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Using technology to help our students communicate Presenters: Natalie Korda & Jennifer Laquerre.

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Presentation on theme: "Using technology to help our students communicate Presenters: Natalie Korda & Jennifer Laquerre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using technology to help our students communicate Presenters: Natalie Korda & Jennifer Laquerre

2 Who we are…  Foreign language educators at Charlotte Catholic High School in Charlotte, NC.  Communication junkies  Technology testers—We”ll try anything once…and love to share what we’ve learned with others

3 Who is here with us today?  Subject areas  Schools

4 What we’ll do today…  Share some tools to help you and your students communicate with others in their own classroom, schools, the US and the world through:  Google Earth  Voicethread  Skype for Educators

5 Google Earth “Like taking a field trip without leaving the classroom.” Image from:

6 Google Earth for the classroom:  Science  Global Awareness  Heroes of Google Earth  Climate Change  Projecting future  Cliimate action  Speaking to the forest  Earth Exploration  Moon/Mars/Sky  Oceans arth/explore/showca se/ arth/explore/gallery/

7 Google Earth for the classroom:  Social Studies  Historical Imagery  3D Buildings  Landmarks  US Presidents  UNESCO  Crisis and Humanitarian  Street View arth/explore/showca se/ arth/explore/gallery/

8 Google Earth for the classroom:  English  Historical Imagery  Compare and contrast  UNESCO  Culture and History  Street View arth/explore/showca se/ arth/explore/gallery/

9 Google Earth for the classroom:  Fine Arts  Favorite Places  Global trendsetters  UNESCO  3D Buildings  Culture and History  Street View arth/explore/showca se/ arth/explore/gallery/

10 Google Earth for the classroom:  World Languages  Global Awareness  Culture and History  Historical Imagery  Neighborhood Lay-outs  3D Buildings  Favorite Places  Street View arth/explore/showca se/ arth/explore/gallery/

11 Google Earth for the classroom:  Religion  Global Awareness  3D Buildings  UNESCO  Culture and History  Crisis and Humanitarian arth/explore/showca se/ arth/explore/gallery/

12 Google Earth for the classroom:  Health  Global Awareness  UNESCO  Crisis and Humanitarian arth/explore/showca se/ arth/explore/gallery/

13 Connect…  Blogs covering a variety of topics for every kind of subject area  Information from experts in the field  Ways to get involved

14 Another great resource from Google Earth… earth-for-educators/  Classroom resources  Teacher-to-teacher talk  Student work showcase  Tutorials and tips

15 Audience questions, before moving on to next topic.

16 Voicethread   Funding provided for MACS system-wide (information to follow in the coming months)  Teaching tool which can be student or teacher produced.  Can be utilized in any subject area.

17 What to create… Teacher-initiated  Critique  Dialogue  Speaking practice  Discussion Student-initiated  Compare/contrast  Projects  Dialogue  News/Current event reports

18 Real life examples… Teacher-initiated  Post a piece of realia (poem, picture, article, quote, etc.)  Have students write or respond orally. Student-initiated  Describe yourself to the class (orally or written) using pictures, clip art, or drawings.

19 Audience questions, before moving on to next topic.

20 Skype Many uses, especially real-world applications that can be tailored to classroom activity.

21 Skype in the classroom  Join a project  Create a project

22 Classroom to Classroom or School to School  Collaborate with teachers, promoting discussion between classes  Have upper levels help lower levels  Have high schools read stories to elementary school students, without leaving the building

23 Skype with Experts  Use your experts in a variety of subject areas  Have your students hear presentations by these experts, with a great question/answer segment  Avoid security issues of bringing outsiders into your schools  Respect your expert’s time—no travel time or wasted time between presentations

24 Audience questions on Skype.

25 Final questions/comments? Thank you for attending our presentation today. We hope that you found something that you can use in your classroom.

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