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Mary queen of scots by Emma jane Mary and commoners were two different things because the kings were the rich one and the commoners were the poor ones.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary queen of scots by Emma jane Mary and commoners were two different things because the kings were the rich one and the commoners were the poor ones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary queen of scots by Emma jane Mary and commoners were two different things because the kings were the rich one and the commoners were the poor ones.

2 how Mary lived back then Mary lived like they were the more important ones..

3 Mary was the rich and important ones and they had all the money that they what like up to 20,000 pounds and they had all the food and drinks they want like wine,. Mary life as being queen

4 Cloths back then Mary cloths were the colours like purple and red. The cloths back then were like for mary was like clean and bright colours and they didn’t have dirty cloths like the commoners.

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