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Do Now Take the “Current Event Assignment Directions” and begin looking over directions *You may write on these/keep them.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Take the “Current Event Assignment Directions” and begin looking over directions *You may write on these/keep them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Take the “Current Event Assignment Directions” and begin looking over directions *You may write on these/keep them

2 Argument Structure Claim Grounds Warrant Rebuttal

3 Claim This is your position on this issue/your thesis statement Every piece of evidence/explanation in your paper will support this claim Someone should be able to disagree with your claim

4 Grounds Evidence Someone cannot disagree with your grounds (statistics, facts, quotes from a source, etc.) Your grounds are someone else’s words and must be cited

5 Warrant An explanation of how your grounds supports your claim These are your own words/thoughts Someone could disagree with your warrant Warrants should be clear, detailed, and logical

6 Rebuttal Acknowledge the opposition. There are people who disagree with your claim, explain why. After explaining the opposition, explain why your position is still the stronger/more logical answer.

7 Example Claim: Students should be required to wear uniforms to school. Grounds: Some students are made fun of based on what they wear. Warrant: Since mandatory uniforms would mean that students are all wearing the same thing, they would be less likely to be made fun of based on what they wear. Rebuttal: Some may say that mandatory uniforms inhibit students’ creative self-expression. However, students may still express themselves with their hair, makeup, accessories, or through other non-fashion related means. Therefore, since uniforms would potentially decrease teasing and still allow students to have some means of creative expression, mandatory uniforms would still be beneficial.

8 Let’s try it together! Claim: U.S. children and adolescents ( should / should not ) be required to attend K-12 schooling. Grounds: Warrant: Rebuttal:

9 Define your terms Strong: not easily affected by disease or hardship, not easily disturbed, upset, or affected, showing determination, self control, and good judgment Weak: lacking the force of character to hold one’s own decisions, beliefs, or principles, irresolute (hesitant, uncertain)

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