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Japanese Earthquake LO - To investigate the Japanese Tsunami- caused Earthquake of 2011 Tasks – using the newspapers Evaluate the impacts of the earthquake.

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Presentation on theme: "Japanese Earthquake LO - To investigate the Japanese Tsunami- caused Earthquake of 2011 Tasks – using the newspapers Evaluate the impacts of the earthquake."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japanese Earthquake LO - To investigate the Japanese Tsunami- caused Earthquake of 2011 Tasks – using the newspapers Evaluate the impacts of the earthquake. How devastating was it? Give reasons for your decision.

2 Turn those facts in to developed explanation Use these connectives; – Meaning, causing, creating, destroying, leaving – Despite, although, – Whereas, compared to, against How devastating was the Japanese Earthquake?

3 Japan has always been terrified by Tsunami


5 Basically…





10 Where it affected

11 Types of Effects Effects are often classified as primary and secondary impacts. Primary effects occur as a direct result of the ground shaking, eg buildings collapsing. Secondary effects occur as a result of the primary effects, eg tsunamis or fires due to ruptured gas mains.


13 Are they right to be terrified?

14 BBC Panorama Video How are you going to collect your notes? Which method is most appropriate? Remember to code your notes (SEE, Long/Short Term, Primary/Secondary) Ideas; 5Ws & 1H or Causes, Consequences & Management/Response

15 Why did the Japanese Tsunami kill less people than the Haitian Earthquake? Compare the Indicators of Development for Japan, Haiti and the UK Make a table Select the statistics that you think are relevant to this enquiry question IoDHaitiJapanUnited Kingdom

16 Which Indicators of Development are most relevant? Why? What does it tell you? What assumptions can you make?

17 Cholera caused by UN in Haiti 4 years after the earthquake Cholera outbreak caused by UN in Haiti Why did this happen? What is Cholera? Would it happen in the UK/Japan? Why?

18 3 Killer Points Why was it so bad? What links can you make to your knowledge? How well had Japan prepared for it?

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