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Establishment of the New Universities in Kimberley, Northern Cape and Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Presentation to the Parliamentary Committee On Higher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Establishment of the New Universities in Kimberley, Northern Cape and Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Presentation to the Parliamentary Committee On Higher Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Establishment of the New Universities in Kimberley, Northern Cape and Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Presentation to the Parliamentary Committee On Higher Education and Training 19 June 2013

2 Overview New Universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape & Nelspruit Mpumalanga June 2013 Key aspects of progress towards the establishment of the new universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape and Nelspruit, Mpumalanga: Publication of Gazettes establishing the universities Land assembly Academic establishment Institutional establishment Feasibility and site verification Implementation Plan and Budget Spatial Development

3 Gazette Proclamation Publication of Gazette to establish the university as a juristic person (the Higher Education Act) : The physical address of the university The type of University (comprehensive) Establishment of Interim Councils for each university The name of each new university Stakeholder consultation to meet the requirements of PAJA Proclamation imminent New Universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape & Nelspruit Mpumalanga June 2013

4 Land Assembly Record of Intent signed by relevant Government stakeholders - confirmation of publicly owned land Northern Cape: NC Premier; MEC’s; Sol Plaatje Municipality Executive Mayor; Frances Baard Municipality Executive Mayor Mpumalanga: Premier and MEC’s Agreement from FET College and Diamondveld School ongoing engagement with TRANSNET (support from DPE) Essential land for new universities has been secured On going land issues: User Agreements on city shared amenities (Kimberly) Road infrastructure upgrades and sharing of costs Bulk supply contributions (phasing) New Universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape & Nelspruit Mpumalanga June 2013

5 Academic & Institutional: Northern Cape Comprehensive residential university with a strong seat and potential for future multi-campus expansion and growth Academic programmes and institutional establishment supported in partnership with with UFS and CPUT HEQC/ CHE accreditation and quality assurance processes on track for start up programmes in 2014 Small scale 2014 start up in selected programmes: Bachelor of Education in MST (UFS) Information Technology (CPUT) Retail Business Management (CPUT) Iconic academic programmes (from 2015 onwards) Heritage Studies, Archeology, restoration architecture and indigenous languages (Koi-San) New Universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape & Nelspruit Mpumalanga June 2013

6 Academic & Institutional : Mpumalanga Comprehensive multi-campus residential university with a strong seat and potential for growth; teacher education campus established at Siyabuswa Campus (FP and IP) Academic programmes and institutional establishment supported in partnership with UJ and UKZN HEQC/ CHE accreditation and quality assurance processes commenced on track for start up programmes in 2014 Small scale 2014 start up in selected programmes: Bachelor of Education (Foundation Phase) [Siyabuswa] Bachelor of Agriculture (extension) Diploma in Hospitality Iconic academic programmes Agriculture; African Languages teaching New Universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape & Nelspruit Mpumalanga June 2013

7 Development of research niches – Research chairs and Centers of excellence initially linked to Heritage Studies and Kou-San Languages (NC); Agriculture(MP) and African Language Teaching (MP/NC) Relevant links to Research Institutes and other institutions Possible partnerships with provincial departments and local business Skills centres Technology innovation hubs Provincial bursary programmes - essential for initial start up success Academic & Research New Universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape & Nelspruit Mpumalanga June 2013

8 Institutional Institutional establishment guidelines ready for hand over to interim Councils Start up plan including Human Resources strategy prepared Partnership model and draft MoAs with partner universities ready for consideration by the Interim Councils Appointment of Interim Councils by the Minister Appointment of interim management by the Interim Councils New Universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape & Nelspruit Mpumalanga June 2013

9 Feasibility & Site Verification Feasibility studies for each university submitted to National Treasury (to support 2013 MTEF Bid) Range of verification studies to confirm planning parameters: geotechnical, environmental, town planning (completed Dec 2012), heritage studies underway Currently in detailed planning phase for construction commencement by September 2013 Architectural competitions currently underway (NC and MP) NC Plans for initial construction on FET Campus site lodged Economic Impact assessment completed Environmental Impact Assessment underway (NC and MP) New Universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape & Nelspruit Mpumalanga June 2013

10 Implementation Plan and Budget Full implementation plans based on feasibility study completed Ten-year development plan to enable successful establishment and future growth Total capital and operational costs estimated in current Rand values to be R6,6 billion for the Northern Cape (5000 FET students) and R10.3 billion for Mpumalanga (15 000 FTE students) MTEF funding secured in line with development plan (2013/14 – 2015/16) Official Launch planned for September (NC) and October (MP) – awaiting confirmation of dates from Presidency New Universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape & Nelspruit Mpumalanga June 2013


12 Spatial Development Framework New Universities in the Kimberley, Northern Cape & Nelspruit Mpumalanga June 2013

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