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Metric to English Conversion California Bridge Construction Forum March 8, 2006 Mark Leja, Chief, Division of Design California Department of Transportation.

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Presentation on theme: "Metric to English Conversion California Bridge Construction Forum March 8, 2006 Mark Leja, Chief, Division of Design California Department of Transportation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metric to English Conversion California Bridge Construction Forum March 8, 2006 Mark Leja, Chief, Division of Design California Department of Transportation

2 History  1988 Federal law passed to support metric  1991 FHWA say metric by 1996 or no federal funds  1993 Department decides to go metric  1995 FHWA extends the deadline  1996 Department fully metric

3 History  2001 FHWA makes metric optional  2003 National Survey – most states have gone back to English  2004 Customer survey – AGC, CELSOC, Local Agencies  July 2004 Decision to go back to English  March 2005 2-year transition plan finalized

4 Current Status  Converting Design Manuals and Guidance. Some will remain as dual units.  Mapping in English on new projects.  Finalizing Standard Plans and Specifications in English. Available June 2006.

5 Future Plans  Begin advertising English projects in Summer 2007  Complete Metric projects 2006-2010  Generally English only 2010 and beyond. Rare exceptions may linger (e.g. mega projects).

6 Questions?

7 Innovative Contracting Methods California Bridge Construction Forum March 8, 2006 Mark Leja, Chief, Division of Design California Department of Transportation

8 Traditional Project Delivery  Design-Bid-Build (DBB)  Specified by Public Contract Code  Design must be complete  Awarded to the lowest responsible bidder

9 Design-Bid-Build (DBB)  Advantages – well established and widely understood  Disadvantages – perceived as slow and adversarial

10 Design-Sequencing  A method of contracting that permits each construction phase to commence when design for that phase is complete, instead of requiring design for the entire project to be completed.  Project can be awarded at 30% design.  Awarded to lowest responsible bidder.

11 Design-Sequencing  Two-Phase Pilot Program underway  Requires annual status report to Legislature  Requires a Peer Review Committee – AGC is a member  Sunset date January 1, 2010

12 Pilot Program Status  Phase I began 2000  10 projects selected in 5 districts and 9 counties  7 projects constructed (4 projects completely closed out)  3 projects in construction

13 Completed 03-Sac-80/51Construct Westbound Lane 04-Ala/SCl-680Construct Interim Southbound HOV Lane 04-CC-680Add HOV Lanes 04-Sol-80Stabilize Landslide 07-LA-210Construct Soundwall 07-LA-405405/101 Interchange, Construct Northbound Auxiliary Lane 08-SBd-15Widen Freeway Construction 08-Riv-215Realign and Widen 11-SD-15*Widen Freeway and Install Moveable Barrier (Phases 1-4) 11-SD-905Construct Interchange *Multiple phases (treated as one pilot project) Current Pilot Projects (Design-Sequencing)

14 Initial Findings  Average Time Savings 4 months  Capital Cost at award similar to DBB (Engineer’s Estimate vs. Low Bid)  Capital Cost Growth similar to DBB (Awarded amount vs. Final Cost)  Support Cost 2-6% greater for Design- Sequencing

15 Lessons Learned  Document Control is important  Award with first phase 100% complete  Less suitable for large, complex projects

16 Future of Design-Sequencing  Monitor current projects  Apply lessons learned to Phase II  SB 1210 authorized Phase II Pilot (4 projects selected and in design)  Peer Review Committee continues  Annual Reports to the Legislature

17 Design-Build An innovative contracting method where a contract for both the design and construction of a project is awarded to a single entity.

18 Design-Build Nationwide  27 States have used Design-Build  Numerous Cities, Counties and Transit Agencies  Authorized by Federal Highway Administration

19 Design-Build in California Who has the authority to use it?  Specified Cities and Counties  Schools (K-12, Specified Community Colleges, UC and CSU)  Transit Authorities

20 Design-Build in California Transportation Projects  Garden Grove (SR-22) HOV Lanes  Southbay Expressway (SR-125)  Alameda Corridor  91 Express Lanes  Orange County Toll Road projects (San Joaquin Hills, Foothill, Eastern, and Glenwood Pacific Interchange)

21 Design-Build in California Legislative update  SB 1026 (I-405 HOV project) Effective January 1, 2007  AB 1838 (Strategic Growth Plan)  AB 2025 (Niello’s proposed bill)

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