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Chapter 2 Historical Figures A Glimpse of Chinese Traditional Culture.

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1 Chapter 2 Historical Figures A Glimpse of Chinese Traditional Culture

2 Yuanmou Man and Peking Man The first primitive man known to have existed in China is Yuanmou Man, who lived 1.7 million years ago. Peking Man, who existed more than 400,000 years ago, could walk upright, make and use simple tools, and make use of fire.

3 The Ancient Period Why are we called “the descendants of Yan and Huang ( 炎黄子孙 )”? Why are we called “the descendants of Yan and Huang ( 炎黄子孙 )”? Chinese history began with two legendary figures—Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan, who, together with their tribes, inhabited the drainage area along the middle reaches of the Yellow River. By the time of Xia Dynasty, after centuries of living side by side, these two tribes had gradually merged into one. Consequently, the Chinese people usually themselves “the descendants of Yan and Huang”. Chinese history began with two legendary figures—Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan, who, together with their tribes, inhabited the drainage area along the middle reaches of the Yellow River. By the time of Xia Dynasty, after centuries of living side by side, these two tribes had gradually merged into one. Consequently, the Chinese people usually themselves “the descendants of Yan and Huang”.

4 Yu conquering the flood Yu inspired people to dig ditches to divert water instead of building dams. He worked ceaselessly for 13 years and succeeded in controlling the floods.  T T T The First Emperor of Qin He unified the Language, the measurement system and the currency, set up the prefectures and counties system, constructed the famous Great Wall and built extravagant palaces and mausoleums.


6 Printing Printing, known as “ mother of civilization ”, was a great invention of the Chinese people. Printing, known as “ mother of civilization ”, was a great invention of the Chinese people. It has a long history and includes block printing ( 雕版印刷 ) and movable type printing ( 活字印刷 ). It has a long history and includes block printing ( 雕版印刷 ) and movable type printing ( 活字印刷 ).

7 Block Printing was probably invented between the Sui and Tang dynasties. The process of block printing started with the cutting of wood into blocks, and then characters were engraved in relief ( 凸起 ) on the blocks. Ink was brushed on the engraved block and a white sheet of paper was spread across it and then brushed with a clean brush on its back leaving an image when the paper was removed. Block Printing was probably invented between the Sui and Tang dynasties. The process of block printing started with the cutting of wood into blocks, and then characters were engraved in relief ( 凸起 ) on the blocks. Ink was brushed on the engraved block and a white sheet of paper was spread across it and then brushed with a clean brush on its back leaving an image when the paper was removed.

8 The world ’ s oldest surviving book printed on paper is Vajra Sutra ( 《金刚经》 ). The world ’ s oldest surviving book printed on paper is Vajra Sutra ( 《金刚经》 ). It is the earliest woodcut illustration in a printed book. It is the earliest woodcut illustration in a printed book.

9 Bi Sheng: Founder of Movable Type Printing Movable Type Printing involved engraving single words into pieces of clay, firing them until hardened and using them as permanent type. The type was then set into printing plates. Movable Type Printing involved engraving single words into pieces of clay, firing them until hardened and using them as permanent type. The type was then set into printing plates.

10 Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) Traditional Chinese painting, Beijing Opera, and traditional Chinese medicine are known throughout the world as the three treasures of China. Traditional Chinese painting, Beijing Opera, and traditional Chinese medicine are known throughout the world as the three treasures of China. Traditional Chinese medicine is very different from Western Medicine in its means of diagnosis, treatment and its composition of drugs and prescriptions. Traditional Chinese medicine is very different from Western Medicine in its means of diagnosis, treatment and its composition of drugs and prescriptions.

11 Chinese practitioners of traditional medicine take a holistic approach to diagnosis. They consider the whole body of the patient: his/her diet, age, habits, emotions, life- style and living environment. They pay particular attention to the causes of the sickness rather than the symptoms. Chinese practitioners of traditional medicine take a holistic approach to diagnosis. They consider the whole body of the patient: his/her diet, age, habits, emotions, life- style and living environment. They pay particular attention to the causes of the sickness rather than the symptoms.

12 Observing, smelling, inquiring, and feeling the pulse ( 望、闻、问、 切 ) are four diagnostic ( 诊断的 ) methods in traditional Chinese medicine. Observing, smelling, inquiring, and feeling the pulse ( 望、闻、问、 切 ) are four diagnostic ( 诊断的 ) methods in traditional Chinese medicine.

13 There were a large number of great men of medical science and materia medica ( 草药 学 ) in ancient China. How many do you know? There were a large number of great men of medical science and materia medica ( 草药 学 ) in ancient China. How many do you know?

14 Bian Que ( 扁鹊 ), of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period, specialized in treating diseases of women and children and the five sense organs. He invented the four diagnostic methods. Bian Que ( 扁鹊 ), of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period, specialized in treating diseases of women and children and the five sense organs. He invented the four diagnostic methods.

15 Hua Tuo ( 华佗 ), of the Eastern Han Dynasty, specialized in medicine ( 内科 ), surgery ( 外科 ), gynecology ( 妇科 ) and pediatrics ( 儿科 ). He invented a general anesthetic Mafeisan ( 麻醉剂 “ 麻 沸散 ” ) and a system of therapeutical ( 医疗的 ) exercises called “ the Five-animal exercises ” ( 五禽戏 ). Hua Tuo ( 华佗 ), of the Eastern Han Dynasty, specialized in medicine ( 内科 ), surgery ( 外科 ), gynecology ( 妇科 ) and pediatrics ( 儿科 ). He invented a general anesthetic Mafeisan ( 麻醉剂 “ 麻 沸散 ” ) and a system of therapeutical ( 医疗的 ) exercises called “ the Five-animal exercises ” ( 五禽戏 ).

16 Zhang Zhongjing ( 张仲景 ), of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was the author of a famous medical works called Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Disease 《伤寒杂病论》. The works consists of over 300 prescriptions and 200 medicines. Zhang Zhongjing ( 张仲景 ), of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was the author of a famous medical works called Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Disease 《伤寒杂病论》. The works consists of over 300 prescriptions and 200 medicines.

17 Li Shizhen ( 李时珍 ) of the Ming Dynasty, whose monumental masterpiece, Compendium of Meteria Medica ( 本草纲目 ), includes 1,892 medicinal substances, 11,096 prescriptions, and 1,162 illustrations. Li Shizhen ( 李时珍 ) of the Ming Dynasty, whose monumental masterpiece, Compendium of Meteria Medica ( 本草纲目 ), includes 1,892 medicinal substances, 11,096 prescriptions, and 1,162 illustrations.

18 Discussion(10 minutes) Chinese traditional medicine and Western medicine, which do you prefer? Chinese traditional medicine and Western medicine, which do you prefer?

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