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Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Creating Digital Teaching Portfolios: An Authentic Professional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Creating Digital Teaching Portfolios: An Authentic Professional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Creating Digital Teaching Portfolios: An Authentic Professional Development Experience... For TEACHERS! Clare R. Kilbane Otterbein College

2 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS What is a portfolio? A portfolio is a goal-driven, organized, collection of materials that demonstrates a person's expansion of knowledge and skills over time. The contents, organization, and presentation of materials in portfolios vary depending on their audience and purpose.

3 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Types of portfolios Working Portfolios – Descriptive – Learning Presentation Portfolios – Assessment – Class – Employment – Showcase – Teaching

4 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS What are teaching portfolios? Special type of presentation portfolio Contain artifacts from teaching Demonstrate deliberate selection, reflection, and communication revolving around the artifacts Illustrate a professional’s recognition of personal competence

5 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Critical attributes of teaching portfolios "structured documentary history of a set of coached or mentored acts of teaching, substantiated by samples of student portfolios, and fully realized only through reflective writing, deliberation, and conversation (Shulman 1998, p. 37).” Shulman, L. (1998). Teacher portfolios: A theoretical activity. In Lyons, N. (Ed.), With portfolio in hand: Validating the new teacher professionalism (pp. 23-37). New York: Teachers College Press.

6 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS What are digital teaching portfolios (DTP’s)? Contain the same content traditional teaching portfolios include but present these professional materials in digital format Also referred to as multimedia portfolios, electronic portfolios, e-folios, and webfolios.

7 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS What is the portfolio development process? 1. Planning the portfolio: Focus & frame 2. Considering portfolio contents: Collect, select, & reflect 3. Designing the portfolio: Organize & produce 4. Evaluating the portfolio: Perform formative & summative evaluation 5. Publishing the portfolio

8 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Stage 1: Planning the portfolio Focusing the portfolio - determine the purpose of the portfolio and its intended audience. (RATIONALE) Who is my audience? Why am I creating a portfolio?

9 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Stage 1: Planning the portfolio (cont’d) Framing - determine how to create continuity among the various components of the portfolio. (FRAMEWORK) How can I create continuity? (theme, standards, question)

10 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Stage 2: Considering Portfolio Contents Collect SelectReflect

11 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS What items should be collected? Artifacts An artifact is “tangible evidence that indicates the attainment of knowledge and skills and the ability to apply understandings to complex tasks” (Campbell, Melenyzer, Nettles & Wyman, 2000, p. 147).

12 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Artifact examples Educational philosophy statement Lesson plans Classroom seating chart Photos Journals

13 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS What items should be collected/created? Supporting documentation Items that do not fit into “artifact” definition. Such items provide information about the person/portfolio, but are not artifacts.

14 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Supporting documentation examples Table of contents Authorship statement Credits Rationale or introductory statement Dedication

15 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Selection guidelines Examine as many artifacts as possible (i.e., lesson plans, student work samples, etc.) Determine which artifacts support the framework by asking questions about each artifact.

16 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Stage 2: Reflecting “A [digital teaching] portfolio without reflection is just a multimedia presentation, or a fancy electronic résumé, or a digital scrapbook” (Barrett, 2000).

17 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Reflective questioning How does this artifact demonstrate competence in a particular standard? Why did I include this artifact (why is it important to me)? What did I learn as a result of using/creating this artifact? How would I do things differently as a result of the artifact?

18 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Stage 3: Designing the Portfolio Organizing Creating a table of contents (toc) Putting artifacts into different categories in the toc Creating storyboard Creating a design grid (layout of web pages)

19 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Stage 3: Designing the Portfolio Before Producing - Consider Skills Portfolio development process Resources (Software, Hardware, People) Need to digitize artifacts Time

20 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Stage 3: Designing the Portfolio Producing Transforming artifacts and supporting documentation into digital format Creating, testing, and building the portfolio from a template

21 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Stage 4: Evaluating the Portfolio Conducting both formative and summative evaluation (involve “critical friends in the process) Revising the portfolio

22 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Step 5: Publishing the Portfolio FTP to WWW Turn-key tool –Taskstream, Chalk and Wire, Lectura others. Save on CD, DVD, Zip disk Print a hard copy SHARING of portfolio with students, colleagues, administrators, professors

23 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Let’s look at some examples stateconf/portfolios.html

24 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Research questions What role, if any, did the digital teaching portfolio development process play in inservice teachers’ professional development as it relates to technology and as it relates to other professional areas (i.e. understanding the learning process, standards, etc.)? What did inservice teachers learn about themselves as professionals and as individuals by creating digital teaching portfolios?

25 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Research Methods Paradigm- interpretive inquiry (Erickson, 1986) Framework- symbolic interactionism (Blumer, 1969; Denzin, 1992 ) Data collected - journals, online discussions, phone interviews, digital teaching portfolios, anecdotal notes Data analysis- analytic induction (Erickson, 1986)

26 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Course descriptions Elective courses taught at 2 institutions with different instructors, students, and modes of instruction –SCDE #1:online course (100%) –SCDE #2: traditional and video-facilitated

27 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Participants

28 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Findings The processes involved in creating digital teaching portfolios fostered teachers’ authentic professional development. Digital teaching portfolios were catalysts for teachers’ ongoing professional development. While learning new technology skills through the creation of digital teaching portfolios, teachers experienced anew what it is like to be a learner.

29 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Finding #1 The processes involved in creating digital teaching portfolios fostered teachers’ authentic professional development. –Teachers participated in reflection and collaboration. Teachers had experiences professionally and personally valuable to them. They explored the applications of technology. They discovered the benefits of reflection.

30 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Authentic Learning That which “allows students to explore discover, discuss, and meaningfully discuss concepts and relationships in contexts that involve real-world problems and projects that are relevant and interesting to the learner.” –M. Suzanne Donovan, John D. Bransford, and James W. Pellegrino (eds.), How People Learn: Bridging Research and Practice.

31 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Authentic Professional Development Teachers involve exploring, discovering, discussing, and meaningfully constructing concepts and relationships in contexts that are relevant and interesting to them.”

32 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Finding #2 Digital portfolios are catalysts for ongoing professional development. –It aroused desires to learn more about using technology. –It inspired teachers to continue learning by motivating them to update their portfolios. –It prepared teachers to implement portfolios in either their own classrooms or schools.

33 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Finding #3: While learning new technology skills through creation of digital teaching portfolios, teachers experienced anew what it was like to be a learner.

34 Digital Teaching Portfolios: Authentic Professional Development... FOR TEACHERS Implications The experience of creating digital teaching portfolios models an “authentic” learning experience. Creation of a digital teaching portfolio was an effective starting point for future professional development. Various delivery modes did not seem to affect the course or development experience for participants.

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