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Chapter 11 GROUPS Group Through Time It can take a group to perform at its highest level two to three years. Through this time, there are 5 stages for.

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2 Chapter 11 GROUPS

3 Group Through Time It can take a group to perform at its highest level two to three years. Through this time, there are 5 stages for group development: Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

4 Group Development Stages 1. Forming: This is where the group get to know each other and determining what the group is trying to accomplish including their different behaviors. The value of every member. 2. Storming: The conflict and disagreements between group members as some members do not put in the effort or behavior the group to meet the demands. Vulnerability is high during this stage. Managers need to pay special attention to the group members at this stage as it could get out of hand. 3. Norming: This is when the members are comfortable and begin to create a friendship or camaraderie. They will determine the goals they would like to achieve and what behaviors will be performed to get to the end result.

5 Group Development Stages(Continued) 4. Performing: The members get to work on the tasks at hand. Managers may need to change their steps to ensure the effectiveness of the group. Managers need to keep the motivation going. Managers need to make sure that the members have enough autonomy and responsibility to keep the members moving. 5. Adjourning: This step occurs once the group is disbanded and has completed a product.

6 Group Norms Group Norms are shared guidelines or rules for behavior that most group members follow. Group Norms include wide variety of behavior: Working hours, Sharing of information among the group How tasks are performed How members should be addressed

7 Why Members Conform to Norms? Managers should encourage members of a group to develop norms that contribute to group performance and attainment of group goals. 3 reasons members conform to norms: 1.They want to obtain rewards and avoid punishment. 2.They want to imitate group members whom they like and admire. 3.They have internalized the norm and believe it is the right and proper way to behave.

8 Defiant Behavior Deviance signals that a group is not controlling one of its members. Groups respond to member who behave defiantly in 1 of 3 ways: Might try to get the member change his or her deviant ways and conform to the norm. Might expel the member Might change the norm to be consistent with the member’s behavior. Some deviant behavior can be functional for groups.

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