and background with free normalization parameters (shape from MC)
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Analysis s ( e + e - p + p - g) Background: - e + e - e + e - g - e + e - m + m - g - f p + p - p o Efficiencies: - Trigger & Cosmic veto - Tracking, Vertex - p - e - separation - Reconstruction filter - Trackmass-cut - Unfolding resolution - Acceptance Luminosity: Bhabhas at large angles > 55°, s eff = 430 nb, 0.9% 0.3% 0.3% exp 0.5% theo Statistics: 141pb -1 of 2001-Data 1.5 Million Events r-w Interference High Statistics ! High Resolution ! Errors:
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Extraction s ( e + e - p + p - ) Radiator-Function (ISR): - ISR-Process calculated at NLO-level Generator PHOKHARA (Kühn ) - Comparison with KKMC (Jadach Precision: 0.5% Radiative Corrections: i) Bare Cross Section divide by Vacuum Polarisation ii) FSR - Corrections Cross section s pp must be incl. for FSR Vacuum Polarization Cross Section Radiative Return requires ISR photon be inclusive for ISR-FSR-events e + e - p + p - g ISR (g FSR ) F p =1 s ( ppg ) mit F p =1 s p (GeV 2 )
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Aim: Cross Section e + e - p + p - TOTAL ERROR 1.3% To be compared with 0.9% CMD-2 Error: exp.+syst.+stat. Cross Section s ( e + e - p + p - ) Result published now Considerable improvement in near future
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 2 p Contribution to a m hadr a = ( 388.7 0.8 stat 3.5 syst 3.5 theo ) 10 -10 Dispersions Integral for the 2-Pion-Channel in Energy Range 0.35 < M pp 2 <0.95 GeV 2 Comparison with CMD-2 in the Energy Range 0.37 < M pp 2 <0.93 GeV 2 (375.6 0.8 stat 4.9 syst+theo ) 10 -10 (378.6 2.7 stat 2.3 syst+theo ) 10 -10 KLOE CMD2 KLOE data points are not in excellent but in a fair agreement with CMD-2: KLOE higher at low s p and lower at large s p 1.3 % Error 0.9 % Error Pion Formfactor CMD-2 KLOE 0.4 0.50.6 s [GeV] 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 45 0
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Comparison with t Data At large values of s (>m ) KLOE & CMD-2 deviate from t -Data > 10% unsufficient understanding of isospin breaking corrections in t -Data ?! Rel. difference of e + e - -data with respect to t -data (avg.)
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Conclusions M. Davier, A. Höcker @ ICHEP04 Including: New KLOE data New 4 th order QED contribution (Kinoshita) hep-ph/0402206 New Light-by-light contribution (Melnikov, Vainshtein) hep-ph/0312226 t – data excluded! Theory (SM) - Experiment a exp - a theo = ( 25.2 ± 9.2 ) ·10 -10 2.7 “standard deviations” Including KLOE Status of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon today (August ’04): KLOE has proven feasibility of the Radiative Return for high-precision hadronic cross section measurements: New hep-ex/0407048, sent to Phys. Lett. B
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Outlook: KLOE Measure ( ) in the region close to threshold, M < 600 MeV, responsible for 20% of a m pp - This region excluded by angular selection in small angle photon approach - Complementary analysis at large photon angles At large photon angles the amount of FSR is large! test model of scalar QED (i.e. poinlike pions) Measure Charge Asymmetry and compare data with MC Charge asymmetry is due to different C-Parity of ISR- and FSR-amplitudes 507090110130 -20 -10 0 20 10 Asymmetry [%] Polar Angle [°] Data MC K L O E P R E L I M I N A R Y
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Outlook: Muon Anomaly Theory: BaBar fills gap between DA NE, VEPP-2M ( 2 GeV) and will measure all relevant exclusive channels (see e.g. hep-ex/0408078) KLOE/CMD-2 threshold region < 0.4 GeV 2 Future measurements at BES, VEPP-2000, CLEO, BELLE, DA F NE-2? “Real Theory“: Rad. corrections, Light-by-light-scattering, Isospin breaking... Experiment: New beam time for BNL-E821 (still limited by statistics)!? Ambitious new project for 5 th generation (g-2) m experiment at J-PARC da (theor.) 3…4 · 10 -10 da (exp.) < 2…3 · 10 -10 Actual Difference: 25 ± 9 · 10 -10 Future
Achim Denig Radiative Return @ DA F NE MENU 2004 Work supported by: Emmy – Noether – Programm
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