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What is the distance from Fujairah to Dubai in kilometers?  The distance from Dubai to Fujairah is 127 kilometers. he distance from Dubai to Fujairah.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the distance from Fujairah to Dubai in kilometers?  The distance from Dubai to Fujairah is 127 kilometers. he distance from Dubai to Fujairah."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the distance from Fujairah to Dubai in kilometers?  The distance from Dubai to Fujairah is 127 kilometers. he distance from Dubai to Fujairah is about 130 kilometers.

2 The cost of my new car is Dh 57 850. he cost of my new car is about Dh 60 000.

3 ROUND Whole Numbers Rounding UP Rounding DOWN

4 Rounding Down Example 1. Round 573 to the nearest ten. 570 580 575 573 The answer is 570.

5 Rounding Down Example 2. Round 4327 to the thousand. The answer is 4000. 4 3 2 7 thousands Digit to the right is 3

6 Answer Tt-1 on page 15 of your textbook.

7 Rounding UP Example 3. Round 7382 to the nearest hundred. 7300 7400 7350 7382 The answer is 7400.

8 Rounding UP Example 3. Round 759 to the nearest ten. 7 5 9 tens The digit to the right is 9 The answer is 760.


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