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1. Jenny 2. Evans 4. Nina 3. Harry 1. Angela 2. Jun 4. Drew 3. Ann 1. Eileen 2. Jerry 4. Wendy 3. Janice 1. Laura 2. Johnson 4. Sabrina 3. Bill 1. John.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Jenny 2. Evans 4. Nina 3. Harry 1. Angela 2. Jun 4. Drew 3. Ann 1. Eileen 2. Jerry 4. Wendy 3. Janice 1. Laura 2. Johnson 4. Sabrina 3. Bill 1. John."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Jenny 2. Evans 4. Nina 3. Harry 1. Angela 2. Jun 4. Drew 3. Ann 1. Eileen 2. Jerry 4. Wendy 3. Janice 1. Laura 2. Johnson 4. Sabrina 3. Bill 1. John 2. Ellen 4. Bella 3. Tom Literature Circles Chapter 4

2 4. Jenny 1. Evans 3. Nina 2. Harry 4. Angela 1. Jun 3. Drew 2. Ann 4. Eileen 1. Jerry 3. Wendy 2. Janice 4. Laura 1. Johnson 3. Sabrina 2. Bill 4. John 1. Ellen 3. Bella 2. Tom Literature Circles Chapter 5

3 3. Jenny 4. Evans 2. Nina 1. Harry 3. Angela 4. Jun 2. Drew 1. Ann 3. Eileen 4. Jerry 2. Wendy 1. Janice 3. Laura 4. Johnson 2. Sabrina 1. Bill 3. John 4. Ellen 2. Bella 1. Tom Literature Circle Project Chapters 7-10

4 2. Jenny 3. Jerry 1. Drew 4. Janice 2. Angela 3. Jun 1. Nina 4. Bill 2. Eileen 3. Evans 1. Wendy 4. Harry 2. Laura 3. Johnson 1. Bella 4. Ann 2. John 3. Ellen 1. Sabrina 4. Tom Literature Circle Project Chapters 11-14

5 Roles for Project 11-14 1.Discussion Leader: You are the critical thinker of the group. What are the deeper meanings of the chapters? What are connections we can make to life? Create at least 5 critical thinking questions for each chapter. 2.Quote Finder: Your job is to search for figurative language, the language that makes the reading of this book so beautiful. Find 5 per chapter. 3.Story Mapper: Choose a strong theme and, in essay format, show us how the theme progresses through chapters 11-14. 4.Visual Artist: Draw a colorful picture of an important scene from the reading. Include quotes of descriptive language and imagery that helped you draw it. You need one picture per chapter.

6 Roles for Project 7-10 1.Discussion Leader: You are the critical thinker of the group. What are the deeper meanings of the chapters? What are connections we can make to life? Create at least 5 questions or deeper connections for each chapter. 2.Quote Finder: Look for either humorous or descriptive quotes that interest you and your group. Also find instances of figurative language. Include page numbers where you find them. Find at least 3 quotes and 3 examples of figurative language per chapter. 3.Story Mapper: Summarize the main events of each chapter. Your summaries should be written in essay format, showing how the themes of the story are progressing. 4.Visual Artist: Draw a colorful picture of an important scene from the reading. Include quotes of descriptive language and imagery that helped you draw it. You need one picture per chapter.

7 Roles 1.Discussion Leader: Come up with discussion questions to ask during the Socratic Seminars. 2.Quote Finder: Look for either humorous or descriptive quotes that interest you and your group. Include page numbers where you found the words. 3.Story Mapper: Summarize important parts of the story. Be ready to explain each event. 4.Visual Artist: Draw a colorful picture of an important scene from the reading. Include quotes of descriptive language and imagery that helped you draw it.

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