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Year 2 Residential Monday 1 st February to Wednesday 3rd February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 Residential Monday 1 st February to Wednesday 3rd February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2 Residential Monday 1 st February to Wednesday 3rd February 2016

2 The venue Staff and ratio Itinerary and activities Keeping in touch Keeping safe Medicines Emergency procedures

3 The members of staff attending the residential are: Mrs Lynas ( Party Leader and First Aider) Mrs Denton ( First Aider) Mr Wignall ( First Aider) Mrs Brayford ( First Aider) Mr Roberts (Student teacher from last year) Reserve - Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Ness



6 Monday Come to school with suitcase at normal time. Leave school at approximately 10:30am. Arrive settle in and lunch – provided by CHET Afternoon activities- Activities to be confirmed in the New Year. Examples could include; nightlines, team building challenge, den building and problem solving. Tea Evening activity Bedtime - approximately 8pm

7 Thursday Breakfast Children will be split into groups for the activities and rotate around each activity that is led by Crosby Hall staff. There will be a snack and juice breaks between each activity. Lunch, snack, tea and evening activity.

8 Friday Breakfast Activity Souvenir shop and presentation Lunch Leave at approximately 1pm Arrive back at school at approximately 2pm. ( TBC nearer the time) Children can be collected from the coach at the bottom of the path upon our return.

9 Mrs Lynas will contact school at key points with updates on how the children are: When we arrive at Crosby Hall Each evening and morning When we leave Crosby Hall When we are 30 minutes from school. This will be a parent mail text so please ensure school has up to date contact information for you. Information will also go on the website.

10 A pre-visit has been completed by Mrs Lynas and Mrs Denton. Risk assessment will be completed by Mrs Lynas and has been approved by the Local Authority. Additional risk assessments completed by Crosby Hall for their activities. Children are never left unsupervised at any point. School staff sleep on the same corridors as the children, equally distributed along the corridors. All Crosby Hall staff are BDS checked. Mrs Lynas has the final decision on safety and will change the itinerary if deemed unsafe i.e. Weather conditions.

11 A medical form will be sent home for you to complete on Monday 30 th November. Please list any on going medical conditions your child has at the moment i.e. asthma and known allergies. Also make us aware of any additional needs.i.e. sleep walking, bet wetting and dietary requirements. The form is your consent for us to administer any medicines your child may need whilst we are away. It is important information in the event of an emergency.

12 Also, please add to the form, pain relief like calpol and ibuprofen. We will provide these (rather than take 33 bottles of Calpol with us!) If your child has anything different, please provide your own bottle. Medicines that your child will need for the residential must come to school on the Monday morning. Even if your child has no regular medication, please return it with consent for calpol and ibuprofen.

13 You children are treated like our own! We will give Calpol, monitor and let you know if they don’t improve or feel worse. A phone call will come from myself if they are unwell and we can discuss what you would like to do next.

14 In the highly unlikely event that your child has an accident and needs to be taken to hospital in an ambulance, the following protocols are in place so we can act quickly and efficiently to ensure your child is the priority. 1 – Ambulance rung. 2 – Mrs Lynas to inform Mrs Donnelly of accident. 3 – Mrs Donnelly to ring parents. 4 – Mrs Lynas will ring with updates.


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