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Great Musical Composers of the 1600’s-1800’s Kalynn Slabaugh Per. 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Musical Composers of the 1600’s-1800’s Kalynn Slabaugh Per. 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Musical Composers of the 1600’s-1800’s Kalynn Slabaugh Per. 7

2 Bach (1685-1750) ~ Born in Germany. ~ He wrote at least 200 pieces of music. ~ He never wrote an opera. ~ He is known as the “Father of Modern Music. ~ Wrote many Fugues

3 FUGUE ~ Studied by Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. ~ Includes exposition, answer, countersubject, and repeat. ~ Usually written for one instrument. ~ It is repeated melodies with slight variations.

4 Handel (1685-1759) ~ Born in Germany ~ Played the organ and clavichord ~ He was friends with Bach ~ His father forbade him to play music when young.

5 ORATARIO ~ Studied by Handel. ~ resembles an opera. ~ developed from musical settings of religious text in the middle ages. ~ Was popular during the 1600’s and 1700’s

6 Haydn (1732-1809) ~ Born in Austria. ~ Referred to as “Papa Haydn”. ~ Loved musical jokes, he was very witty. ~ First classical composer ~ He came up with the symphony.

7 SYMPHONY ~ Studied by Haydn. ~ Comes in four movements. ~ 1 st movement is fast; 2 nd movement is very slow; 3 rd movement is minuet or waltz; 4 th is very, very fast. ~ Beethoven broke that rule.

8 Mozart (1756-1791) ~ Born in Austria ~ Works himself to death. ~ Learned from Bach ~ Wrote his first minuet when he was five and a half years old. ~ Died with eight bars left in his Requiem ~ No one attended his funeral.

9 Beethoven (1770-1827) ~ Born in Germany. ~ Goes deaf. ~ Loved nature. ~ never got married. ~ couldn’t get permission to marry who he wanted. ~ 20,000 people attended his funeral. ~ He changed music forever by not being a servant but wrote what he wanted.

10 The son of man ~ Rene Magritte ~ It is a profile. ~ Considered surrealism. ~ The Beatles took the apple, with permission, and used it as their record label logo.

11 American Gothic ~ Grant Woods ~ means “Traditional American. ~ Many parodies ~ White dot in man’s nose shows curvature.

12 Persistence of Memory ~ Salvador Dali ~ Surrealism. ~ covered clock with ants to show death. ~ Draping clocks is his signature. ~ Self Portrait.

13 Oriental Poppies ~ By Georgia O’Keefe ~ This is an oil painting 30x40 inches ~ The center of the flower is painted purple.

14 The Kiss ~ Painting by Gustav Klimt ~ This is a self portrait of him ~ He is kissing his mistress.

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