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Authentic Leadership Exploring Contemporary Leadership Theories.

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Presentation on theme: "Authentic Leadership Exploring Contemporary Leadership Theories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authentic Leadership Exploring Contemporary Leadership Theories

2 Concept of Authenticity - ‘to thine own self be true’ Being, knowing, and remaining true to one’s self Understanding of beliefs, strengths, talents, desires and resists compromising own principles Coherence between what one is and what one does An authentic self-expression that creates value

3 Authentic Leadership Development “Process that draws from both positive psychological capacities and a highly developed organizational context, which results in both greater self-awareness and self-regulated positive behaviors on the part of leaders and associates, fostering positive self-development.”

4 Components of Authentic Leadership Positive psychological capacities: confidence, optimism, hope, resiliency, faith Positive moral component: ethical actions, truthful, honest Leader self-awareness: values, identity, emotions, goals/motives Leader self-regulation: aligning values with intentions & actions Knowledge of weaknesses & strengths Pure, real, takes responsibility for decisions

5 …Authentic Leadership Align actions over time across varying situational challenges Foster positive ethical climate by practicing what preaches Help followers realize full potential

6 Leader: Authenticity ‘leadership style that is consistent with leaders personality, and that is honest, ethical, and practical’ ‘more interested in empowering employees than in money or personal power’ ‘continued personal growth and committed to building lasting relationships and strong organizations’

7 References Alok, Kumar, and D. Israel. "Authentic Leadership & Work Engagement." Indian Journal Of Industrial Relations 47.3 (2012): 498-510. Business Source Premier. Web. 2 Apr. 2013. Ardichvili, Alexandre, and Steven Manderscheid. "Emerging Practices in Leadership Development: An Introduction.” Advances in Developing Human Resources, 10.5 (2008): 619-631. Avolio, Bruce J, and William L Gardner. "Authentic Leadership Development: Getting to the Root of Positive Forms of Leadership." The Leadership Quarterly, 16.3 (2005): 315-338. Avolio, Bruce J. "Promoting More Integrative Strategies for Leadership Theory-building." The American Psychologist, 62.1 (2007): 25-33.

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