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Angela Garcia.   Parents know that the internet is more of a source of freedom for children, so they often do not want to limit it, but want to be in.

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Presentation on theme: "Angela Garcia.   Parents know that the internet is more of a source of freedom for children, so they often do not want to limit it, but want to be in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angela Garcia

2   Parents know that the internet is more of a source of freedom for children, so they often do not want to limit it, but want to be in the know with their children  boyd wants parents to not look at the internet as a form of stress and anxiety, but a form of opportunity Parents and the Internet

3   Even with positive videos, we are seeing negative comments  These comments have an impact on those who produce the video and those who read the comments  Kids are being subjected to online bullying on a daily basis, as well as from peers at school  Kids should be able to disconnect to an extent when they are home with their families Bullying Online

4   Uk Uk  HHk HHk  Is Is Parents and Bullying source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj FiqqavNjKAhVJ5mMKHbT8C9MQjB0IBg&url=http%3 article%2FPhotos-Parents-discipline-kids-through- public-4839447.php&psig=AFQjCNHiQph87IGWztrL- ClhmZzrFNQuew&ust=1454481377442099

5   boyd discusses how teachers should not shy away from students on social media, but only if the student reaches out to them  Students could use social media accounts as an outlet or as a way of reaching out to teachers rather than talking to them in person  Teachers could make an account simply for that reason and have their personal account separate Teachers and Social Media

6 The End

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