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Published byCalvin Neal Modified over 9 years ago
February – March 2016 2015-16 CAASPP Coordinator Winter 2016 Training
2 Overview What is New? Testing Windows Testing Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Security California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Technology 2015-16 CAASPP Administration Winter 2016 Training
CAASPP 2015-16 CAASPP 2016 Paper and Pencil Tests CST, CMA, CAPA Science Grades 5, 8 and 10 Standards-based Test in Spanish Reading Language Arts Grades 2-11 Computer-Based Tests Smarter Balanced Summative ELA and Math Grades 3-8 & 11 California Alternate Assessment ELA and Math Grades 3-8 & 11 3
Student Participation: Science (CST, CMA, CAPA) and STS Science: CST, CMA, CAPA Grades: 5, 8 and 10 All students take CST unless they have an IEP that designates CMA or CAPA Standards-based Test in Spanish: Grades: 2-11 Students: Spanish-speaking English learners Receive instruction in Spanish regardless of the length of time they have been enrolled in schools in the U.S. or one of its territories; or Have been enrolled in a school in the U.S. or one of its territories less than 12 cumulative months 4
Student Participation: Smarter Balanced Summative Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment: Grades: 3-8 and 11 The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments consist of the following: English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Mathematics tests Includes computer-adaptive portion of the test, a Classroom Activity, AND a Performance Task in each content area 5
Student Participation: CAA The California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) consist of the following: Grades 3-8 and 11 English Language Arts and Mathematics tests for students with significant cognitive disabilities Students must have an IEP 6
Student Participation: Early Assessment Program The Early Assessment Program (EAP) uses the high school Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for ELA and Mathematics Students taking the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in high school may choose to release their test scores to the California State University (CSU) and participating California Community Colleges (CCC) at the end of the computer-adaptive tests (CAT) Students who do not authorize the release of their test scores to CSU and CCC at the time of testing may need to provide a copy of the CAASPP score report to the campus, upon request 7
Student Participation: Who May be Exempted? Who is exempted from taking Smarter Balanced Assessments? Students enrolled in or assigned to grades 3–8 and grade 11 whose IEP team designates the use of the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for ELA and Mathematics English learners who have been enrolled in a school in the United States less than 12 months (ELA only) These students are required to take the math Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment Use MiSIS SBA Exemption Report (Available 3/9/16) 8
Informing Parents and Guardians About Testing Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 852: Each year, schools are required to notify parents or guardians of their pupil's participation in the CAASPP tests Use parent District template. Posted on the Student Testing Branch Website Schools are also required to inform parents of their right to exempt their child from taking the CAASPP tests Parents must annually submit a written request specifying the tests to be exempted Parents must submit request before students start testing Tests taken before parents submit exemption will be scored 9
10 Overview What is New? Testing Windows Testing Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Security California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Technology 2015-16 CAASPP Administration Winter 2016 Training
What is New for 2015-16 New TOMS user roles The Smarter Balanced secure browser is used for administration of CAAs Validation rules for CAAs, IEP indicator, and Accommodations Enrollment grade cutoff date Security and Test Administration Incident Reporting System (STAIRS) Deadline for Condition Codes and Appeals California will utilize the 2015–16 year as a transition year and will continue to assign classroom activities in ELA and Mathematics 11
What is new for 2015-16 Changes to 12
What is new for 2015-16 Changes to 13
Teacher Training 2015-16 Smarter Balanced Teacher Training Available in the Learning zone Self enrollment is required Mandated for all teachers who will be administering the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Teachers have to print certificate of completion from the Learning Zone for the CAASPP Coordinator Mandated for CAASPP Coordinators at schools administering Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Test Examiner Training Conducted by the CDE (Online) Mandated for all teachers who will administer the California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Mandated for CAASPP Coordinator at schools administering the CAA 14
Enhancements to the Test Administrator Interface for 2015-16 1.Scrubber for Embedded Audio A.Enables a student to drag to the desired position within the audio file. Students were previously allowed to pause the presentation, but had to re-start it in order to go back to a specific point in time 15
Enhancements to the Test Administrator Interface for 2015-16 1.Text-to-Speech Settings A.Voice pack selection must be made outside the test B.Volume, rate, and pitch can now be adjusted inside the test 16
Enhancements to the Test Administrator Interface for 2015-16 1.Persistent Highlighting A.Re-applying a student’s highlighting after a test is paused/resumed 17
18 Overview What is New? Testing Windows Testing Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Security California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Technology 2015-16 CAASPP Administration Winter 2016 Training
2015-16 Testing Calendars Subject & Grade LevelRequirement Smarter Balanced Summative ELA & Math Grades 3-8 Smarter Balanced Summative ELA & Math Grade 11 19
2015-16 Testing Calendars Subject & Grade LevelRequirement California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Grades 3-8 and 11 Science CST, CMA & CAPA Grades 5, 8, and 10 STS Grades 2-11 20
21 Overview What is New? Testing Windows Testing Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Security California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Technology 2015-16 CAASPP Administration Winter 2016 Training
Scheduling Testing Time Estimated Testing Times 22 Content AreaGrades Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) questions hrs : mins Performance Task (PT) hrs : mins Total hrs : mins Classroom Activity (administered prior to the PT)* hrs : mins Total hrs : mins English Language Arts/Literacy 3–51:302:003:30:304:00 6–81:302:003:30:304:00 112:00 4:00:304:30 Mathematics 3–51:301:002:30:303:00 6–82:001:003:00:303:30 112:001:303:30:304:00 Both 3–53:00 6:001:007:00 6–83:303:006:301:007:30 114:003:307:301:008:30
Smarter Balanced Summative: Components Computer-Adaptive Test (CAT): Also know as Non-Performance Task (Non-PT) Students complete the CAT portion of the assessment for both ELA and Mathematics The CAT includes a wide variety of question types As a student progresses, the difficulty of questions is adjusted on the basis of the student’s responses A student who answers a question correctly will receive a more challenging question An incorrect answer will generate an easier question 23
Smarter Balanced Summative: Components Classroom Activity: is administered before the Performance Task (PT) there should be no more than a three-day lapse between the Classroom Activity and the PT administration should only be administered to students once and is designed to be completed in approximately 30 minutes student notes from the Classroom Activity are not accessible or used during the PT 24
Smarter Balanced Summative: Components Performance Task (PT): Students complete a Performance Task for both ELA and Mathematics The Performance Task is designed to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to apply their knowledge and higher-order thinking skills to explore and analyze a complex, real- world scenario 25
Factors Impacting Testing Schedule Number of students to be tested Number of devices available for testing Bell schedules Number of sessions per day Morning sessions Morning and afternoon sessions Length of each session Number of Test Administrators Available staff to supervise testing 26
Factors Impacting Testing Schedule Student absences Number of make-up sessions per week School events Sports activities Field trips Graduation Bandwidth 27
Testing Schedule Resources: Bandwidth Checker 28
Testing Schedule Resources: Bandwidth Checker 29
Testing Schedule Resources: Bandwidth Checker 30
Testing Schedule Resources: Technology Readiness Calculator Smarter Balanced 2015 Testing Schedule 31 If you don’t know your Internet Connection Speed, enter 10 Mbps
32 Smarter Balanced 2015 Testing Schedule 32 Testing Schedule Resources: Technology Readiness Calculator
Testing Schedule - Sample 1 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday ELA Computer Adaptive Test 1 ½ to 2 hrs ELA Classroom Activity 30 min ELA Performance Task - Part 1 45-60 min ELA Performance Task - Part 2 45-60 min Make-Up Sessions MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Math Computer Adaptive Test 1 ½ to 2 hrs Math Classroom Activity 30 min Math Performance Task 1 to 1 ½ hrs Make-Up Sessions One Content Area Tested per Week - Session Duration 40 to 60 Minutes Week 1 Week 2 33
Testing Schedule - Sample 2 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday ELA Computer Adaptive Test 1 ½ -2 hrs ELA Performance Task - Part 1 45 -60 min Math Computer Adaptive Test 1 ½ -2 hrs Math Performance Task 1-1 ½ hrs Make-Up Sessions Break ELA Classroom Activity 30 min ELA Performance Task - Part 2 45-60 min Math Classroom Activity 30 min Make-Up Sessions Two Content Areas Tested per Week - Session Duration 40 to 60 Minutes 34 1 Week of Testing 1
35 Overview What is New? Testing Windows Testing Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Security California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Technology 2015-16 CAASPP Administration Winter 2016 Training
CAASPP Coordinator Responsibilities Identify Test Administrators (TA) for Smarter Balanced Summative and Test Examiners (TE) for CAA Ensure TAs and TEs complete all required trainings Keep Certificates of Completion for 24 months Ensure TAs and TEs sign CAASPP Test Security Affidavits (if they have not already done so) Keep Affidavits for 24 months Assign TA and TE roles in TOMS Create/Update accounts after TAs and TEs complete required trainings and sign CAASPP Security Affidavit 36
CAASPP Coordinator Responsibilities Enter and/or verify student test assignments and test settings in TOMS Create or approve testing schedules and procedures for the school site Work with technology staff to ensure that necessary secure browsers and supported operating systems are installed and any other technical issues are resolved Provide student logon information to assist TAs with student logon 37
CAASPP Coordinator Responsibilities Monitor testing progress and ensure that all eligible students participate Address testing problems that arise at the school site Mitigate and report all test security incidents to the Student Testing Branch Oversee CAASPP administration activities in the school Collect any Print-on-Demand questions and other secure testing materials following testing and securely destroy them After testing, ensure that the PDFs of CAA Directions for Administration (DFAs) are deleted from computers following testing and/or paper copies are securely destroyed 38
Test Administrator (TA) and Test Examiner (TE) Responsibilities Test Administrators (TA) administer Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Read and sign the CAASPP Test Security Affidavit Complete all required trainings and review all Smarter Balanced policy and administration documents prior to administering any Smarter Balanced Assessments Review student information prior to testing to ensure that student receives the proper test with the appropriate supports and test settings Report all potential test security incidents to the CAASPP Coordinator View CAA administration tutorial conducted by CDE, print the certificate, and submit it to the CAASPP Coordinator. (TE Only) 39
Test Administration 40
School-Based Training Test Security Topics Test Security Affidavit Review 2015-16 Test Security Affidavit guidelines Ensure ALL teachers have read, signed, and submitted a test security affidavit Test Security Protocols TA/TE TOMS accounts and student log on credentials Distribution of earphones and log on credentials (Emphasize Preferred Name and Similar Name information on SBA Label) Classroom Activity administration guidelines Reporting potential security incidents to School CAASPP Coordinator Collecting and handling scratch paper and other secure materials such as Print-on-Demand materials
School-Based Training Mandated Teacher Training Topics Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment View Smarter Balanced Teacher Training on Learning Zone and complete assessment to obtain certificate of completion Review how to create and manage a test session in the Test Administrator Interface Review student log on procedures in the student testing device via Secure Browser California Alternate Assessment (CAA) View CAA Online Tutorial and obtain certificate of completion Review how to create and manage a test session in the Test Administrator Interface CST/CMA/CAPA Science View CAASPP Paper-pencil Examiner Videos posted on ALL Review Directions for Administration (DFAs) / Test Administration Manuals
School-Based Training School specific testing logistics School testing schedule (dates and times) Distribution of Classroom Activity Testing device set up and use Make-up testing procedures and documentation Location and procedures for checking out and returning secure test materials Procedures for handling scratch paper Procedures for notifying coordinator when student test settings are not correct Other school-specific logistics
45 Overview What is New? Testing Windows Testing Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Security California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Technology 2015-16 CAASPP Administration Winter 2016 Training
Tasks to Complete in TOMS for the 2015-16 Administration Add and manage all users Verify non-default tests—California Modified Assessment (CMA), CAAs/California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA), and Standards-based Tests in Spanish for Reading/ language arts (STS for RLA) Enter Condition Codes for Parent/Guardian Exemption (PGE) and Not Tested due to Medical Emergency (NTE) Assign online test settings to students 46
TOMS Dashboard 47 1 2 3 4 5
TOMS Dashboard: Creating/Updating User Roles 48 1
1 Training Requirements: Users – Training Requirements 49 Test Examiner (TE) – CAA Training RequirementsProof of Training 1. CAASPP Security Forms Teacher TrainingCollect LZ Certificate 2. Sign CAASPP Security AffidavitFile Affidavits for 24 months 3. CAA Test Examiner Training (from CDE)Collect CDE Certificate 4. CAASPP School-Based TrainingSign-in Sheets & Agenda
TOMS Dashboard: Users Roles for Summative Assessment 50 1 Assign New Role(s): o Test Administrator – (SB Summative) o Text Examiner – (CAA) o Test Administrator & Test Examiner (both) Assign New Role(s): o Test Administrator – (SB Summative) o Text Examiner – (CAA) o Test Administrator & Test Examiner (both)
Student Test Registration Student-level Information Register Students Supports and Accommodations 12 3 52
TOMS Dashboard: Students 53 2
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Demographics Tab 54 Demographic data Data in TOMS are read-only; they must be modified in MiSIS Weekly Updates: The School Information Branch (SIB) pulls information from MiSiS for CALPADS on a weekly basis Processing time from CALPADS to TOMS is 24–48 hours New New: A snapshot of the demographic data for CAASPP reporting purposes will be pulled on a selected date during spring 2016 Demographic data Data in TOMS are read-only; they must be modified in MiSIS Weekly Updates: The School Information Branch (SIB) pulls information from MiSiS for CALPADS on a weekly basis Processing time from CALPADS to TOMS is 24–48 hours New New: A snapshot of the demographic data for CAASPP reporting purposes will be pulled on a selected date during spring 2016
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Demographics Tab 55 Grade Level: Students’ grade levels must be correct in TOMS before the first date of testing window Grade level corrections must be made in MiSIS New New: Grade level in TOMS is frozen on the first date of the District’s test administration window Grade Level: Students’ grade levels must be correct in TOMS before the first date of testing window Grade level corrections must be made in MiSIS New New: Grade level in TOMS is frozen on the first date of the District’s test administration window
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Demographics Tab 56
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Demographics Tab 57 Disability Code: New: New: Embedded and non-embedded Accommodations are available only to students who have an IEP or a 504 and a Primary Disability Type in TOMS Determines access to CAA, CAPA Science, CMA Science Must be updated in Welligent at least 3 weeks before testing the student . Disability Code: New: New: Embedded and non-embedded Accommodations are available only to students who have an IEP or a 504 and a Primary Disability Type in TOMS Determines access to CAA, CAPA Science, CMA Science Must be updated in Welligent at least 3 weeks before testing the student .
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Demographics Tab 58 Students Not in TOMS: For new students, it may take 1-3 weeks for the student to appear in TOMS Verify enrollment in MiSIS: Verify that the student has an SSID number in MiSIS (Use SBA Roster to identify missing information) Ensure that the student’s enrollment and demographic data is correct in MiSIS Ensure grade is correct in MiSIS Use the SSID number to search for the student in TOMS If the student is not in TOMS Fax “Student Data Not in TOMS” form to the Student Testing Branch at 213-241-8461 Form is available on the STB Smarter Balanced Website Students Not in TOMS: For new students, it may take 1-3 weeks for the student to appear in TOMS Verify enrollment in MiSIS: Verify that the student has an SSID number in MiSIS (Use SBA Roster to identify missing information) Ensure that the student’s enrollment and demographic data is correct in MiSIS Ensure grade is correct in MiSIS Use the SSID number to search for the student in TOMS If the student is not in TOMS Fax “Student Data Not in TOMS” form to the Student Testing Branch at 213-241-8461 Form is available on the STB Smarter Balanced Website
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Test Mode Tab 59 Test Assignment All students in grades 3–8 and grade 11 are automatically assigned the online Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Students who are eligible for the CAAs must be assigned in TOMS New New: Students cannot be assigned the CAAs in TOMS if the students don’t have an IEP or 504 and a valid Primary Disability Type in CALPADS CAASPP Coordinator should verify student test assignments a minimum of 24 hours prior to student testing Test Assignment All students in grades 3–8 and grade 11 are automatically assigned the online Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Students who are eligible for the CAAs must be assigned in TOMS New New: Students cannot be assigned the CAAs in TOMS if the students don’t have an IEP or 504 and a valid Primary Disability Type in CALPADS CAASPP Coordinator should verify student test assignments a minimum of 24 hours prior to student testing
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Test Mode Tab 60 The District uploaded a file with student test modes in December. CAASPP Coordinators should verify non-default tests and update if needed
TOMS Dashboard: Students - Test Settings Tab Supports and Accommodations are set by CAASPP Coordinator Designate test settings ASAP but before Summative Assessment Resources: Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines (REF-6420.1) Supports and Accommodations are set by CAASPP Coordinator Designate test settings ASAP but before Summative Assessment Resources: Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines (REF-6420.1) 61
TOMS Dashboard: Students - Test Settings Tab Universal Tools: Available to all; based on student preference and selection (e.g., strikethrough, highlighter) Not entered in TOMS Designated Supports: Available to all; need to be indicated by an educator or guardian (e.g., color contrast, read aloud, glossary, magnification) IEP, 504 Plan, REF-6420.1 (Att. A, B, C) Accommodations: Based on IEP or 504 Plan ONLY (e.g., American Sign Language, scribe) Universal Tools: Available to all; based on student preference and selection (e.g., strikethrough, highlighter) Not entered in TOMS Designated Supports: Available to all; need to be indicated by an educator or guardian (e.g., color contrast, read aloud, glossary, magnification) IEP, 504 Plan, REF-6420.1 (Att. A, B, C) Accommodations: Based on IEP or 504 Plan ONLY (e.g., American Sign Language, scribe) 62
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Test Settings Tab Embedded vs. Non-embedded supports: Embedded: part of the computer administration (e.g., digital notepad, calculator) Non-embedded: provided outside the computer administration (e.g., scratch paper, multiplication table) Embedded vs. Non-embedded supports: Embedded: part of the computer administration (e.g., digital notepad, calculator) Non-embedded: provided outside the computer administration (e.g., scratch paper, multiplication table) 63
64 TOMS Dashboard: Students – Test Settings Tab
65 TOMS Dashboard: Students – Test Settings Tab
66 TOMS Dashboard: Students – Test Settings Tab
67 Usability, Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines : TOMS Dashboard: Students – Test Settings Tab
68 EmbeddedNon-Embedded Designated SupportAccommodationDesignated SupportAccommodation Color contrast American Sign Language (ELA listening and math questions) Bilingual dictionary (ELA Performance Task full writes) Abacus MaskingBrailleColor contrastAlternate response options Text-to-speech (ELA and math questions) Closed captioning (ELA listening questions) Color overlay Calculator (math—allowed questions Grades 6–8, 11) Translations (glossaries) (math questions) Streamlined interfaceMagnification Multiplication table (math - Grades 4–8, 11) Translations (stacked) and Translated test directions ( for math - Spanish) Text-to-speech (ELA reading passages) Noise buffersPrint on demand** Print size Read aloud (ELA and math questions) Read aloud passages (ELA) Permissive mode Scribe (ELA non-writing and math questions) Scribe (ELA Performance Task full write) Turn off any universal tools* Separate settingSpeech-to-text Read aloud in SpanishUnlisted resources Translation (glossaries) (only paper pencil math tests) Additional alternate assessment instructional supports (CAAs only) Translated test directions (for online ELA and math questions) *Must be activated in the test delivery system. **Print on demand cannot be activated in TOMS. If a student needs print on demand, contact the Student Testing Branch.
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Test Settings Tab 69 Smarter Balanced Assessments: Welligent Section K Roster CAASPP Coordinator will receive from: Elementary: APEIS Secondary Schools: Special Education Administrator/Designee California Alternate Assessment (CAA) List of Accommodations for each CAA student FAPE Part 1 Smarter Balanced Assessments: Welligent Section K Roster CAASPP Coordinator will receive from: Elementary: APEIS Secondary Schools: Special Education Administrator/Designee California Alternate Assessment (CAA) List of Accommodations for each CAA student FAPE Part 1
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Print –on-Demand 70 Print-on-Demand Cannot be set by CAASPP Coordinator Request Print-on-Demand Request Form from the Student Testing Branch at (213) 241-4104 Complete form by providing the following information Student Information: Name, District ID and SSID Test Information: Date by which print-on-demand is needed, content area, test items, stimuli or both IEP or 504 Plan Information: Disability code, Active IEP page that indicates the accommodation Fax completed form to STB at (213) 241-8461 Requires approval from the California Department of Education (CDE) Allow for a 5-business day turn-around time CAASPP Coordinator will be notified via fax once approved Print-on-Demand Cannot be set by CAASPP Coordinator Request Print-on-Demand Request Form from the Student Testing Branch at (213) 241-4104 Complete form by providing the following information Student Information: Name, District ID and SSID Test Information: Date by which print-on-demand is needed, content area, test items, stimuli or both IEP or 504 Plan Information: Disability code, Active IEP page that indicates the accommodation Fax completed form to STB at (213) 241-8461 Requires approval from the California Department of Education (CDE) Allow for a 5-business day turn-around time CAASPP Coordinator will be notified via fax once approved
TOMS Dashboard: Students - Test Settings Tab Student online test settings must be configured at least 24 hours prior to testing Allow up to 24 hours from the time you configure student test settings in TOMS to the time the changes appear in the Test Administrator and Student Testing Interface CAASPP Coordinators are authorized to set accessibility supports for students in TOMS using the following methods: 1.One-by-one through student profile 2.File upload A.Use Template B.CAASPP Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) Tool file upload (REF-6431.1) Student online test settings must be configured at least 24 hours prior to testing Allow up to 24 hours from the time you configure student test settings in TOMS to the time the changes appear in the Test Administrator and Student Testing Interface CAASPP Coordinators are authorized to set accessibility supports for students in TOMS using the following methods: 1.One-by-one through student profile 2.File upload A.Use Template B.CAASPP Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) Tool file upload (REF-6431.1) 71
TOMS Dashboard: Students - Test Settings Tab 72 One-by-one Process Students must have IEP or 504 Plan. The IEP or 504 Plan must indicate the Accommodation For students with IEP or 504 Plan, the support must be indicated in IEP or 504 Plan. Use Attachments A, B, C of REF-6420.1 for students without IEP or 504 Plan
TOMS Dashboard: Test Settings File Upload 73
TOMS Dashboard: Students – Test Settings File Upload Only CSV files may be uploaded Do not move order of columns (column width may be changed for easy viewing) Do not change column headers (maintain in rows 1 and 2) Do not use formula 74
TOMS Dashboard: Students – ISAAP Tool 75 See REF-6431.1
TOMS Dashboard: Unlisted Resources 76 NEW: NEW: Unlisted (UL) Resources process for requesting unlisted resources (previously called “individualized aids”) Contact the Student Testing Branch before initiating any process or request in this section NEW: NEW: Unlisted (UL) Resources process for requesting unlisted resources (previously called “individualized aids”) Contact the Student Testing Branch before initiating any process or request in this section
TOMS Dashboard: Condition Codes New: New: Only two codes can be uploaded directly to TOMS: Parent Guardian Exemption (PGE) Not Tested due to Medical Emergency (NTE) Codes may be entered for individual students directly into TOMS (Manual entry) New: Batch upload of Condition Codes will be available This applies only to the two codes that can be set in TOMS as noted above New: The Condition Code deadline is last day of the selected test administration window (June 10, 2016); once the testing window ends, the functionality to input Condition Codes will no longer be available Only one Condition Code can be applied per content area per student New: New: Only two codes can be uploaded directly to TOMS: Parent Guardian Exemption (PGE) Not Tested due to Medical Emergency (NTE) Codes may be entered for individual students directly into TOMS (Manual entry) New: Batch upload of Condition Codes will be available This applies only to the two codes that can be set in TOMS as noted above New: The Condition Code deadline is last day of the selected test administration window (June 10, 2016); once the testing window ends, the functionality to input Condition Codes will no longer be available Only one Condition Code can be applied per content area per student 77
TOMS Dashboard: Reports Tab 79
TOMS Dashboard: Reports 80
Reports: School Level Student Test Setting Report 81
Reports: School Level Student Test Setting Report 82
MISIS STUDENT ROSTERS AND LABELS Smarter Balanced Assessments 83
MiSIS: Student Roster Available in late February 2016 CAASPP Coordinators generate for each teacher administering Smarter Balanced Assessments For students who are having problems signing in, verify the data with the information in TOMS Roster: Column B: Preferred Name: Preferred names must be used when reading names out loud. If the student does not have a preferred name, the column remains blank Columns D and E: Logon Credentials: First Name (Legal Name) and SSID Column J: Same (*) First Name: A “Y” for any student indicates that there are two or more students with the same first name enrolled in the class 84 ABCD EFGHI J Last Name Preferred Name (P) Middle Name Smarter Balanced Logon Credentials GradeTeacherPeriodDistrict ID Same (*) First Name First NameSSID
MiSIS: Labels – Logon Credentials 85 Label Details 30 labels per page Type: Address Label Height: 1” Width: 2.63” Page size: 8.5” x 11” Label Details 30 labels per page Type: Address Label Height: 1” Width: 2.63” Page size: 8.5” x 11” Logon Credentials: First Name (Legal) SSID Number Logon Credentials: First Name (Legal) SSID Number There are two or more students with the same name in the class Grade Period LAUSD ID # Teacher Name Grade Period LAUSD ID # Teacher Name Student’s Last Name Preferred Name: If preferred name exists, it is bold, underlined, and followed by (P). If preferred name does not exist, only last name and MI are displayed Student’s Last Name Preferred Name: If preferred name exists, it is bold, underlined, and followed by (P). If preferred name does not exist, only last name and MI are displayed
MiSIS: Labels – Logon Credentials 86 When printing labels select “Actual Size” ONLY
MiSIS Smarter Balanced Exemption Roster English Learners enrolled in a U.S. school less than 12 cumulative months as of first day of testing window: Not required to take the ELA Smarter Balanced Test Must still take the Mathematics Smarter Balanced Test CAASPP Coordinator must verify enrollment records and MiSIS SBA Exemption Roster 87
89 Overview What is New? Testing Windows Testing Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Security California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Technology 2015-16 CAASPP Administration Winter 2016 Training
Materials Needed 1.Students Logon Credentials 2.Directions For Administration (DFAs) 3.Student Roster of students to be tested 4.Scratch paper for students 5.Pencils 6.Test security signs 7.Earbuds (See next slide) 90
Earbuds Schools received earbuds for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment: Schools received earbuds based on enrollment in grades 3-8 and 11 Schools were provided with a 5% overage Defective earbuds may be exchanged/returned to the school’s Testing Center Earbuds should be designated to no more than one student for the duration of testing Place label on each earbud bag (May use labels from MiSIS) Earbuds are required for each Smarter Balanced test station. English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) tests Text-to-speech accommodation/support Job Access with Speech (JAWS) Version 16 supported 91
Scheduling Testing Time Estimated Testing Times 92 Content AreaGrades Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) questions hrs : mins Performance Task (PT) hrs : mins Total hrs : mins Classroom Activity (administered prior to the PT)* hrs : mins Total hrs : mins English Language Arts/Literacy 3–51:302:003:30:304:00 6–81:302:003:30:304:00 112:00 4:00:304:30 Mathematics 3–51:301:002:30:303:00 6–82:001:003:00:303:30 112:001:303:30:304:00 Both 3–53:00 6:001:007:00 6–83:303:006:301:007:30 114:003:307:301:008:30
Scheduling Testing Time Recommended: Schedule the CAT first and the Performance Task (PT) second The classroom activity should be completed within 3 days prior to administering a Performance Task ELA PTs have 2 parts and can be completed over 2 days Mathematics PTs have 1 part and can be completed in 1 day Recommended: PTs should not be administered on the same day as the CAT 93 CAT Classroom Activity Performance Task
Classroom Activity: Administration Guidelines All students will be assigned a Classroom Activity The Classroom Activity may be administered in a classroom or any other appropriate space Designed to be given prior to administering the Performance Task For ELA, 1 to 3 days prior to administration of the Performance Task is recommended For Mathematics, administration on the day of the Performance Task is recommended No more than a 3-day lapse should occur between the Classroom Activity and the Performance Task administration 94
Classroom Activity: Administration Guidelines The Classroom Activity is designed to fit into a 30-minute window Time will vary according to complexity of topic and individual student needs The CAASPP Coordinator should download the assigned Classroom Activity and provide to test administrators at least 1–2 days prior 95
Classroom Activity: Administration Guidelines Computers, projectors, and other technology are allowed but not required for the Classroom Activity The Classroom Activity involves the participation of all students in an instructional task Students may take notes during the Classroom Activity, but the notes must be collected and securely destroyed before proceeding to the Performance Task The Performance Task is to be completed by individual students on the testing device 96
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions Testing students in classroom-sized groups is preferable: Reduces test fear and anxiety Facilitates monitoring and control for test administrators Room should have good lighting and ventilation, and be free of noise and interruptions Remove or cover displayed information (on bulletin boards, chalkboards, and dry-erase boards, etc.) that may be used by students to help answer questions: Rubrics, vocabulary charts, student work, posters, graphs, charts, etc. 97
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions Make appropriate seating arrangements prior to test administration: Students should be seated so that they cannot view the answers of others Establish procedures to maintain a quiet testing environment: Remember that some students may finish more quickly than others. Have a separate silent activity not related to any subjects being tested 98
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions Cell phones or other electronic devices are not allowed to be used during testing (e.g., they must be turned off and put away) Post an “Unauthorized Electronic Devices May Not Be Used at Any Time During the Testing Session” sign so that it is clearly visible to all students and adults Place a “TESTING—DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the door 99
PT and Non-PT (CAT): General Test Rules Students must answer all test questions on a page (i.e., screen) before moving on to the next page Students may not return to a test segment once it has been completed and submitted Students must answer all test questions before the test can be submitted Students may not return to a test once it has been completed and submitted Test administrators must follow the “SAY” script exactly as written in the Online Test Administration Manual and/or Online Directions for Administration (DFAs) 100
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 1.The test administrator logs on to the Test Administrator Interface from on a standard Web browser Tablets are not recommended 101
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 2.The test administrator selects the test category or the grade level and content area 102
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 3.The test administrator selects the tests to administer. Additional tests can be added to a session; you will receive a confirmation message box 4.The test administrator starts a test session 103
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 5.The test administrator informs students of the Test Session ID Write or display it clearly in a place all students can see Keep a record of the Test Session ID for future reference Test Session IDs are automatically generated upon selecting the Start Session button 104 Additional tests can be added to a session; a confirmation message box confirms adding tests to a session
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session Test administrators need to distribute Student Logon Information providing students with their Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) and confirmation code (student first name in CALPADS) for logon along with the Session ID The information may be provided on a label, card, or piece of paper (i.e., logon ticket) Use Preferred Name/s when reading names out loud Additional information can be included on the logon ticket 105 Important: Student personal information is secure and must be collected and securely stored at the end of a test session, then securely destroyed at the end of the test administration
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 6.Students log on through the secure browser Recommended: Secure browsers are already launched on testing devices before students sit down to test To log on, students need: First Name (Confirmation Code): Student’s legal first name as spelled in CALPADS State-SSID: “CA” followed by a hyphen “-” and the student’s SSID Session ID: Test administrator-generated Session ID 106
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 7.Students verify their identity After logging on, students will see the “Is This You?” screen Students should select Yes to continue if the information on the screen is correct 107
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 8.Student selects the test All grade-level tests that the student is eligible to take are displayed Only the tests that the test administrator has selected for the test session and those that have not been completed are selectable by students 108 Note: Only the tests that have been selected by the test administrator will appear active. Others will be grayed out.
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 9.Upon selecting a test, students wait for test administrator approval 10.As students select tests, the test administrator can see approvals populate in the Approvals queue of the Test Administrator Interface 109
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 11.The test administrator selects the Approvals (#) button to access the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen 110
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 12.The test administrator verifies that the students have selected the appropriate test and reviews the students’ test settings by selecting See Details button next to each student 111
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 112
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 13.The test administrator selects Set to confirm the current test settings and return to the list of students awaiting approval. The test administrator still must approve the student for testing OR 14.The test administrator selects Set & Approve to establish the existing settings and approve the student for testing 113 Note: If a student’s test settings are incorrect, test administrators should deny the student, contact the CAASPP Coordinator to correct the test settings in TOMS, and test the student at a later time.
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 15.Upon reviewing test settings for all students, the test administrator approves students to test on the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen Select Approve to approve a specific student for testing Select Approve All Students to approve all students 114
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 16.After the test administrator has approved a student for testing, the student verifies the test information and settings The student will select Yes, Start My Test to begin testing or No if the settings are incorrect 115
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 17.If a student has a text-to-speech Accommodation or is taking a test with ELA listening questions, he or she will verify the audio checks through earbuds 116 Text-to-speech audio check Test with listening questions audio check
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Administering a Test Session 18.Finally, students will see the Test Instructions and Help page before they begin testing. Students will select Begin Test Now to begin testing 117
PT and Non-PT (CAT): Monitoring Student Progress Test administrators can monitor student testing through the Students in Your Test Session table on the Test Administrator Interface: Displays students who have logged on and been approved for testing 118
Pausing Tests Test administrators may pause an individual student’s test in the Students in Your Test Session table This will not affect other students’ tests There are different pausing rules for the CAAs 119
General Pausing Rules If there is a technical issue (e.g., power outage or network failure), students will be logged out, and the tests will automatically be paused If a test is paused, the student must log on again to resume testing Highlighted text is preserved during test sessions Student comments entered on a notepad are preserved This only apply to global notes 120
Pause Rules: Computer Adaptive Test (Non-PT) If a CAT is paused for more than 20 minutes, the student is: Presented with the test page (i.e., screen) containing the test question he or she was last working on (if the page contains at least 1 unanswered question) OR presented with the next test page (if all questions on the previous test page were answered) Not permitted to review or change any test questions on previous test pages If a CAT is paused for less than 20 minutes, the student is: Presented with the test question or passage he or she was working on when the test was paused Permitted to answer previously shown questions within a segment 121
Pause Rules: Performance Task (PT) There are no pause rules for Performance Tasks Even if a Performance Task is paused for more than 20 minutes, the student can return to the current section and continue ELA Performance Tasks are divided into two parts After a student completes the first part, he or she cannot return to it 122
Test Timeout Due to Inactivity As a security measure, students are automatically logged out of the test after 30 minutes of inactivity Activity means: Selecting an answer Using a navigation option in the test (e.g., selecting Next or Back, using the Questions drop-down list) Note: Moving the mouse or selecting an empty space on the screen is not considered activity Before the system logs out, a warning message is displayed 123
Stopping an Entire Test Session Test administrators can stop a test session (and therefore, pause tests for all students in the session) Select the Stop Session button in the upper-right corner of the Test Administrator Interface An “Important!” box will appear, requesting verification to end the session and log students out Select OK to continue or Cancel to keep the test session open 124
Reaching the End of the Test 1.After students answer the last question on the test, the End Test button will appear in the upper-left corner of the screen 125
Reaching the End of the Test 2.Upon selecting the End Test button, an “Attention” message will appear Students will select [Yes] to proceed with reviewing answers and submitting the test 126
Reaching the End of the Test 3.Students may review answers before submitting a test 127
Reaching the End of the Test 4.When a student is ready to submit the test, he or she will receive a confirmation screen 128
Test Expiration Rules A student’s CAT remains active until the student completes and submits the test, the selected test administration window ends, or 45 calendar days after the student has begun the CAT A student’s Performance Task remains active for 10 calendar days after the student has begun it New: New: An expired Performance Task may be extended an additional 10 days if approved by the CDE (Appeal is required) 129
130 Overview What is New? Testing Windows Testing Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Security California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Technology 2015-16 CAASPP Administration Winter 2016 Training
Online Reporting System (ORS) 131 5 Users will be routed to the Online Reporting System (ORS) Webpage Users will be routed to the Online Reporting System (ORS) Webpage
Online Reporting System (ORS) 132
Online Reporting System (ORS) 133
134 Overview What is New? Testing Windows Testing Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Security California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Technology 2015-16 CAASPP Administration Winter 2016 Training
Test Security There are three different types of test security incidents: 1.Impropriety 2.Irregularity 3.Breach 135
Test Impropriety Unusual circumstance that has a low impact on the testing individual or group of students Low risk of affecting student performance, test security, or test validity Correctable and containable at local level Example: Student talking during testing 136
Test Irregularity Unusual circumstance that impacts the testing individual or group of students May affect student performance, test security, or test validity Correctable and containable at local level If needed, CAASPP Coordinator will be instructed to submit an appeal in the TOMS Appeals module for resolution Examples: Student cheating or providing answers to others Student accessing or using electronic equipment 137
Test Breach Event that threatens test validity (e.g., release of secure materials) Example: Student or administrator takes a photograph and posts to social media External implications for the Consortium Requires immediate escalation to the Student Testing Branch at (213) 241-4104 Examples: Administrator or coordinator modifying student responses or record at any time Administrator allowing students to take home test questions, passages, prompts, or scratch paper 138
Test Security Resources Smarter Balanced Online Test Administration Manual /rsc/pdfs/CAASPP.onli ne_tam.2016.pdf /rsc/pdfs/CAASPP.onli ne_tam.2016.pdf 139
Reporting Incidents Report all potential test security incidents before the end of the school day to the Student Testing Branch by calling (213) 241-4104. District will inform school if incident must be submitted to CDE using the online STAIRS form. CDE ( will send an email to the coordinator containing a case number and action steps. 140 Within 24 hours
TOMS Dashboard: STAIRS / APPEALS 142 5 Security and Test Administration Incident Reporting System (STAIRS): NEW: NEW: Online form used by the CAASPP Coordinator to report a test security incident or other testing issue that interferes with the administration and completion of the assessment Contact the Student Testing Branch before submitting testing incidents in STAIRS Complete LAUSD Test Security Incident Form Fax form to 213-241-8461 Wait for instructions from the Student Testing Branch Appeals Do not submit an appeal unless you are instructed to do so by the Student Testing Branch or the CDE Security and Test Administration Incident Reporting System (STAIRS): NEW: NEW: Online form used by the CAASPP Coordinator to report a test security incident or other testing issue that interferes with the administration and completion of the assessment Contact the Student Testing Branch before submitting testing incidents in STAIRS Complete LAUSD Test Security Incident Form Fax form to 213-241-8461 Wait for instructions from the Student Testing Branch Appeals Do not submit an appeal unless you are instructed to do so by the Student Testing Branch or the CDE
TOMS Dashboard: STAIRS / APPEALS 143 5
145 Overview What is New? Testing Windows Testing Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Security California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Technology 2015-16 CAASPP Administration Winter 2016 Training
CAA Training Resources ResourceDescriptionAvailability Test administration tutorial Online training module specifically for test examiners February “How to” videos Short, topic-specific training videos (e.g., how to start a CAA test session, response modes, etc.) February/March Training test To familiarize test examiners and students with testing interface, item types, and accessibility resources February Training Test Directions for Administration (DFA) Accompanies the training test with scripts and guidelines; familiarizes test examiners with the format of the operational DFAs. February CAA Test Administration Manual CAA-specific test administration manualMarch
Overview: About CAAs For students whose individualized education program (IEP) team designates the use of an alternate assessment Online, summative, grade-level assessments English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Grades 3–8 and grade 11 Part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System Replaces the California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for ELA and Mathematics One-on-one assessment 147
Overview: Purpose of the CAAs Provide students with significant cognitive disabilities the opportunity to demonstrate achievement by taking a test commensurate with their abilities as indicated in the student’s IEP: Students are assessed through alternate achievement standards linked to Common Core State Standards (CCSS) The tests are aligned to Core Content Connectors (CCCs) developed by the National Center and State Collaborative The items are written to grade-level CCCs 148
Overview: Multistage Design Stage 2, T1 (Items 22–27) Stage 2, T1 (Items 22–27) Stage 2, T2 (Items 22–27) Stage 2, T2 (Items 22–27) Stage 2, T3 (Items 22–27) Stage 2, T3 (Items 22–27) Survey of Student Characteristics (Completed only once per student) Stage 1A* (Items 1–11) Stage 1B (Items 12–21) Stage 1A* (Items 1–11) Stage 1B (Items 12–21) STAGE 1 STAGE 2 *Some students will be routed automatically from Stage 1A to Stage 2, T1. However, most students will complete both Stage 1A and Stage 1B before proceeding to one of three Stage 2 sections
Overview: Student Eligibility A student is eligible to take the CAAs if: The IEP team designates the use of an alternate assessment The CDE recommends IEP teams base their decisions on the use of an alternate assessment on the following: 1.The student has a significant cognitive disability 2.The student is learning content derived from the CCSS 3.The student requires extensive direct individualized instruction and substantial supports to achieve measurable gains in the curriculum 150
Overview: Test Administration The CAAs are administered online only; there are no paper versions They are administered one-on-one by a test examiner CAA administration requires two Internet-connected devices: Student testing device Test examiner device A CAASPP secure browser must be installed on student testing devices Test examiners must use the proper grade- and version-specific Directions for Administration (DFA). DFAs must be downloaded or printed 151
Overview: DFAs Each DFA includes both content areas DFAs are downloadable from the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) They are grade- and version-specific PDFs Versions are assigned at the school level Example: ABC Elementary School is assigned “Version 1” of the grade 3, 4, 5, and 6 CAA DFAs Version assignments for each school are on the STB CAA Webpage 152
Roles and Responsibilities: Test Examiner (TE) Test Examiners: Download DFAs from TOMS Read the DFAs before testing Complete the Survey of Student Characteristics (SSC) for each student Conduct a Student Response Check (SRC) for each student Administer the tests Securely destroy all secure testing materials 154
Registering Students for the CAAs Students must be verified in TOMS for the CAAs If CAA test assignment is not in TOMS, mark in Test Mode tab in the student’s record TOMS will not process CAA registration if the student does not have an IEP in CALPADS (IDEA indicator and a primary disability code) Students must be assigned a grade in CALPADS 155
Assigning Accessibility Resources Ensure that accessibility resources assigned to the student in TOMS is consistent with the student’s IEP through one of two methods in TOMS: 1.Via the user interface (one student at a time) 2.Through spreadsheet template upload (multiple) 156
Preparing Technology All online CAASPP assessments have the same technological requirements 1.Two devices needed: Test Examiner device Log on to the Test Administrator Interface Create a test session Display an electronic version of the DFA 2.Student testing device Log on to and take a test on the student testing interface 157
Preparing Technology (cont.) STUDENT TESTING DEVICE TEST EXAMINER DEVICE CAASPP secure browser (student testing interface) Survey of Student Characteristics ELA test Mathematics test PDF version of DFAs May download or print a hard copy Test Administrator Interface Select test or Survey of Student Characteristics to administer Generate test session ID
Using the Training Test Designed to allow Test Examiners and students to try out the accessibility resources to establish the most optimal test setting experience for the student Familiarize Test Examiners and students with item types, the testing interface and functionalities One ELA and one Mathematics training test, used in conjunction with the CAA Training Test DFA Six to seven items each Not grade-specific Not to be used to measure content knowledge 159
Example Mathematics Item: Not Answered
Example Mathematics Item: Answered
Example ELA Item: Not Answered
Example ELA Item: Answered
ACCESSIBILITY RESOURCES Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations (UDAs) 164
Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations (UDAs) CAAs provide most of the Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations (UDAs) as other online CAASPP assessments: Universal Tools are available to all students by default Designated Supports are provided at the discretion of a teacher familiar with the student’s needs Accommodations must be specified in a student’s IEP or Section 504 plan All embedded and non-embedded Designated Supports and Accommodations are assigned to individual students in TOMS 165
Accessibility Resources for CAAs Designated SupportsAccommodation Color contrastStreamlined interface Masking Print size Permissive mode Turn off any universal tools* *Must be activated in the test delivery system; cannot be activated in TOMS. Embedded
Accessibility Resources for CAAs Designated SupportAccommodation Color contrastAbacus Color overlayAlternate response options MagnificationCalculator Noise buffersMultiplication table Read aloudPrint on Demand* ScribeRead aloud passages Separate settingScribe Unlisted resources Instructional supports (CAAs only) *Print on Demand cannot be activated in TOMS; contact Student Testing Branch. Non-Embedded
UDAs Consideration for Smarter Balanced Non-embedded calculators are allowed on all mathematics tests except for specific items on the grade 3 mathematics test, which will be indicated explicitly in the DFAs It is always permissible for the CAAs to be administered in the language of instruction Response modes: Mouse/keyboard Verbal response Touch screen, gestures, or point Augmentative and/or alternate communication device Eye gaze Instructional supports: Anything listed in the student’s IEP 168
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