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60 27 Co 60 28 Ni +  - + e Beta Decay: 13 7 N 13 6 C +  + + e Conservation of charge Beta minus - electron “As if” neutron -> proton + electron Beta.

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Presentation on theme: "60 27 Co 60 28 Ni +  - + e Beta Decay: 13 7 N 13 6 C +  + + e Conservation of charge Beta minus - electron “As if” neutron -> proton + electron Beta."— Presentation transcript:

1 60 27 Co 60 28 Ni +  - + e Beta Decay: 13 7 N 13 6 C +  + + e Conservation of charge Beta minus - electron “As if” neutron -> proton + electron Beta plus - positron “As if” proton -> neutron + positron Particles are “of the nucleus” (not orbital) - Neutrino, (anti neutrino) – fudge Energy is continuous (i.e. neutrino gets random share)

2 Pauli, Fermi, and the little neutral one Beta decay products were missing energy Pauli proposes a particle is carrying away energy Fermi names it Neutrino - “Little neutral one” - It. Neutrinos confirmed in 1956, no surprise Enrico Fermi 1901-1954 Wolfgang Pauli 1900-1958


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