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Mary’s song: Luke 1:48-55 Zechariah’s song: Luke 1:67-79 The angels’ song: Luke 2:13-14 Simeon’s song: Luke 2:28-32.

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2 Mary’s song: Luke 1:48-55 Zechariah’s song: Luke 1:67-79 The angels’ song: Luke 2:13-14 Simeon’s song: Luke 2:28-32

3 The Story of Zechariah – and his song Luke 1:5-25, 57-80

4 Zechariah’s song Luke 1:67-79 68-75: God is sending the Savior! 76-79: My child is announcing His coming!

5 Two (interesting) observations: 1)Zechariah DIDN’T thank God for letting him speak again. Lesson: we should be most thankful for the most important things!

6 Two (interesting) observations: 1)Zechariah DIDN’T thank God for letting him speak again. Lesson: we should be most thankful for the most important things! 2)Zechariah’s second song was a lot better than his first song. Lesson: thankfully, God let’s us rewrite our songs.

7 Two (interesting) observations: 1)Zechariah DIDN’T thank God for letting him speak again. Lesson: we should be most thankful for the most important things! 2)Zechariah’s second song was a lot better than his first song. Lesson: thankfully, God let’s us rewrite our songs. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

8 Share your song: 1)Talk to one of the staff 2)email: 3)facebook/twitter/instagram: #FirstMBsongs

9 This is my song 1)Sing a song of praise/thanks for the most important things. 2)If your first song wasn’t so noble, you can always write a new song.

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