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Question Everything!  Science- the knowledge obtained by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principles.

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2 Question Everything!

3  Science- the knowledge obtained by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principles that can be verified or tested  Investigation  Research  Observation  Experimentation  Benefits of science!  Recycling (Saving resources)  Fighting diseases  Answering questions

4  Zoologist  Geochemist  Mechanic  Oceanographer  Volcanologist  Any job ever!

5  Scientific Method- a series of steps followed to solve problems  Ask a question  Make observations  Form a hypothesis ▪ Hypothesis-an explanation that is based on prior scientific research or observations and that can be tested  Test the Hypothesis  Analyze the results  Draw Conclusions  Communicate results

6  Controlled experiments!  an experiment that tests only one factor at a time by using a comparison of a control group with an experimental group  Variable  a factor that changes in an experiment in order to test a hypothesis  Change only ONE at a time!  Analyzing results of experiments help scientists focus on the effect of the varriable

7  Types of Models  Physical  Mathematical  conceptual ▪ Ideas, comparisons, behavior  Model- a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system, or concept

8  Knowledge can change when a scientist makes a new Hypothesis  Models can represent things that do not exist, is to small to see, or to see a large item scaled down  Models can help us understand things  Theory-an explanation that ties together many hypotheses and observations  Law-A summary of many experimental results and observations: a law tells us how things work  New evidence can always challenge accepted ideas and scientists can re-evaluate old ideas

9  Models are useful but not perfect  A model is not the object it is representing!  A model only tells part of the story  This model shows us what a dinosaur might look like, but that’s it!


11  Engineering Design Process - the process engineers use to develop a new technology  Step 1- Identify a need  Step 2- Develop possible solutions  Step 3- Make a prototype ▪ Prototype- a test model of a product  Step 4- Testing and Evaluation ▪ Cost benefit analysis- the process of determining whether the cost of doing something is worth the benefit provided  Step 5 - Improve! Repeat forever!

12  Intended Benefits vs. Unintended consequences  Bioengineering  Engineering on living organisms  Assistive Bioengineering  Helps, not permanent  Adaptive Bioengineering  Permanently changes individual

13  SI Units- Easy to use, most widely used, and makes information sharing easy



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