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Beautiful Junk By: Marisa Kenney June 15, 2009. This unit looks at artists who use recycled, everyday objects in their art. Often those materials are.

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Presentation on theme: "Beautiful Junk By: Marisa Kenney June 15, 2009. This unit looks at artists who use recycled, everyday objects in their art. Often those materials are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beautiful Junk By: Marisa Kenney June 15, 2009

2 This unit looks at artists who use recycled, everyday objects in their art. Often those materials are called “found objects”. The first lesson is an introduction to using found objects. Artist Linley Schetkey is an Oregon artist who uses steel she finds at a local steel recycling plant. Students will be given time to try their hand at making art with recycled objects in lesson one. Activity One:

3 Activity One Objective(s): TSW watch a video clip about an Oregon artist who uses recycled materials. TSW create art using found objects. TSW discuss possible solutions to the problem of waste.

4 Linley Schetkey Video Procedure- Day One: 1.TTW give a brief introduction of Linley Schetkey. Discuss: What materials did students see Schetkey using? Why might the artist choose to use recycled materials instead of new ones? Are there drawbacks to using found objects in art? 2.The teacher will introduce recycled art project and show them the recycled materials they will be using. 3.The teacher will discuss class expectations while working 4. The students will have the remaining class period to work.

5 Day Two: 1. The teacher will begin class with an additional brief discussion about the video. 2. The teacher will allow students to work on their art for the remaining class period. Where did the artist go to gather her materials? In what way are her choices helping the environment? In what ways can more people follow Schetkey’s example of reusing materials?

6 Day Three: 1. The teacher will have the students meet in the computer lab. 2. The teacher will discuss Linley Schetkey and explain how she is just one artist who uses found objects in her work. 3. The teacher will have the students try and find examples of art created using recycled/found objects from a variety of artists from diverse cultural backgrounds, on the internet. 4. The students will choose one artist and write a paragraph describing the artist and their type of artwork.

7 Day Four: The students will have entire class to complete the recycled sculptures. Day Five: 1. The students will share their art with their peers. The student will briefly talk about the artist they researched. The student will briefly explain how their researched artist is similar and different from artist Linley Schetkey. The student will present their recycled art to the class and explain what motivated them to create their piece.

8 The second lesson is a historical look at Simon Rodia’s Watt’s Towers in Los Angeles. Rodia created huge towers out of recycled materials despite his poverty. The Watt’s Towers are still standing thanks to the engineering know how of the artists and support of community members. Students will make art out of found objects for the school community. Activity Two:

9 Activity Two Objective(s): TSW learn about artist Simon Rodia. TSW learn what the Watt’s Towers are and where they are located. TSW create community art with found materials. Procedure- Day One: 1.The teacher will review artist Linley Schetkey and discuss: Do you think other people ridiculed Schetkey for the materials she used in her art? Why not? What happened to her art when she was done? (She sold them to individuals)

10 2. Introduce Simon Rodia. He was an artist much like Schetkey because he used recycled materials to make art. He was different from Schetkey because people ridiculed him. They thought he was crazy. But he made his artwork anyway. In fact, he made it for the very people who thought he was crazy! Now people come from all over the world to see his work. Simon Rodia Video

11 3.After reading viewing the video, the teacher will allow for questions and/or discussion. Who was Simone Rodia? Where was he from originally? Where did he live? What did he use to make the Watt’s Towers? Why did he make them? For whom did he make the Towers? Where did he go when he left Watts and why did he leave? How are the towers serving the community of Watts today?

12 Day Two: 1.Written quiz- How were artists Linley Schetkey and Simon Rodia different? How were they similar? How do you think Simon Rodia incorporated his cultural experiences into his art? Give three examples. 2.The teacher will tell student the Watt’s Towers stand today because the community fought to save them. If Simone Rodia had not shared his art with the community, the Towers may have been destroyed. 3.Students will be placed in small groups to create a stepping stone.

13 4. The teacher will model how to make a stepping stone: Mix powder with a small amount of water while wearing a mask. Smear wet cement on paving stone (less than a ¼ inch thick) Set in tile pieces, buttons, etc. set aside to dry 5. The small groups will begin gathering materials and forming ideas of how they would like create their stepping stone.

14 Day Three: 1. Students will create stepping stones in small groups. 2. Stepping stones will dry overnight. Day Four: 1.Teacher will demo how to release stepping stone from form 2.Groups will share their completed piece with peers. 3.Each group will determine where to place the stones so that the community can enjoy them.

15 Assessment: Activity One 1.Teacher observation. 2.Teacher assessment of final project. 3.Research paper/paragraph. Assessment: Activity Two 1.Teacher observation. 2.Teacher assessment of final group project. 3.Written quiz.








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