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Bell Work 9/28/15 Choose one of the following questions to answer for bell work: 1.How has technology helped us? 1.How has technology hurt us?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work 9/28/15 Choose one of the following questions to answer for bell work: 1.How has technology helped us? 1.How has technology hurt us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work 9/28/15 Choose one of the following questions to answer for bell work: 1.How has technology helped us? 1.How has technology hurt us?

2 What Are We Doing Today? Lab Activity – Design/Modify Your Own Technology Objective – I can explain the difference between assistive and adaptive technology. Standard(s) – NGSS Practice 8: Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. Classwork – Students will takes notes on adaptive/assistive technology. – Students will watch a video about bioengineering technology. – Students will complete the lesson with an exit ticket. Homework – Write a paragraph explaining the similarities and differences between adaptive and assistive bioengineering technologies.

3 Technology & Society Technology provides solutions for many types of social, political, and economic needs. Intended Benefit An intended benefit is the positive purpose for which a technology is designed to be used. Unintended Consequences Unintended consequences are uses or results that engineers do not purposely include in the design of products. An unintended consequence can be harmful or beneficial.

4 Shoulder Partners With your shoulder partner, take 1 minute to discuss a technology. What are some intended benefits and consequences you can think of? Write your technology on a post-it note. Put your post-note either on the paper that says ‘Adaptive Technologies’ or ‘Assistive Technologies.’

5 Intended benefit and unintended consequences List the intended benefit and unintended consequence for each technology: – Aspirin Intended benefit- pain reliever Unintended consequence- prevents heart attacks & reduce the severity of strokes – Cars Intended benefit- Faster transportation Unintended consequence- air pollution – DDT (pesticide) Intended benefit- kill insects and other plant pests Unintended consequence- interfering with the reproduction in birds and killed them; helped put bald eagles on the endangered species list

6 Adaptive vs. Assistive Technologies Bioengineering involves the use of technology to alter or improve living damaged body parts. Bioengineered technologies can be classified as either assistive or adaptive. – Assistive technologies are developed to HELP organisms without changing them. – Adaptive bioengineered products CHANGE the living organism.


8 Assistive or Adaptive?

9 Titanium Chairs and Cheetah Legs and-cheetah-legs/ In your composition book, answer these questions: Were the technologies shown in the video adaptive or assistive technologies? How do you know?

10 Exit Ticket Engineers are working to develop new streetlights that can be powered using energy from the sun. The lights will cost more to purchase than existing lights, but should cost less to operate over time. What is the most likely intended benefit of this technology? A better lighting B longer-lasting bulbs C an increase in fossil fuel use D lower electrical costs for communities

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