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Where are we in ACS at Country Level? Thaddeus Pennas Stop TB Partnership Secretariat.

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Presentation on theme: "Where are we in ACS at Country Level? Thaddeus Pennas Stop TB Partnership Secretariat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where are we in ACS at Country Level? Thaddeus Pennas Stop TB Partnership Secretariat

2 History Meetings / Trainings  HBC Needs Assessment 2002  Cancun Consultation  Johannesburg  Geneva Working Group Meeting (Feb 05)  EURO needs assessment workshop (Jan '05)  ACS/GFATM training workshop (Cairo '05)  AMRO need assessment workshop (Santa Cruz '05)  Mexico City Sub Group Meeting  Global Plan 2 outline drafted  ACS Sub-Group Workplan drafted

3 Recommendations for Action Cancun July 2003  Recommendations Strengthen Stop TB A-C Team Create ACS-WG Improve Capacity Develop ACS Strategy Develop M&E indicators Technical Assistance to HBC's Document Best Practices Engage NTP's Enable patient associations  Actions Focal points created and trained ACS-WG formed 10 regional based consultants trained ACS strategy created Draft indicators ready TA structure created Peru, Vietnam and others NTP's engaged— Needs Assessed TBTV, LHL, STB focal point

4 A/C Working Group: Goal: Communications accepted as an integral part of the DOTS Strategy Development of Communication Pedagogy Technical Support Monitoring and Evaluation Objective: Development and usage of technically sound, integrated, sustainable and cost effective communication workplans and interventions for ACS Goal: Evidence driven ACS workplans targeting sustainable behavioral change at the lowest organizational level designed to achieve measurable results Goal: Formation of country- level communication partnerships/task forces to design guide/implement communication interventions Partnership building/training/ support Stop TB Partnership Secretariat Advocacy and Communications Team A diagram of interrelated work streams, tools and processes (level 1) Strategic Communication Initiative

5 Geneva Working Group Meeting Feb. 2005  Working Group Launched  Sub Group meeting Review status of ACS country level Recommended creation of ACS workplan Input to initial Global Plan 2 outline Agreement that ACS needs to be better defined.

6 On the Horizon EMRO Training Workshop (Pakistan '05) Publish ACS Guidelines and Frameworks Global Plan 2 ACS WG 5 year work plan SEARO NTP mini workshop (Dec '05) Technical Assistance for GFATM round 5 grantees and others AFRO needs assessment workshop (Jan '06) SEARO need assessment workshop (07) GFATM round 6 support ACS country and regional focal points

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