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GoogleSmart 1 Click icon. Research with Google? Students, teachers, staff—we all use Google Teachers are overheard telling students:“just Google it” Students.

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Presentation on theme: "GoogleSmart 1 Click icon. Research with Google? Students, teachers, staff—we all use Google Teachers are overheard telling students:“just Google it” Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 GoogleSmart 1 Click icon

2 Research with Google? Students, teachers, staff—we all use Google Teachers are overheard telling students:“just Google it” Students are required to use resources from subscription databases for certain assignments But we also Google—either as a start, or to check that something obvious wasn’t missed Google is incredibly powerful So let’s get better at Googling! 2

3 Today’s Goals Learn how to use Google better. –Google Advanced –Key Words, Key Phrases –Google Scholar Discover Google shortcuts and neat “things” 3

4 Keep in mind: The Invisible Web Google doesn’t search everything… What search engines choose not to index –“The Invisible Web: Text pages, files, or other often high-quality authoritative information available via the World Wide Web that general-purpose search engines cannot, due to technical limitations, or will not, due to deliberate choice, add to their indices of Web pages. Sometimes also referred to as the “deep Web” or “dark matter…what may be invisible today may suddenly become visible tomorrow.” – “If a Web page has no links pointing to it from any other page on the Web, a search engine crawler can’t find it. These “disconnected” pages are the most basic part of the Invisible Web.” Sherman, Chris and Gary Price, In Library Trends 52 (2) 2003: Organizing the Internet: 282-298 –“In fact, only a small percentage of the Web’s content is accessible to Google. The term “deep Web” refers to the vast portion of the Web that is beyond the reach of the typical “surface Web” crawlers. Surface Web search engines like Google can’t easily fathom the deep Web because most deep Web content has no links to it.” Sol Lederman,, 2009. 4

5 So let’s find a typical assignment for a young student 5

6 6 My part of the report: “find out what bottlenose dolphins eat”

7 “Regular” Google Search 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 11

12 12 Worse results than first Google search!

13 13 Eliminate the “S”

14 14 No sports teams but too many!

15 15 AND, OR, NOT + - “ ” Google Advanced = Boolean Search + more

16 16 Easy Boolean logic

17 17 AND, OR, NOT + - “ ” AND AND AND “______” -______ NOT

18 18 NOT Wikipedia

19 19 Note: you can actually write this in a Google box and get the same results

20 20 What was the original question? What do bottlenose dolphins eat? Think of synonyms for “eat”

21 21 Our new search Our New Search

22 22 More results, more focused 28,200,000 – 128,000 = 28,072,000 FEWER HITS

23 23 Further refine your results by choosing a commercial educational government computer military Note: a ~ in the URL indicates a personal page, so take heed

24 24 URLs ory/demoarea/details/1953_1.50.html ory/demoarea/details/1953_1.50.html Uniform Resource Locator  The web address which connects you to a website  It may give you information before you see the site Speaking of Domains…

25 Narrowing with domain selection 25 Select a domain to further narrow search

26 Our Final Search… 26 Now we are down to 2,370 educational sites that will have information about what bottlenose dolphins eat

27 Results #1 27

28 Result #2 28

29 Result #3 29

30 Result #4 30

31 We had 4 authoritative appropriate useful websites on the first page 31 While we had two good results with earlier searches, We did not have enough to compare and verify the information… Now we do

32 “Good enough” is not the same. 32

33 Recap Eliminate the “s” Use Boolean logic to narrow the topic Use the Advanced Search feature Choose keywords to include & exclude Select a domain 33

34 34 A search for…

35 PowerPoint Presentations 35

36 36

37 Another specific search 37 Add Region, Domain, Language, Date, Site (,

38 Results 38 II needed good information originating in Afghanistan about the education of girls

39 Recap Use Advanced Search for file type.ppt,.xls,.pdf Use the site or domain name, i.e.,,,.gov, Limit by date, region, language, usage rights 39

40 Google Scholar You have to know about Google Scholar! 40

41 Where to find Google Scholar 41

42 42 Google Scholar Subject areas Publication Author Dates Our advanced Google!

43 43 For example—to find a certain type of journal article about OCD since 2000

44 44 You may not have full text, but you will find the article citation information and be able to search in subscription databases

45 Now--Compare Searches Compare using GoogleGoogle and Advanced GoogleAdvanced Google For the question: “After reading The Merchant of Venice, why do some critics think Shakespeare was anti-Semitic?” 45

46 46 Quick Specialized Searches

47 47

48 48 Weather

49 49 Maps of towns and cities

50 50 Current time in any city in the world

51 51 Without :

52 52 Now try it with the colon : and see the difference define: conservative

53 53 With the colon :

54 54 Book review search

55 55

56 56 Click here to get the reviews

57 What’s playing near me? 57

58 58 enter Numbers in Google box Tracking numbers –UPS –USPS UPC bar codes Vehicle ID numbers (VIN) Flight status Area codes ISBN Street address

59 59 Some Additional Google Features

60 earth album earth album 60

61 iGoogle Personal Home Page

62 62 Google Docs and Spreadsheets

63 Google Alerts 63 “Kathy Fester” “information literacy” desertification

64 But kids are better than adults when they search! (you sure?) 64 Click image

65 65 This presentation was built on an earlier PowerPoint by Sharon Gullet ( Thank you, Sharon! Kathy Fester Shelton School 972.774.1772 Updated 9/2009

66 Copyright This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. 66

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