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Published byBrice Mosley Modified over 9 years ago
(Speech and Affect in Intelligent Tutoring) Spoken Dialogue Systems Diane Litman Computer Science Department and Learning Research and Development Center
Outline Introduction The ITSPOKE System and Corpora Spoken versus Typed Dialogue Tutoring Recognizing and Adapting to Student State Current Directions and Summary
Natural Language Processing The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), or Computational Linguistics (CL), or Human Language Technology (HLT), is primarily concerned with the creation of computer programs that perform useful and interesting tasks with human languages. –enable computers to interact with humans using natural language (Prof. Litman) –serve as useful adjuncts to humans in tasks involving language by providing services such as automatic translation (Prof. Hwa), summarization and question- answering (Prof. Wiebe) The foundations of the field are in computer science, artificial intelligence, linguistics, mathematics and statistics, electrical engineering, and psychology. Studying NLP involves studying natural languages, formal representations, and algorithms for their manipulation. See for further details on NLP at Pitt
Spoken Dialogue Research Group Current Projects –Monitoring Student State in Tutorial Spoken Dialogue –Adding Speech to a Text-Based Dialogue Tutor –Tutoring Scientific Explanations via Natural Language Dialogue –TuTalk: Infrastructure for authoring and experimenting with natural language dialogue in tutoring systems and learning research –Natural Language Processing Technology for Guided Study of Bioinformatics
Spoken Dialogue Research Group (cont.) PhD Students (CS and ISP) –Hua Ai (simulated users for reinforcement learning) –Amruta Purandare (unsupervised clustering for topic tracking) –Mihai Rotaru (machine learning, speech analysis, affective dialogue systems) –Art Ward (dialogue coherency and learning) Also 1 Undergraduate, 2 Postdocs, and Programmer Alumni –Beatriz Maeireizo-Tokeshi (Computer Science MS Project: Applying Co-training for Predicting Student Emotions with Spoken Dialogue Data, 2005)
Spoken Dialogue Tutoring: Motivation Working hypothesis regarding learning gains –Human Dialogue > Computer Dialogue > Text Most human tutoring involves face-to-face spoken interaction, while most computer dialogue tutors are text-based Can the effectiveness of dialogue tutorial systems be further increased by using spoken interactions?
Potential Benefits of Speech Self-explanation correlates with learning and occurs more in speech Speech contains prosodic information, providing new sources of information for dialogue adaptation Spoken computational environments may prime a more social interpretation that enhances learning Potential for hands-free interaction
Spoken Tutorial Dialogue Systems Recent tutoring systems have begun to add spoken language capabilities However, little empirical analysis of the learning ramifications of using speech
Outline Introduction The ITSPOKE System and Corpora Spoken versus Typed Dialogue Tutoring Recognizing and Adapting to Student State Current Directions and Summary
ITSPOKE: Intelligent Tutoring SPOKEn Dialogue System Back-end is text-based Why2-Atlas tutorial dialogue system (VanLehn et al., 2002) Student speech digitized from microphone input; Sphinx2 speech recognizer Tutor speech played via headphones/speakers; Cepstral text-to-speech synthesizer
Spoken Tutoring Corpora Human-Human Corpus –14 students, 128 physics problems (dialogues), 5948 student turns, 5505 tutor turns –Student and tutor turns were manually transcribed for content and segmented for boundaries
Spoken Tutoring Corpora (cont.) Computer-Human Corpus –20 students, 100 physics problems (dialogues), 2445 student turns, 2967 tutor turns –Noisy student turn boundaries and transcriptions extractable from ITSPOKE logs –Content of student turns also manually transcribed
ITSPOKE Corpora Comparison Human-Human Human-Computer …1.3 minutes into session… Student: Can I ask you questions? Tutor: Yes Student: Is that ok? Tutor: Mm-hm Student: Um from what we learned from the last problem they're gonna have the same- the keys and you have the same acceleration right? Tutor: Yes Student: So that means they'll both hit the bottom at the same time. But I don't understand where- I don't understand if you're in the elevator- Tutor: You see Student: Where are you going to-? Tutor: The uh let me uh the key uh- the person holds the key in front of- Student: Their face yeah- Tutor: Uh his or her face and then lets it uh uh it is let go so the the the question relates to the relative position of the key and the face uh- Student: So the key and the face- Tutor: Uh how will they- as they go- as they both fall what will be their relative position? That is the question. Student: (sigh) …3.5 minutes into session… Tutor: I didn't understand. What force acts on all objects within close proximity to earth? Student: uh the force of gravity Tutor: Fine. Besides the Earth's gravitational force, are there any other forces acting on the person, keys, and elevator after the release? Student: no Tutor: Yep. Thus, keep in mind that after the release, the only force on the person, keys, and elevator is the force of gravity. If gravity is the only force acting on an object, will it be moving or staying still? Student: it will be moving Tutor: Fine. Not only are the person, keys, and elevator moving, they have only gravitational forces on them. When an object is falling and has only gravitational force on it, it is said to be in what? Student: freefall Tutor: Good. Thus, after the release the only force on the keys and man is the downward force of earth's gravity, so they are in freefall. Before the release, what is the relationship between the man's velocity and the keys' velocity? Student: they're equal Tutor: Correct. We know that after the release, the keys, the person, and the elevator are in freefall. Is freefall acceleration near earth a constant? Or does it vary depending upon which object is in freefall? Student: it's a constant
Outline Introduction The ITSPOKE System and Corpora Spoken versus Typed Dialogue Tutoring Recognizing and Adapting to Student State Current Directions and Summary
Spoken Versus Typed Human and Computer Dialogue Tutoring Diane Litman, Carolyn Penstein Ros é, Kate Forbes-Riley, Kurt VanLehn, Dumisizwe Bhembe, and Scott Silliman Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (2004) International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (to appear) Project: Adding Spoken Language to a Text-Based Dialogue Tutor
Research Questions Given that natural language tutoring systems are becoming more common, is it worth the extra effort to develop spoken rather than text-based systems? Given the current limitations of speech and natural processing technologies, how do computer tutors compare to the upper bound performance of human tutors ?
Common Experimental Aspects Students take a physics pretest Students read background material Students use web interface to work through up to 10 problems with either a computer or a human tutor Students take a posttest –40 multiple choice questions, isomorphic to pretest
Human Tutoring: Experiment 1 Same human tutor, subject pool, physics problems, web interface, and experimental procedure across two conditions Typed dialogue condition (20 students, 171 dialogues/physics problems) –Strict turn-taking enforced Spoken dialogue condition (14 students, 128 dialogues/physics problems) –Interruptions and overlapping speech permitted –Dialogue history box remains empty
Typed versus Spoken Tutoring: Overview of Analyses Tutoring and Dialogue Evaluation Measures –learning gains –efficiency Correlation of Dialogue Characteristics and Learning –do dialogue means differ across conditions? –which dialogue aspects correlate with learning in each condition?
Learning and Training Time Dependent Measure Human Spoken (14) Human Typed (20) Pretest Mean.42.46 Adj. Posttest Mean.74.66 Dialogue Time166.58430.05 Key:statistical trend statistically significant
Discussion Students in both conditions learned during tutoring (p=0.000) The adjusted posttest scores suggest that students learned more in the spoken condition (p=0.053) Students in the spoken condition completed their tutoring in less than half the time (p=0.000)
Dialogue Characteristics Examined Motivated by previous learning correlations with student language production and interactivity (Core et al., 2003; Rose et al.; Katz et al., 2003) –Average length of turns (in words) –Total number of words and turns –Initial values and rate of change –Ratios of student and tutor words and turns –Interruption behavior (in speech)
Human Tutoring Dialogue Characteristics (means) Dependent Measure Spoken (14) Typed (20) p Tot. Stud. Words2322.431569.30.03 Tot. Stud. Turns 424.86 109.30.00 Ave. Stud. Words/Turn 5.21 14.45.00 Slope: Stud. Words/Turn -.01 -.05.04 Intercept: Stud. Words/Turn 6.51 16.39.00 Tot. Tut. Words8648.293366.30.00 Tot. Tut. Turns 393.21 122.90.00 Ave. Tut. Words/Turn 23.04 28.23.01 Stud-Tut Tot. Words Ratio.27.45.00 Stud-Tut Words/Turn Ratio.25.51.00
Discussion For every measure examined, the means across conditions are significantly different –Students and the tutor take more turns in speech, and use more total words –Spoken turns are on average shorter –The ratio of student to tutor language production is higher in text
Learning Correlations after Controlling for Pretest Dependent Measure Human Spoken (14) Human Typed (20) RpRp Ave. Stud. Words/Turn-.209.49.515.03 Intercept: Stud. Words/Turn-.441.13.593.01 Ave. Tut. Words/Turn-.086.78.536.02
Discussion Measures correlating with learning in the typed condition do not correlate in the spoken condition –Typed results suggest that students who give longer answers, or who are inherently verbose, learn more Deeper analyses needed (requires manual coding) –e.g., do longer student turns reveal more explanation? –results need to be further examined for student question types, substantive contributions, etc.
Computer Tutoring: Experiment 2 Same as Experiment 1; however –only 5 problems (dialogues) per student –pretest taken after background reading –strict turn taking enforced in both conditions Typed dialogue condition (23 students, 115 dialogues) –Why2-Atlas Spoken dialogue condition (20 students, 100 dialogues) –ITSPOKE –(noisy) speech recognition output rather than actual student utterances
Results: Learning and Training Time Students in both conditions learned during tutoring (p=0.000) Students learned the same in both conditions (p=0.950) Students in the typed condition completed their tutoring in less time than in the spoken condition (p=0.004)
Results: Dialogue Characteristics and Correlations with Learning Means across conditions are no longer significantly different for many measures –total words produced by students –average length of student turns and initial verbosity –ratios of student to tutor language production Different measures again correlate with learning –Speech: student language production –Text: less subdialogues/KCD –Degradation due to speech does not correlate!
Recap Human Tutoring: spoken dialogue yielded significant performance improvements –Greater learning gains –Reduced dialogue time –Many differences in superficial dialogue characteristics Computer Tutoring: spoken dialogue made little difference –No change in learning –Increased dialogue time –Fewer dialogue differences
Outline Introduction The ITSPOKE System and Corpora Spoken versus Typed Dialogue Tutoring Recognizing and Adapting to Student State Current Directions and Summary
Predicting Student Emotions in Computer-Human Tutoring Dialogues Diane J. Litman and Kate Forbes-Riley Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2004) Speech Communication (to appear) Project: Monitoring Student State in Tutorial Spoken Dialogue
Monitoring Student State (motivation) Tutor26: Let me ask my question in a more general way. What happens to the velocity of a body when there is no force acting on it? Student27:dammit (ASR: it is) Tutor28 :Could you please repeat that? Student29 :same (ASR: i same) Tutor30 :Right. And what happens to the HORIZONTAL velocity of a body when there is no HORIZONTAL force acting on it? Student31:zero (ASR: the zero) Tutor32 :Well... OK, let's consider how forces in the vertical direction affect the motion of a body in a horizontal direction in a different scenario Student33:oh gravity you already said this (ASR: beats gravity you're exert less) Tutor34:Fine. Are there any other forces acting on the apple as it falls? Student35:no why are you doing this again (ASR: no y and to it yes) Tutor36:Correct. The only force acting on the apple as it falls to the earth is the earth's gravitational force. In which direction does gravitational force act? Student37:downward you computer (ASR: downward you computer)
Methodology Emotion Annotation Machine Learning Experiments –extract linguistic features from student turns –use different feature sets to predict emotions »significant reduction of baseline error
Emotion Annotation Scheme ‘Emotion’: emotions/attitudes that may impact learning Annotation of Student Turns Emotion Classes negative e.g. uncertain, bored, irritated, confused, sad positive e.g. confident, enthusiastic neutral no weak or strong expression of negative or positive emotion
Example Annotated Excerpt ITSPOKE: What happens to the velocity of a body when there is no force acting on it? Student: dammit (NEGATIVE) ASR: it is ITSPOKE : Could you please repeat that? Student: same (NEUTRAL) ASR: i same
Feature Extraction per Student Turn Three feature types 1.Acoustic-prosodic 2.Lexical 3.Identifiers Research questions –Relative predictive utility of acoustic-prosodic, lexical and identifier features Impact of speech recognition –Comparison across computer and human tutoring
Feature Types (1) Acoustic-Prosodic Features 4 pitch (f0) : max, min, mean, standard dev. 4 energy (RMS) : max, min, mean, standard dev. 4 temporal: turn duration (seconds) pause length preceding turn (seconds) tempo (syllables/second) internal silence in turn (zero f0 frames) available to ITSPOKE in real time
Feature Types (2) Word Occurrence Vectors Human-transcribed lexical items in the turn ITSPOKE-recognized lexical items
Feature Types (3) Identifier Features student number student gender problem number
Summary of Results (Computer Tutoring)
Comparison with Human Tutoring - In human tutoring dialogues, emotion prediction (and annotation) is more accurate and based on somewhat different features
Recap Recognition of annotated student emotions in spoken computer and human tutoring dialogues, using multiple knowledge sources Significant improvements in predictive accuracy compared to majority class baselines A first step towards implementing emotion prediction and adaptation in ITSPOKE
Outline Introduction The ITSPOKE System and Corpora Spoken versus Typed Dialogue Tutoring Recognizing and Adapting to Student State Current Directions and Summary
Recent Directions Manual coding of “deeper” dialogue phenomena –Proceedings Artificial Intelligence in Education (2005) Analysis beyond the turn level –Natural Language Engineering (to appear) Learning, emotion, and speech recognition –Proceedings of Interspeech (2005) System adaptation to user emotion –Proceedings Discourse and Dialogue (2005) Pre-recorded (human) versus synthesized (machine) voice –submitted
Summary Goal: an empirically-based understanding of the implications of adding speech and affective computing to dialogue tutors Accomplishments –ITSPOKE –Collection and analysis of two spoken tutoring corpora –Comparisons of typed and spoken tutorial dialogues –Models for emotion prediction Results will impact the design of future systems incorporating speech, by highlighting the performance gains that can be expected, and the requirements for their achievement
Thank You! Questions? Interested? Take my seminar this spring.
Architecture Cepstral www server www browser java ITSpoke Text Manager Spoken Dialogue Manager essay dialogue student text (xml) tutor turn (xml) html xml text Speech Analysis (Sphinx) dialogue repair goals Essay Analysis (Carmel, Tacitus- lite+) Content Dialogue Manager (Ape, Carmel) Why2 tutorial goals text essay
Speech Recognition: Sphinx2 (CMU) Probabilistic language models for different dialogue states Initial training data –typed student utterances from Why2-Atlas corpora Later training data –spoken utterances obtained during development and pilot testing of ITSPOKE Total vocabulary – 1240 unique words “Semantic Accuracy” Rate = 92.4%
Corpus Transcription & Annotation
Spoken Computer Tutoring Excerpt ITSPOKE:What else do you need to know to find the box's acceleration? Student: the direction ASR: add directions ITSPOKE : If you see a body accelerate, what caused that acceleration? Student: force ITSPOKE : Good job. Say there is only one force acting on the box. How is this force, the box's mass, and its acceleration related? Student: velocity ITSPOKE : Could you please repeat that? ASR: REJECT Student: velocity
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