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Published byGwen Mills Modified over 9 years ago
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 The LHCb experiment: status and physics program Clara Matteuzzi On behalf of the LHCb collaboration Università Milano-Bicocca and I.N.F.N. Milano FPCP Paris, 2-6 June 2003
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 The LHCb experiment LHCb is a forward one-arm spectrometer dedicated mainly to study CP violation and rare B decays at LHC Check consistency of the Standard Model : precision measurements of angles and sides of the CKM triangle Search for New Physics : rare and SM forbidden decays of b particles
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 The triangle Consistency of the Standard Model (assumed to determine the vertex) and the direct measurement of sin2β from B-factories Present status |V cb | from B H c X decays A |V ub | from B H u decays B d -B d mixing, m d now 2007 2008 LHCb B d J/ K S B d B s J/ Bs DsKBs DsK
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 new particles b = 1: Decays through penguin b = 2 : Oscillations through box through tree new particles bd, s b new particles d,sb b b l or l or l The Standard Model tree process not affected. New physics
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 b at the LHC machine E cm 14 TeV L(cm -2 s -1 ) 2 x 10 32 (10-100) (bb) 500 b (inel) 80 mb #bb-pairs 10 12 /year b fraction 5 x 10 -3 f 40 MHz t bunch 25 ns z primary 5 cm inter/xing 0.4 (2-20) (IP1,IP5) Luminosity locally controlled All types of b-hadrons B u, B d, B s, B c, b, b, b,... with large boost of the hadron
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 b - physics at LHC Crucial tasks of a detector: triggering particle ID identification of exclusive final states (K/ p/e/ ) tagging background rejection decay time resolution
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 The LHCb detector layout 1.5 < | | < 3.5 Aperture ~ 15 – 300 (250) mrad Hcal ( 15% modules produced ) Fe + scintillator tiles 1468 cells, 5.6 I σ/E ~ 75% / sqrt(E) Shashlik type (66layers 2mm Pb/4mm scintillator) Transverse granularity 4,6,12 cm cells ~6000 channels, 25 X o σ/E ~ 10%/sqrt(E)Ecal 70% modules produced Dipole magnet : Warm trapezoidal coils pole shape following the acceptance Bdl = 4 Tm P = 4.2 MW chambers MWPCs 40% X o, 12% I ~1.4 1.2 m 2 ~6 5 m 2 3 stations 4 layers each 320 μm thin silicon 198 μm readout pitch. 130k readout channels. Inner Tracker 3 stations with 4 double layers 5 mm straws tubes Fast drift gas (signal within 50 ns) 75% Ar 15%CF 4 10%CO 2 50k readout channels. Outer Tracker
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 The LHCb Vertex Locator low occupancy Si area : 0.32 m 2 #X o : 0.18 t : 43 fs # channels : 172 k 21 stations
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 Tracking performance Average efficiency = 92 % Efficiency for p>5GeV >95% Ghost rate p T >0.5 GeV ~ 7%. Mass resolution (~13 MeV) (~13 MeV) for the decay channel B s D s + KKπ Momentum resolution: p/p=0.38% Proper time resolution (42 fs) resolution (42 fs) = 27 tracks/event = 27 tracks/event
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 The RICH of LHCb 2detectors with 3 radiators (aerogel, C 4 F 10, CF 4 ) cover momentum range: 2 - 100 GeV RICH 1 5 cm aerogel 4 m 3 C 4 F 10 (25-300 mrad) K separation RICH 2 100 m 3 CF 4 (15-120 mrad)
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 B s D s K Purity= 66 % efficiency= 88 % Physics with Particle Identification B s K + K - Purity= 7.0 % Purity=13% Purity=84% Efficiency=79%
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 LHCb Trigger Level-0 Higher Levels data log 40 MHz 1 MHz 40 KHz 200 Hz Calorimeters Muon Pile-up veto VELO Trigger Tracker Level-0 Level-1 all the detector p T of e, , h, Impact parameter Rough p estimate ( ~20%) final state reconstruction subdetectors
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 LHCb L1 trigger Performance in B decays trigger robust and flexible hadron trigger fundamental for hadronic final states for hadronic final states trigger efficiencies L0xL1 20 % - 70% 20 % - 70%
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 MC Pythia 6.2 tuned on CDF and UA5 data Multiple pp interactions and spill-over effects included Complete description of material from TDRs Individual detector responses tuned on test beam results Complete pattern recognition in reconstruction Simulated bb events
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 Event yield in LHCb ChannelYield B0 B0 27 k B 0 K 115 k B s K K 35 k Bs DsBs Ds 72 k Bs Ds-K+Bs Ds-K+ 8 k B s J / 109 k B s J / e - e 19 k B 0 J / K S 119 k B 0 K 0 20 k 1 year = 2 fb -1 ( L = 2x10 32 cm –2 s -1 ) Yield calculated taking into account : Geometrical acceptance, detection efficiency, material L0 and L1trigger efficiencies (including pile-up veto) Reconstruction efficiencies (tracking, calorimeters, PID) Selection cuts efficiency to identify the final state more background simulated events are necessary to optimize selection criteria vs background rejection
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 Measuring 4 ways of determining Time dependent analysis of B s D + s K ( tagged ) Rate difference between B - D o K - and B + D o K + (untagged) model independent Rate measurements in K o and K (Fleisher-Mannel) or rates in K o and asymmetry in K (Neubert-Rosner, Beneke et al) Measure time dependent asymmetries in (Fleischer,Martinelli) B o and B s K K symmetric d s dependence on hadronic assumptions in the different calculations
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 with B s D s ± K + ( ) ~ 10 0 for m s = 20 ps –1 ( ) ~ 12 0 for m s = 30 ps –1 Measuring must be separated from (~15 times larger Br) D s mass resolution (GeV) B s vtx resolution (mm) gets (needs 2 from B s –>J/Ψ Φ ) hadronic trigger, K/π separation, proper time resolution are fundamental In one year of data (2 fb -1 ) 8k D s K and 72k D s π expected sensitivity: depending on amplitudes, strong phases, γ, Δm s, ΔΓ/Γ B s D s – + measure B s oscillations Δm s up to ~ 60 ps -1 B s D s – +
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 Study of B 0 s J/ Must be separated from prompt J/Ψ production (possible with 0.1 < B/S < 0.4 at 90% CL ) prompt J/ ( ) background B 0 s J/ ( ) signal K + K – ) CP asymmetries determine –2δγ (very small in Standard Model but sensitive to New Physics). And also Δm s and ΔΓ s
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 Study of B 0 s J/ Needs angular analysis to disantangle CP-odd and CP-even states In one year of data (2 fb -1 ) 109k J/Ψ Φ and 19k J/Ψ Φ ( ) (ee) σ(2δγ) ~ 2 0 for m s = 20 ps –1 expected sensitivity: K + K – ) also B 0 s ΦΦ (under study in LHCb) B 0 s η c Φ probe δγ B 0 s J/Ψ η
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 Measuring with B (s) K K K σ(γ) ~ 3 0 for x s = 20 Relies on hadronic trigger, excellent K/π separation, mass resolution Select B candidates with p T, IP/σ, L, mass cuts Combinatorial bb bckgr. can be rejected (S/B > 1) 92% purity 96% purity98% purity B0 B0 B 0 K B 0 s K K
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 Present estimate of LHCb Physics reach ChannelYieldPrecision B d J / K s 119 k 0.6 o B s D s K B d , B s KK 8 k 27 k, 35 k 10 o 3 o Bd Bd 27 k 5 o - 10 o B s J / 128 k 2 o |V td /V ts B s D s 72 k m s up to 58 ps rare decays B d K 20 k 1 year data 2 fb –1 These numbers are being updated, and more channels studied, in the re-optimization of the LHCb detector to be concluded in September 2003
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 Conclusions The present of b- physics is already very rich The future : Next generations of dedicated experiments at hadron machines will have order of 10 12 bb pairs per year with dedicated trigger and particle ID LHCb is a unique opportunity to measure precisely angles and sides of the CP triangle and to understand the origin of CP violation in the SM and beyond B-factories (BaBar, Belle, CLEO), Tevatron, + (LEP, SLC) LHCb installation starts in 2005 data taking starts in 2007
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 Back-up slides
Clara MatteuzziFPCP, Paris 2-6 june 2003 LHCb TRIGGER channel L0 (%) e h all L1(%)Total (%) 905 30 3 7 36 24 4 8 5 37 2 6 28 30 47 7 9 55 3 93 52 44 82 61 73 43 65 33 51 68 23 29 27 31 B 0 s J/ ( ) B 0 s J/ (ee) B 0 s D s K B 0 d K* B0d + –B0d + –
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