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2016 Test Administrator Training. General Program Information.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Test Administrator Training. General Program Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Test Administrator Training


3 General Program Information

4 General Program Information (continued)


6 Implementation of House Bill 743

7 House Bill 743 (continued)


9 Highlights of the 2016 Test Administrator Manuals Time-to-Test in Grades 3–8 –Directions for marking time-to-test are located in test administrator manuals. –Use the AGENCY USE field to record each student’s time-to-test. –One column measures time-to-test; another column measures time taken for breaks that do not require the time clock to be stopped.

10 Implementation of House Bill 2349 House Bill 2349 requires a school district or charter school that administers a STAAR test to report to the agency whether an assessed student transferred into the school or district from out of state during the current school year.

11 Calendar Highlights ◦STAAR grades 4 and 7 writing redesigned to be completed in one four-hour administration on a single day ◦Administration of STAAR mathematics and reading for grades 3, 4, 6, and 7 moved to May ◦Administration of STAAR grades 5 and 8 science and grade 8 social studies moved to May ◦Student Success Initiative grade advancement requirements for mathematics will be reinstated and three testing opportunities will be available

12 Calendar Highlights ◦STAAR English III and Algebra II assessments are available for administration on May 11 and May 12, respectively ◦TELPAS testing window has been expanded by one week ◦STAAR Alternate 2 three-week testing window moved from February to April ◦Report dates have shifted—some reports won’t be received until June ◦STAAR EOC and TAKS testing moved to the week after July 4th

13 Highlights of the 2016 Test Administrator Manuals –Instructions are limited to test administrator duties. –Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials are included. –Appendix added that details tools available in the STAAR Online Testing Platform. –Oaths of Security and Confidentiality that are applicable to all programs are included.

14 Highlights of the 2016 Test Administrator Manuals –The Oral/Signed Administration appendix has been rewritten as a stand-alone manual. –Test administrators will record the amount of time each student took to test on their answer document for each test session.

15 Highlights of the 2016 Test Administrator Manuals –online scripts combined and condensed

16 Highlights of the 2016 Test Administrator Manuals Guide to the Test Administration Directions –use of tutorials is expected for students testing online –includes specific information about accommodations and oral administration that must be read by the test administrator prior to the administration of the test

17 Highlights of the 2016 Test Administrator Manuals Guide to the Test Administration Directions –describes special considerations for English language learners –reiterates that a test administrator must have training from the campus coordinator regarding oral administration prior to testing

18 Additional Manuals and Resources for the Student Assessment Program

19 Additional Manuals and Resources for the Student Assessment Program

20 Change to Pre-coded Materials

21 Allowable test administration procedures and materials are not considered testing accommodations, so using them during a state assessment does not require that they be recorded on students’ answer documents.

22 Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials








30 Prepare for Testing




34 Online Testing


36 STAAR Dictionary Policy (continued)






42 Contact Information Please contact me if you have any questions:  Patti Wyatt   (325) 481-4075

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