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Great Expectations Chapters 53-54 By: Abby Torrance, Lauren Lennox, and Paige Fasnacht.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Expectations Chapters 53-54 By: Abby Torrance, Lauren Lennox, and Paige Fasnacht."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Expectations Chapters 53-54 By: Abby Torrance, Lauren Lennox, and Paige Fasnacht

2 Summary: Chapter 53 After receiving a mysterious note, Pip makes his way to the Sluice house and lets himself in after hearing no answer. A few minutes later he is attacked by a man who he later discovers to be Dolge Orlick. Orlick reveals that he killed Mrs. Joe and threatens to take Pip’s life as well. Pip’s saviors (Herbert, Trabb’s son, and Startop) scare Orlick away and question Pip as to what happened. They decide to return to London that night while tending to Pip’s hurt arm.

3 Literary Terms (53) Theme: Trust your instincts Irony: Orlick was a trusted friend, but he turned on Pip and tried to kill him Simile: “ His mouth snarling like a tiger’s.” –pg 397

4 Discussion Questions (ch. 53) 1.Who was the girl that Orlick was referring to when he said that Pip stole the girl he “fancied?” 2.Where do you think Orlick goes after escaping from Herbert and his group?

5 Summary: Chapter 54 Pip, Herbert, and Startop made there way to Clara’s house on the Thames river to retrieve Magwitch to help him escape. Pip and Magwitch plan to get on a German Steamer to go to “the other side of the world.” While on their way, another rowboat shows up with Compeyson in it. Magwitch and Compeyson jump into the water and attack each other but only Magwitch resurfaces. He is chained up and led away to prison. Pip promises to stay by him and help free him.

6 Literary Terms (54) Theme: Guilt vs. innocence Irony: In the beginning of the book Magwitch threatened to kill Pip, and now Pip is trying to save him Imagery: “It was like my own marsh country… stranded and still.” –pg. 408 Alliteration: “and slimy stakes stuck out of the mud.” –pg. 408

7 Discussion Questions (ch. 54) 1.) Do you think the Magwitch drowned Compeyson on Purpose? 2.) Will Magwitch attempt to escape again? Why? 3.) Do you believe that Pip will keep his promise and help Magwitch?

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