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Determining the Type of Support for IEP Development 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457-1520 · (860) 632-1485

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Presentation on theme: "Determining the Type of Support for IEP Development 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457-1520 · (860) 632-1485"— Presentation transcript:

1 Determining the Type of Support for IEP Development 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457-1520 · (860) 632-1485

2 Select for Your Team A Facilitator – someone to keep group focused A Recorder – someone to document the work of the group The rest will serve as reporters

3 Outcomes Use decision-making values that provide instructional supports that are “only as specialized as necessary” Select high quality services based on a continuum Analyze the specific needs of the implementer and determine the supports that will be provided to the implementers p. 2

4 Essential Questions for Learning What is an appropriate level of support for an individual student with disabilities? How are decisions made regarding the use of supports? How are implementers supported? p. 2

5 Analyzing Gap Determining Themes in Bridges & Gaps Determining Level of Support Analyzing Impact Examining Integration within Universal System Infusing IEP Goals and Objectives Writing Goals & Objectives Determining Type of Support Examining specific learning needs Sequence of Content “Unwrapping” curriculum & setting demands p. 3

6 Infusing IEPs List the typical schedule or activities, including non-academic areas, such as play time, lunch, or hallway List the student’s IEP goals and objectives Determine when these goals and objectives can be taught and reinforced p. 4

7 Arriv/Dismis SS Math Reading Science Art Recess Music Lunch Given a picture of a familiar item, logo or symbol, name the item xxxx In a given social or group situation, will initiate communication either with a single verbal comment or using a picture communication system xxxxxxxxx When presented with an item in an authentic context, use a single word to identify something he observes xxx When using art or science materials and given a picture card, sort or match objects by one similar attribute xxx Using manipulatives in two groups of differing amounts, indicate which group is smaller or larger by pointing to the appropriate group xx Schedule of Activities IEP Goals p. 5

8 Determining the Type of Support External Supports –(no direct student contact, supports such as prepping materials) Peers Paraprofessionals Support Facilitation Co-teaching Out of Class (pull-out) p. 6

9 Determining the Type of Support Based on –Number of goals/objectives –Complexity of instruction needed for goals/objectives

10 Determining the Type of Support p. 7 Area Type of Support How support will be implemented External PeerPara Support Facilitation Co-teaching Out of Class Arrival and dismissal xx Peer Buddy Paraprofessional for peer Social Studies xx 1x wk support facilitation; prepping picture cards Math x Peer buddy Reading xx Co-taught daily; prepping picture cards

11 You Try List a typical grade level schedule Record the goal/objectives Determine which goal/objectives can be addressed in which setting Determine the type of support needed p. 8-9

12 Examining the Needs of an Implementer Confidence in using the support Skills in using the support Need for additional resources beyond the typically provided school resources p. 10

13 Examining the Needs of an Implementer High Confidence Qualified Skills Easy to Use Resources Low Confidence Lack of Skills Complex Use of Resources

14 Guidance and prompts to peer buddy p. 10 High Confidence Qualified Skills Easy to Use Resources Low Confidence Lack of Skills Complex Use of Resources

15 Picture Cards p. 10 High Confidence Qualified Skills Easy to Use Resources Low Confidence Lack of Skills Complex Use of Resources

16 Instructional support in Art for verbal communication and sorting p. 10 High Confidence Qualified Skills Easy to Use Resources Low Confidence Lack of Skills Complex Use of Resources

17 You Try Determine one area from your list of goals and objectives and one implementer Determine –Confidence level –Skill level –Resources

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