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Jamaica Louise James *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee November 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamaica Louise James *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee November 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamaica Louise James *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Agatha Lee November 2008

2 filthy Filthy means dirty. This girl is filthy.

3 The alley was filthy and needed cleaning. The teddy bear was filthy because it was dragged through the mud. I was not filthy after writing a story. filthy

4 * What would you do if your favorite toy got filthy? * What are some places that might look filthy? * Can grass make your clothes filthy? filthy

5 fellow A fellow is someone who has something in common with you.

6 My neighbors are fellow gardeners. Can you name a fellow student? fellow

7 * If you were on a baseball team, who would you want to score a point- a fellow player or a player on the other team? * When should you not talk to a fellow student? fellow

8 executive An executive is a boss that is in charge of a business.

9 Bill Gates is an executive of a big computer company. Would you be more likely to find an executive in an office or a park? executive

10 * Do you think an executive is a busy person? * What is one decision you would make if you were an executive of an ice cream business? * Would you like to be an executive? executive

11 beautifying When you are making something nicer or more beautiful than it was, then you are beautifying it.

12 The mayor thanked the volunteers for beautifying the city park. Would a new car need beautifying? Would an old house need beautifying? beautifying

13 * Tell about an idea you have for beautifying our school. * How might people feel when they are finished beautifying their neighborhood? beautifying

14 renowned When you are renowned, then you are famous for something.

15 Jamaica was renowned for her art. Celine Dion is a renowned singer. renowned

16 * Name someone who is renowned for their acting. * Is someone who is renowned known by many people or a few people? renowned

17 kin Your kin are all of your family members and relatives.

18 Jamaica and her kin spend their evenings together. I celebrated the holidays with my kin. Are your fellow classmates your kin? kin

19 * Tell about a time when you and your kin had fun doing something together. * Can you name someone in this school who is your kin? kin

20 original When something is original, then it is the first of its kind.

21 Jamaica created original drawings everyday. If you write a story in class, then is that an original story or a copied story? original

22 * Tell about a time when you had an original idea. * What would be an original idea for a party? original

23 adorn When you adorn something, then you decorate it and make it beautiful.

24 Jamaica decided to adorn the subway station with art. Would you adorn your room with grass or with pictures? adorn

25 * What could we do to adorn our classroom? * Tell about how you might adorn an item, like a backpack or a journal. * Name some ways that people adorn themselves. adorn

26 Who is the _______ of the Pepsi Company? A. filthy B. executive C. renowned D. adorn

27 All of my _______ lives nearby. A. executives B. fellows C. kin D. original

28 My friend was _______ after he spilled his lunch on his clothes. A. fellow B. beautifying C. original D. filthy

29 The baker ________ the birthday cake with icing, sprinkles, and candy. A. beautifying B. adorned C. original D. fellow

30 Tiger Woods is _________ for being an awesome golfer. A. renowned B. executive C. fellow D. original

31 I am _________ the present by adding bows and ribbons to it. A. filthy B. renowned C. kin D. beautifying

32 My classmates and I saw many ________ paintings when we visited the art museum. A. fellow B. adorn C. original D. filthy

33 That _______ is wearing the same blue shirt I am. A. kin B. filthy C. fellow D. renowned

34 Can you read these words? 1. filthy 2. fellow 3. executive 4. beautifying 5. renowned 6. kin 7. original 8. adorn

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