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Wouldn’t we be wise to bring nature and wildlife into the city where the pleasures they bring can be enjoyed on a daily basis? Man has an inherent metaphysical.

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Presentation on theme: "Wouldn’t we be wise to bring nature and wildlife into the city where the pleasures they bring can be enjoyed on a daily basis? Man has an inherent metaphysical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wouldn’t we be wise to bring nature and wildlife into the city where the pleasures they bring can be enjoyed on a daily basis? Man has an inherent metaphysical and spiritual need for nature and he should not retreat from it. Most urban people want open spaces and trees and a contact with nature as part of their daily lives. L.C. Smith

2 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Can “good” wildlife really live in cities? Where is the habitat within cities? What are the unique challenges to managing wildlife in urban and suburban areas? Why can some species thrive in urban settings while others can not?

3 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Road issues Will we ever solve urban & suburban wildlife problems? Who cares?

4 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Importance –People: >80% of population (50% urban & 30% suburban) on ~5% of land Show a desire for nature Vote/taxpayers $ Opportunity to reach many people quickly –Urbanization = a leading cause of wildlife endangerment –Large areas of habitat Coasts & wetlands Migration routes –Damage & pests –Disease (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)

5 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Why do some make it, while others do not? (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service) Urban and Suburban Adapters, Exploiters, & Avoiders Synurbization

6 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Uniqueness of these Areas Ecological dominance of people Great diversity of habitats (suburbia) Many exotic species Species richness generally lower (urban) (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)

7 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Uniqueness of these Areas Different forms of mortality dominate Wildlife often lack wariness Individual wildlife-people relationships increase (suburbia) People are generally less knowledgeable about wildlife Kenneth M. Gale,

8 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Uniqueness of the Processes Development produces some of the greatest local extinction rates Urbanization affects more species & is more geographically ubiquitous than other human activities (NASA)

9 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Uniqueness of the Processes Urbanization (sprawl) is more lasting & contrasting than other forms of habitat change or loss Relatively little knowledge of urban & suburban wildlife

10 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Habitats Habitats created by people –Purposefully: Parks (much land in various habitats), preserves, cemeteries, museums, campuses, zoos, backyards, community gardens, roof tops

11 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Habitats Habitats created by people –Inadvertently: Abandoned areas, alleys, rights of ways, water and waste treatments facilities, airports, golf courses, & bridges Rivers & streams (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)

12 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Difficulties & issues –Habitat destruction, change, fragmentation, & isolation The urban monoculture –“Perfect” habitat & conditions in suburbia –So many people Disturbance Disconnection Lack of knowledge Non-traditional interests in wildlife

13 Urban & Suburban Wildlife The urban monoculture –Environmental uniformity “Concrete canyons” “Concrete jungle” –Lack of species & structural diversity (vegetation) Food, cover, water, & space –Movement barriers (connectivity)

14 Urban & Suburban Wildlife “Perfect” habitat & conditions in suburbia (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service) Suburban Peak - Habitat diversity - Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis

15 Urban & Suburban Wildlife So many people –Disturbance –Fragmentation –Patch size (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)

16 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Disconnection, lack of knowledge, & non-traditional interests in wildlife –Lack of land ethic –Not in the “wild” - few opportunities –Butterflies & songbirds > game species

17 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Urban & suburban zones –Challenges –Opportunities Metropolitan Center Suburbia Rural Rural-urban Interface

18 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Interaction among zones Metropolitan Center Suburbia Rural Rural-urban Interface Urban-rural gradient

19 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Multiple-use management An ecosystem approach

20 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Management: same basics, different players –Direct Remove Add –Dispersal barriers –Indirect Habitat –Food, cover, water, & space »Connectivity »Patch size Competitors, predators, disease, parasites, accidents, etc. People/human dimensions* –Non-traditional wildlife values, lack of land ethic, & lack of knowledge (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)

21 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Future Management Challenges –Never-ending urbanization/sprawl Metropolitan Center Suburbia Rural Rural-urban Interface

22 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Future Management Challenges –Never-ending urbanization/sprawl Metropolitan Center Suburbia Rural Rural-urban Interface

23 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Future Management: Proactive –Early involvement Municipal & development planning –Educate planners –Incorporate wildlife & natural resource values in planning –Mitigate effects of development –Cluster & green developments

24 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Wildlife as pests –Traditional focus of management Animal damage control –Problems controlling populations: limited toolbox Direct: harvest, birth control, scare tactics, etc. Indirect: habitat (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)

25 Urban & Suburban Wildlife What about the airports? (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)

26 Urban & Suburban Wildlife What about the roads? Photo by: Leona Schlesna

27 Urban & Suburban Wildlife Other unique aspects of urban wildlife ecology & management –Conditions Heat Island Effect Artificial photoperiods Abundant foods Lack of predators –Eastern screech owls in Central Park (NASA)

28 Urban & Suburban Wildlife So what?

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