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PERFORMANCE LEARNING CENTER Not an “alternative school” but a “school alternative”

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2 PERFORMANCE LEARNING CENTER Not an “alternative school” but a “school alternative”

3 Community In the 2005-2006 school year, only one of the four high schools met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) One high school has consistently failed AYP the previous three years Areas of concern:  low academics  graduation rates

4 Intervention and Setting The development of a fifth high school was designed through Communities in Schools (CIS) to address some Adequate Yearly Progress problems This new high school is the smallest in the county, consisting of 60 students who are a culmination of students from the other four high schools The Performance Learning Center (PLC) has students ranging in age from 16 to 19 years, juniors and seniors Students’ purpose for coming to this school is to improve their chances of graduating from high school

5 Benefits of PLC  Creating a small high school within the county through Communities in Schools can: – Boost the county’s graduation rate – Improve school attendance – Decrease the county drop out rate – Provide students with opportunities to gain technical training – Supply students with computer-based programs – Present students with the idea of college as an option – Allow student to participate in youth apprenticeships

6 Goals Decrease the subject failure rate for all classes  Add to the number of passing students from each school that take End of Course tests and the graduation test for the first time  Improve the attendance and graduation percentage through student perceived success

7 Who Are Good Candidates  Students who are missing many credits  Students who only need a few credits  Student who can work independently  Students who will miss or have missed school due to maternity or illness  Students who have difficulty with school because of severe shyness  Students who have moved from other districts causing credit issues  Students with half credits in core courses

8 Applicant Requirements  Must pass BASI reading and math test at 8.5 grade level  Must have behave appropriately  Must be willing to attend school daily and on time  Must attend interview with parents  Must complete Service Learning hours each semester


10 OBJECTIVE 1  T ogether we will work on practice questions and answers

11 OBJECTIVE 2 SS tudents who are absent will make up the time before or after school if they want to stay in the program

12 OBJECTIVE 3  S tudents will see success and perceive graduation is possible

13 OBJECTIVE 4  C elebration and ownership are the keys

14 Methods  Computer-based courses from the students’ perspective - evaluating what is being taught  Operate on 9 week Mini-Mesters - Two classes each 9 weeks  Course pacing guides that gives students individual weekly lessons (pacing guide covers 9 weeks, but can be finished sooner)

15 Methods  Establish groups to work together on practice tests  Celebrate module and assignment completion  Align the projects to the skills being learned online

16 Methods  Provide weekly conference with each student  Provide assistance to students before they are caught in a computer loop of re-dos  Students making up absences before or after school will have one on one lecture or remediation  Create project-based assessments

17 EVALUATION PLAN  The goals and implementation of methods will be on going.  The hands-on-approach is designed to stay involved with the students, keeping him/her on task.  The measurement will come with the completion of the modules, project-based assessments and/or writing assignments,.  Providing individual help to students who might have otherwise chosen to drop out, will offer observable evidence as the graduation rate improves  All of this will reflect positively on the county as a whole

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