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*Refer to Chapter 17 in your Textbook. Learning Goals: 1. I can differentiate between renewable and non- renewable resources. 2. I can explain examples.

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Presentation on theme: "*Refer to Chapter 17 in your Textbook. Learning Goals: 1. I can differentiate between renewable and non- renewable resources. 2. I can explain examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 *Refer to Chapter 17 in your Textbook

2 Learning Goals: 1. I can differentiate between renewable and non- renewable resources. 2. I can explain examples of both renewable and non-renewable marine resources.

3 Renewable VS Non-renewable Resources: Nonrenewable Resources: resources that cannot be replenished by natural processes within a lifetime, or at all Ex: fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas)

4 Renewable VS Non-renewable Resources: Renewable Resources: resources that can be replenished by natural processes within a lifetime Ex: fish stocks & wave energy

5 Non-renewable Marine Resources: Petroleum (Oil) & Natural Gas: 1/3 of the world’s oil comes from offshore drilling sites found deep in the sand in spaces between rock Over millions of years as plankton die, their bodies undergo conversion into both petroleum (oil) & natural gas

6 Non-renewable Marine Resources: Petroleum (Oil) & Natural Gas: How could oil drilling be dangerous? Oil spills = pollution Working conditions Disrupts marine life

7 Non-renewable Marine Resources: Salt & Minerals: Salt is used for food, medicine, & melting ice Salt is extracted through evaporation of water Magnesium is a lightweight metal (used to make jet aircrafts) Magnesium is extracted from seawater using electrical and chemical processes

8 Renewable Marine Resources: Wave Energy: Caisson is a chamber filled with compressed air that creates wave energy Rising waves compress air into the chamber forcing it through a turbine that spins to generate electricity

9 Renewable Marine Resources: Marine Mammals: Whaling (killing whales) for blubber (fat) which was made into oil dates back 2,000 years 1946 International Whaling Commission (IWC) set limitations because whale populations were diminishing 1972 US Marine Mammals Protection Act prohibits the hunting of any marine mammal (but not all countries follow this!)

10 Renewable Marine Resources: Fish: Overfishing occurs when more fish are caught than the population can replace naturally Laws in place on which species you can catch & how much Marine Protected areas where fishing is banned

11 Renewable Marine Resources: Aquaculture: “Water Farming” of organisms like fish, oysters, algae Growing fish in a contained environment to help fisheries with overfishing (can be at a facility or in the water) Farmed VS Fresh fish?

12 Renewable Marine Resources: Algae: Algae is another common organism grown in aquaculture for it’s food & medicinal uses

13 Renewable Marine Resources: The Ultimate Biological Resource = Biodiversity Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is the total of all the genetically based variation in all organisms in the biosphere Biodiversity is one of Earth’s greatest natural resources by contributing to medicine and ecosystem goods and services (remember if 1 organism is removed from the ocean food chain, the entire ecosystem can collapse!)

14 Sustainable Development : Using natural resources in a way that does not cause long-term environmental harm is called sustainable development.

15 Did You Complete Your Exit Today? 1. Today I learned… (see learning goals!) 2. My strengths are… (be specific!) 3. My weaknesses are… (ok to have none )

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