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How do your students demonstrate they are learning? TEACHING AND LEARNING CONVERSATIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "How do your students demonstrate they are learning? TEACHING AND LEARNING CONVERSATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do your students demonstrate they are learning? TEACHING AND LEARNING CONVERSATIONS

2 Reflection Questions Consider one course that you have taught recently when answering the questions below.  1. How do your students demonstrate their learning?  2. What do you do when your students aren’t learning?  3. How well do you think your actual course learning outcomes encapsulate what students learn in your class?

3 Background Accreditation mid-cycle report The institution will provide two representative examples of how it has operationalized its mission and core themes progressing from objectives to indicators to outcomes to mission fulfillment. These examples should be regarding student learning either at the institutional, program or course level. They should illustrate how you are “closing the loop” on student learning assessment. Strategic plan Goal 2, Objective A Develop a robust mechanism for ongoing student learning outcomes assessment at the course, program, and institutional level

4 Who needs to be involved? What needs to be in place for change to happen? Are the proposed changes feasible? How will students learn these things? CURRICULUM COURSE CONTENT How will students learn these things? CURRICULUM COURSE CONTENT How do we know students are learning? DIRECT assessments: In-course assessment Licensing exam Standardized assessment DIRECT assessments: In-course assessment Licensing exam Standardized assessment INDIRECT assessments: Questionnaires Reflections Focus groups INDIRECT assessments: Questionnaires Reflections Focus groups What are the data telling us? Who needs to be part of the conversation? Change WHAT or HOW or both Develop outcomes, curriculum, & content Design methods; collect Data Interpret results What do we expect students to be able to do? OUTCOMES What do we expect students to be able to do? OUTCOMES Are these the right outcomes? Societal trends Transfer agreement Advisory boards Are these the right outcomes? Societal trends Transfer agreement Advisory boards What needs to be changed?

5 Approach  Building on existing work  Professional Learning  Providing space, time, and resources  Administrative support  Facilitation  Documentation, Data Collection, Data Analysis  Forum for Sharing: Shoreline Teaching and Learning Conference

6 Where do I Start?  Student Learning Outcomes Assessment, Part 2  Monday, 11am, Room 1522  Monday, 1pm, Room 1522

7 Moving Forward  3 – 5 Assessment Projects  Course level assessment  Stipends available for faculty involved  Applications available Sept. 28, due October 19  Interested? Questions? Contact Bayta Maring bmaring@shoreline.edubmaring@shoreline.eduX6949

8 Complete your Evaluations!  On the back, please answer, “5. What else would you like to learn about outcomes assessment?”

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