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RapidFunnel Mastery Call “Achieving your Goals in 2016”

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Presentation on theme: "RapidFunnel Mastery Call “Achieving your Goals in 2016”"— Presentation transcript:

1 RapidFunnel Mastery Call “Achieving your Goals in 2016”

2 Getting Started: 1. Download RapidFunnel App 2. Click on “Create An Account” 3. Enter Group Code: legalshield Login via web: https://my.rapidfunnel.com Support: http://gwpconnect.rapidfunnel.com Search for “RapidFunnel”

3 The 4 Disciplines of Execution ~ Stephen Covey 1. Focus on the wildly important 14 million by 2020 = Your Goals? Sr. Dir? ED? Platinum? 2. Act on the “lead measure” Lead Measure = Exposures and Follow up. Lag Measure = Recruiting. 3. Keep a compelling scorecard Track your Progress 4. Create a cadence of accountability Have fun Prospect s GWPConnect Video - Audio - 3way Briefings - Super Sat Follow Up Associates & Members Tracking Prospects

4 1. Focus on the wildly important

5 2. Act on the “lead measure” a. Lead Measure = Exposures and Follow up. b. Lag Measure = Recruiting. If the “Lead Measure” is “Exposures” Where do you spend your time? Manage Expectations - Increase the Number. 10% or 80% optin rate - Inspect what you Expect Book an Activity Event, “Text Team's, Phone Teams” Only two ways to improve the total # of Optin rate Improve the Quantity, then the Quality


7 What can an effectively written campaign do for you?. “Hi Nick, yes I’m ready!! What’s the next step!!!” “Thanks George, at the very least, we would be very interested in wills for our family, it’s been on our list for a while, but we’ve always been intimidated by the whole unknown process.” “What I liked best about the video is EVERYTHING!” “i only want and have written a simple modified very easy to understand will my lawyer wants 1300. it’s silly” “I met you in church Saturday Mr Dewey”

8 What can an effectively written campaign do for you?. “Met you at BigTown gun show. Interested in becoming a sales rep. Please call. Thanks.” “We met during weapons training. Question: I want to know specifically about document page review limitations, legal correspondence, and ‘limits’ on these things. Specifically, right now, I’m concerned with the HOA bylaws and the board of directors.” “Do I have to set up a Home Office? How do I get started?” "Watched the video. What’s next?”

9 What can an effectively written campaign do for you?. “i met Clyde i believe at a gas station on 12th in Ogden, we are in need of a lawyer right now after a tow company impounded our truck, and caused damages to it, please let me know what to do” “yes i am interested in LegalShield. Thank you.” “Jan, is it possible to sign up for ID Shield only? I’m sorry I’ve been so distracted not to call you back.” Debra BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Let's do it. Me and my family are ready to go to work. We have dreams, goals, and aspirations, and this just might be the vehicle that can help make it happen for us. We have a large client base already in whom we can incorporate into this endeavour. I will be waiting for your response.

10 How do you put 930 people into a Campaign? Option #1: You could do all the work yourself, adding 30 names/day for 31 days. You’d end up with 930 prospects being automatically followed up. But imagine… Option #2: If you and a team of 9 business partners who each each made 3 exposures per day………..Just 3 names/day. (10 person team including you.) 10 x 3 x 31 = 930 contacts

11 10 associates x 3 prospects/day = 930 prospects/month. Let’s assume that just half of the prospects say they want to receive emails. 930 / 2 = 465. per month. x 12 months = 5580 People 5580 people x 14 emails = 78,120. E-mails on your Team. So maybe only 465 new prospects get emails from you and your team that month. At the end of 12 months, you and your team are sending, automatically, ongoing messages to more than 5500 prospects every month. The beauty is that you’re letting the system (videos, emails, text messages) stay in touch on your behalf.


13 3. Keep a compelling scorecard How does your team put points on the board? How do they WIN! What are they measured by? It’s Literally a “Number in a box” - What’s your Number? Prospecting is something everyone can do. Have you put a goal out there as and organization. What is your organization's Lead and Lag measure? LegalShield said 14 million by 2020 Our teams first major goal is 1000 recruits per month. Teach Warm Market Prospecting (Relationship Business) Give the Prospect your Phone Explain to the prospect what to expect and why Confirm Campaign Optin before you send a Resource As a leader are you wasting time on the peripheral? Are you prospecting, teaching prospecting and holding your team accountable to prospecting ?

14 4. Create a cadence of accountability When you coach what questions do you ask of your team and workout partners? Recognition? (Super Sat, Trainings, Starbucks) What are your contest and incentives build around? What do you recognize edify and reward? Facebook, Groupme, training calls Reading 4dx as a team, is the WIG and Lead Measure talked about in your organization? Confidence Builder, Steady Eddy, The Baller! Recognize all activities, especially those that achieve their goal. Phone Team, Texts Team - LEAD NOW! Respond to training partners emails - easy to do. What does your Game Plan Interview Look Like?


16 What is going to happen in 2016? One Step at a Time - One Day at a Time! Sell Vision - RapidFunnel and 4DX Then Increase Exposures: Leadership and Duplication, GPI, Recognition Teach Follow up - 3way Calls, PCC, Phone Teams Duplicate

17 4DX Resources

18 Prospect s The 4 Disciplines of Execution ~ Stephen Covey Focus on the wildly important 14 million by 2020 = Your Goals? Sr. Dir? ED? Platinum? Act on the “lead measure” Lead Measure = Exposures and Follow up. Lag Measure = Recruiting. Keep a compelling scorecard Track your Progress Create a cadence of accountability Have fun and hold your team accountable GWPConnect Video - Audio - 3way Briefings - Super Sat Follow Up Associates & Members Tracking Prospects

19 Getting Started: 1. Download RapidFunnel App 2. Click on “Create An Account” 3. Enter Group Code: legalshield Login via web: https://my.rapidfunnel.com Support: http://gwpconnect.rapidfunnel.com Search for “RapidFunnel”

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