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Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Budget Briefing to the Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Development 18 May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Budget Briefing to the Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Development 18 May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Budget Briefing to the Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Development 18 May 2010

2 2 Index 1.Medium Term Budget allocations - Vote - Programmes and Sup programmes - Economic Classification - Branches - Regional Allocations - Entities - Earmarked amounts - Facilities Management - Donor Funding 2.Medium Term Budget Pressures

3 DOJ&CD 2010 Estimates of National Expenditure

4 4 MTEF BUDGET ALLOCATIONS: Year on Year Growth 2009/2010 ‘000 2010/2011 ‘000 2011/2012 ‘000 2012/2013 ‘000 Approved budget Year On Year Growth 11,390,70812,180,353 6,9% 13,187,874 8,3% 13,982,456 6%

5 5 Reduced budget allocations … doing do more with less… Minister of Finance 2009/2010 ‘000 2010/2011 ‘000 2011/2012 ‘000 2012/2013 ‘000 2009 MTEF 2010 MTEF Total Cuts R202mR237m R195m R432m R251m R230m R481m R264m R305m R569m Reducing budgets with R1,482 billion …. But expected to absorb inflationary pressures and still expand services !!!

6 6 This means that government has to do more with less… Minister of Finance Find savings through reduced spending on non-core functions and activities, including shifting resources from administrative components to frontline services Rationalise public entities and agencies to save money and improve accountability Review public spending to weed out poorly performing programmes, low-priority activities and ineffective policies Reform procurement systems to reduce corruption and obtain better value for money, including giving consideration to centralising the procurement of selected goods and services Change the culture of the public service to reduce waste and to prevent extravagant spending, shoddy work and corruption.

7 7 Budget Allocations per Programme

8 8 MTEF BUDGET ALLOCATIONS: Growth in Programme Allocations

9 9 Budget Allocations per Economic Classification Growth in personnel cost with limited growth in operational cost funding

10 10 MTEF BUDGET ALLOCATIONS: Growth in Item Allocations Budget growth driven by rise in personnel cost

11 MTEF BUDGET ALLOCATIONS Programmes and Sub programmes Branches Regions Independent Bodies Earmarked Funds Facilities Management Donor Funded Projects

12 12 Programme 1: Administration Division per sub programme Corporate services (HR, Fin and IT ) major spending sub programme

13 13 Programme 1: Administration 2010/11 Division per sub programme

14 14 Programme 2: Court Services Division per sub programme Spending prioritized towards lower courts

15 15 Programme 2: Court Services 2010/2011 Division per sub programme 91 % direct spending at court level

16 16 Programme 3: State Legal Services Division per sub programme

17 17 Programme 3: State Legal Services 2010/2011 Division per sub programme

18 18 Programme 4: National Prosecuting Authority 2010/2011 Division per sub programme On average 72% direct spending on prosecution services

19 19 Programme 4: National Prosecuting Authority Division per sub programme

20 20 Programme 5: Auxiliary and Associated Services Division per sub programme Major spending area is on Legal Aid.. and mainly driven by increased personnel cost

21 21 Programme 5: Auxiliary and Associated Services Division per sub programme




25 25 EARMARKED AMOUNTS 1 1.May not be used for other proposes than those specified


27 27 Implementation of Legislation



30 30 Medium Term: Spending Pressures Additional accommodation - Capital investment in new court infrastructure and additional office accommodation. Personnel establishment expansion - DOJ currently funding new courts with no concurrent additional allocations for personnel and operational expenditure. - Regional capacitation – additional personnel for regions including court personnel (Interpreters, finance and supply chain management personnel) - Internship, learning and development and recruitment Technical personnel adjustments Compensation of employees – OSD for legally qualified personnel Phase 2 DOJ/NPA/LAB and entities Information Technology - Improve business productivity - Additional Investment in IT infrastructure – Hardware renewal, network infrastructure, data security and expansion of roll out of IT and information systems (E-scheduler, JDAS and GFS etc ) - maintenance, licensing, hardware renewal and backup

31 31 Medium Term: Spending Pressures Implementation cost of new and proposed legislation – Civil Jurisdiction of Regional Courts. Child Justice and Children's Act Traditional Courts Bill Superior Courts Bill - High Courts for Mpumalanga and Limpopo- Security and risk management Secure 127 justice service delivery points with integrated security infrastructure Enhancing security of personnel, departmental records and state assets Cash in Transit, Guarding Services and Security Review of the Criminal Justice System – Implementation cost of recommendations after Cabinet and Parliamentary endorsement and approval Increased proximity of courts services to all, Especially in townships and rural areas Replace 46 of 230 branch courts to ensure that they provide full court services 2010/11 Introduce multilingualism in courts

32 32 Medium Term: Spending Pressures - Other Filing - Document and Record Management Enhancement of Constitutional Development programmes Develop and implement the departments oversight mandate and functions Enhancing communication services Language Services at Court 2010 World Cup Library Services in various provinces Start-up and implementation cost of newly proposed Court Services Agency Enhancing training and development capacity – Justice College, Judicial Education Institute and HR

33 The End

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