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For Learning to Happen! Clear your desk of anything that may distract you. Remove all other thoughts from your mind. Pay close attention. Try all the examples.

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Presentation on theme: "For Learning to Happen! Clear your desk of anything that may distract you. Remove all other thoughts from your mind. Pay close attention. Try all the examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 For Learning to Happen! Clear your desk of anything that may distract you. Remove all other thoughts from your mind. Pay close attention. Try all the examples. Ignore all other distractions.

2 use the order of operations to evaluate expressions. Objective The student will be able to: Designed by Skip Tyler, Varina High School

3 Why is it important to follow the order of operations? What is the correct order? Essential Questions Designed by Skip Tyler, Varina High School

4 Evaluate 7 + 4 3. Is your answer 33 or 19? You can get 2 different answers depending on which operation you did first. We want everyone to get the same answer so we must follow the order of operations.

5 Remember the phrase “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” or PEMDAS. ORDER OF OPERATIONS 1. Parentheses - ( ) or [ ] 2. Exponents or Powers 3. Multiply and Divide (from left to right) 4. Add and Subtract (from left to right)

6 Once again, evaluate 7 + 4  3 and use the order of operations. = 7 + 12(Multiply.) = 19 (Add.)

7 Example #1 14 ÷ 7 2 - 3 = 2 2 - 3 (Divide l/r.) = 4 - 3 (Multiply.) = 1(Subtract.)

8 WATCH, LISTEN, LEARNNNN Example 3: 6(4+2)^3 = ??

9 Heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!! Example 4: 18 ÷ 3 X 5 + (√25 – 2) = ??

10 INDEPENDENTLY Example 5: 5^3 ÷ 25 X 3 – 7 = ??

11 SAGE AND SCRIBE – Smallest Foot is Scribe First 1. 7(5 – 2)2. (9 + 3)^3 3. 6 X 5 ÷ 10 + 5 4. 6^3 – 18 + 24 5. √81(6^2 – 6) 6. (√36 X √169)^3

12 REVIEW NOTES 1. Add Questions 2.Answer Essential Question 3.Underline Vocab 4.Reread Notes/Steps over and over again

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