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Teaching and Learning with Patients

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1 Teaching and Learning with Patients
Tutors: Angela Rowlands Dr Dason Evans Professor Annie Cushing Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

2 Teaching with Patients
Identify challenges to effective teaching in clinical settings & devise strategies to overcome them. Best Practice in setting up a teaching session & negotiating learning outcomes with students Appreciate the importance of preparation, debriefing, feedback, reflection and planning any changes as a result Plan for today: Setting the scene Some tools, some theory Practice Feedback Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

3 Group Discussion Teaching with Patients
What do you hope students will learn when you teach with patients? What are the challenges of teaching with patients? What things help students learn in this context? (from your experience as a teacher and/or a learner). Increases relevance for student Holistic – patient centred method Narrative of patient illness Diversity of patient / understanding difference Development of Empathy Development of professionalism Patients can provide feedback Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

4 A spectrum of involvement
paper-based or electronic case/scenario standardised/simulated patient patient shares their experience with students within faculty-directed curriculum patient teacher(s) involved in teaching and/or evaluating students patient teacher(s) as equal partner in student education, evaluation and curriculum development patient(s) involved at the institutional level in addition to sustained involvement as patient teacher(s) in education, evaluation and curriculum development for students. There is a range of patient involvement from cadaver/patient notes/anaesthetised patient  partnership teaching  Expert patients  embedded om the institution Towle, A., Bainbridge, L., Godolphin, W., Katz, A., Kline, C., Lown, B., Thistlethwaite, J. (2010). Active patient involvement in the education of health professionals. Med Educ, 44(1),

5 Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

6 Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015
Some Tools, some Theory Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

7 Click here to skip videos
The one minute teacher Trainee presents a patient encounter Get a commitment Probe underlying reasoning Reinforce what was done well Help learner identify & give guidance on omissions/errors Teach general principle SPENCER, J Learning and teaching in the clinical environment. BMJ, 326, Click here to skip videos

8 The One Minute Teacher (preceptor)
Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

9 SNAPPS teaching The key is that the learner drives the process, including deciding what they want to ask the teacher. Students need to be briefed on the process beforehand The learner… Summarises the history and findings briefly Narrow differential to two or three relevant possibilities Analyse differential by comparing & contrasting possibilities Probe the clinical teacher with specific questions about uncertainties, difficulties or alternative approaches Plan management for the patient’s medical issue Select a case-related issue for self-directed learning


11 Making the implicit explicit
‘Thinking aloud’ - You often make rapid decisions based on well practised reasoning, ‘thinking aloud’ makes these thought processes explicit to the trainee ‘Talking the talk’ - Each speciality has its own language, unwritten rules of behaviour, culture. Consider sharing some of these with your trainees. ‘Modelling’ - “Do what I say, not what I do” unfortunately does NOT work. Debriefing - “Did you notice what happened then?” Helping trainees recognise undercurrents, eg in your consultation with an angry patient.

12 Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015
Planning for learning Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

13 Gagné’s instructional events
A. Setting the stage Step 1: motivate Step 2: explaining target objectives/level for session Step 3: Stimulating prior recall B. Core learning activities Step 4: General info/overview Step 5: individualise the information Step 6: Students apply the learning Step 7: Providing feedback C. Summarizing and extending the learning process Step 8: Assessing learning gain Step 9: Encourage ongoing practice, SDL and transfer This is a basic lesson plan for the session Adapted From O'Connor, H. M. (2002). "Training undergraduate medical students in procedural skills." Emerg Med (Fremantle) 14(2):

14 Steps in Experiential Learning
Preparation - Students & Patient Action Feedback & Debrief Consolidation & New learning goals Ref: A framework to maximise students’ learning from each patient contact (modified from Dent and Harden 2001) Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

15 Intro Body Close Time Structure T activity S activity
Resources and comments Intro Body Close

16 Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015
References Spencer J. (2003) Learning and teaching in the clinical environment BMJ 326: Ker J, Cantillon P, Ambrose L. (2009) Teaching on a ward round BMJ 338: 770-2 Cantillon P, Sargeant J (2008) Giving feedback in clinical settings Aspergren K, Blomquist P, Borgstrom A. (1998) Live patients and problem-based learning. Medical Teacher 20, No.5; Ramani S (2003) Twelve tips to improve bedside teaching. Medical Teacher 25, 2; 112-5 Dent J Harding R (2001) A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers. Churchill Livingstone. Irby, D. M., & Wilkerson, L. (2008). Teaching when time is limited. BMJ, 336(7640), doi: /bmj AD Wolpaw, T. M., Wolpaw, D. R., & Papp, K. K. (2003). SNAPPS: a learner-centered model for outpatient education. Acad Med, 78(9), Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

17 Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015
Practice Examples of teaching situations Discussion Plan Practice – participants as ‘students’ and teachers. Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

Course evaluation Teaching and Learning with Patients CILT 2015

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