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Welcome to Art Two! Ms. Clagett 2015 - 2016. What you’ll do in this class… Build on your drawing and painting skills from Art 1. Try out some new media.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Art Two! Ms. Clagett 2015 - 2016. What you’ll do in this class… Build on your drawing and painting skills from Art 1. Try out some new media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Art Two! Ms. Clagett 2015 - 2016

2 What you’ll do in this class… Build on your drawing and painting skills from Art 1. Try out some new media and techniques: -spray paint stenciling -acrylic painting -printmaking Practice developing your own concepts for your artwork. Make awesome art!

3 What it takes in this class… This is Art 2. I will challenge you to push yourself a bit more than in Art 1 because that is how you will grow. But I don’t expect you to be a master artist. We all come to this class with different backgrounds and abilities. But everyone who works hard to improve will be successful. Just by making art, YOU ARE AN ARTIST. Own it!

4 These two drawings were made by the same artist, several years apart. -What do you notice? -Can you guess which artist?


6 “So you see I am madly at work, but for the moment it is not producing very satisfactory results. Still, I can’t tell you how much, in spite of the difficulties that crop up each day, I am happy to have started drawing. I have been worrying about drawing for a long time, but I always thought it was impossible and beyond my reach. But now, even though aware of my weakness, I have recovered my peace of mind and my energy revives from day to day.” -Vincent Van Gogh, September 24, 1880

7 Turn to your neighbor… … and introduce yourself (name & grade). Then tell them your answer to this question: If you could be any animal for a day, which would you choose, and why?

8 Turn to your OTHER neighbor… … and introduce yourself (name & grade). Then tell them your answer to this question: What’s the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

9 Syllabus

10 Art room priviliges… Music: Yes, during independent work time. At all other times, devices should be off and away. If your music device is a phone or wireless device, it should be in airplane mode. Food: Yes, as long as you clean up after yourself and it does not interfere with your ability to work. Bathroom: Limit bathroom use to emergencies only. Come and ask me for the pass. Your time out of class should be brief and TO THE POINT. Any of these privileges can be taken away from an individual or from the whole class if the guidelines are not respected.

11 We have a website! - syllabus -handouts and presentations -galleries -announcements If you are absent, check here and get caught up before you return to class!

12 All About Ms. Clagett

13 I was born in Seattle, and, yes, I have always been this cute.

14 I’m married to Mr.Fish.

15 I have lived in India.

16 And Turkey.

17 I love to make art. Duh.

18 I also love to sing.

19 And hike.

20 This summer I went to Hawaii.

21 And Crater Lake.

22 And I did a marmot survey for Olympic National Park.

23 Now I want to know about you! Take some time to thoughtfully complete the “All About Me” handout. When you finish, flip the page over and use the blank space to make a spontaneous artwork: - Use any of the materials on the supply table. - Create any image that is school appropriate. (If you’re feeling stuck, try starting with a collage and building from there.) -Fill the entire space with your composition. -Use all the time available to you. If you finish early, go back and add more details, OR grab another sheet from the supply table and start a new piece.

24 Clean-Up When we clean up in the art room, everyone helps out until the entire table is clean– even if that means helping to clean up someone else’s mess. Use a thumbtack to post your artwork to the gallery wall in the back of the classroom. Return all art materials to the supply table. Throw trash/recycling in the proper bin. Wipe your table off completely with spray cleaner and a rag. When your entire table is clean, sit down at your seat and wait for next instructions.

25 Gallery Walk Get out a pen and grab a sticky note. Look at the artwork on the back wall and find one that you like. Write a comment for the artist on the sticky note and post it to the artwork. The comment must be 1) POSITIVE, and 2) SPECIFIC. “I like the pattern you drew in your background.” “The way you used the color red throughout your artwork really ties it all together.” You may write as many sticky notes as you want, but YOUR FIRST MUST GO ON AN EMPTY ARTWORK so that everyone gets feedback.

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