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Survey Key. 1. Which of the following age groups have the highest risk of breast cancer?  People in their 20s or younger  30-49  50 and older  all.

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Presentation on theme: "Survey Key. 1. Which of the following age groups have the highest risk of breast cancer?  People in their 20s or younger  30-49  50 and older  all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey Key

2 1. Which of the following age groups have the highest risk of breast cancer?  People in their 20s or younger  30-49  50 and older  all of the above

3 2. At what age can a person start to get yearly mammograms?  30  35  40  50

4 3. Like women, men can also get breast cancer. True or False?  True  False

5 4. What percent of breast biopsies turn out to be non-cancerous (benign)?  80%  75%  70%  65%

6 5. If found early, a woman diagnosed with breast cancer has a high survival rate. True or false?  True  False

7 6. Tell us what you think experts say about whether each of these breast self exam methods are right or wrong: RightWrongDon’t Know Grid methodX Circular motion techniqueX When you’re lying on your backX When you’re in the showerX Any method that makes a woman aware of changes to her body X

8 True (it increases risk) False (it does not increase risk) Family history of breast cancer X (20%)(80%) Breast implants X Taking birth control pills X Hormone therapy (for menopause) X Sexual abuse X Obesity X Drinking too much alcohol X Getting hit in the breast X High fat diet X Having no children X 7. Answer true or false to tell us if you think each of the following factors increases the risk of breast cancer. continued on next slide …

9 True (it increases risk) False (it does not increase risk) Having children after 30 X Late menopause (after 55) X Antiperspirants X Smoking X Not breastfeeding your child X Stress X Underwire bras X Chemical exposure over time X Not exercising X Being a woman X Being over 50 years old X 7. (CONTINUED) Answer true or false to tell us if you think each of the following factors increases the risk of breast cancer.

10 8. Of all of the possible factors in the list above, which one do you think is the single greatest risk factor for getting breast cancer? Being a woman

11 9. For each of the following statements, on a scale of 1-5 please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements: 1 = strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree You can do a lot to prevent getting cancer. 12345 Cancer is something you survive and live with. 12345 The thought of getting cancer really frightens me. 12345 The older you are, getting cancer is very likely. 12345 I’d rather not know I have cancer than be subjected to cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. 12345 A mammogram is an accurate way to test for breast cancer. 12345 I’ll never get cancer. 12345

12 10. Do you know people who have had breast cancer? Please mark all that apply.  Blood relative  Other relative / family member  Friend  Acquaintance  Friend of friend  Co-worker  Neighbour  I don’t know anyone who has had breast cancer

13 11. How comfortable would you feel talking about the need for a physical exam of your breasts with your doctor?  Very comfortable  Comfortable  Not very comfortable  Not comfortable  Don’t know

14 12. Has anyone shown you how to examine your own breasts?  Yes  No (a) If yes, who?  Friend  Family member  Doctor  Nurse  Pamphlet  Website  Video

15 13. How confident do you feel that you know what you’re looking for when examining your breasts?  Extremely confident  Very confident  Fairly confident  Not very confident  Not at all confident

16 14. Have you ever had any medical problems with your breasts?  Yes  No (a)If yes, what kind of problems?  Cyst  Non-cancerous tumour  Malignant tumor  Fibrocystic breast  Lymphoma  Lipoma

17 15. What do you think are the chances that you will get breast cancer some day?  Very likely  Somewhat likely  Not very likely  I don’t think I will ever get breast cancer

18 16. Which of the following would influence you to get screened for breast cancer? Please check all that apply:  Family doctor or nurse  Pamphlet / poster  TV ad  Radio ad  Newspaper/magazine ad  Native women’s organization  Friend  Internet  Female family member  Male family member  Breast health presentation  A breast cancer survivor  Social media (Facebook, Twitter)  Youtube video  Other (please describe)

19 17. When should people first be screened for cancer?  After they experience symptoms  When they are well, before they experience symptoms

20 18. A physical exam involves a doctor or nurse feeling for lumps or irregularities in your breast. Have you ever had a physical breast exam?  Yes  No (a)If yes, when did you last have a breast exam by a doctor or nurse? (choose only one)  Less than 12 months ago  1 or 2 years ago  more than 2 years ago  don’t know

21 19. If you are 40 or older, do you need a doctor to book a mammogram?  Yes  No

22 20. How likely are you to have a mammogram in the next year?  Very likely  Somewhat likely  Not very likely  Absolutely will not

23 21. Have you ever had a mammogram?  Yes  No

24 21. (a) If no (have you ever had a mammogram), why not? (choose all that apply)  No reason  No physician recommendation  Didn’t get around to it  Afraid  Never heard of it  Never thought of it  Don’t believe in it  Anticipated pain  I don’t go to doctors  Concerned about radiation  Can’t afford it  Too old  Too young  No transportation  No babysitter  Other (please explain)

25 21. (b) If yes (have you ever had a mammogram), when was the last one?  Less than 1 year ago  1-2 years ago  more than 2 years ago (c) If yes, why did you have the most recent mammogram?  Recommended by doctor  Lump/cyst detected  Routine check up  For peace of mind  High risk  Because of my age

26 22. Have you ever heard of the Nova Scotia Breast Screening program?  Yes  No (a) If yes, where from?  Doctor  Nurse  Family / friends  Radio  TV  Newspaper  Magazines  Display  Other __________________

27 23. Have you ever heard of the Nova Scotia Breast Screening van?  Yes  No (a) If yes, where from?  Doctor  Nurse  Family / friends  Radio  TV  Newspaper  Magazines  Presentation  Display  I’ve seen it  I’ve used it  Other ____________________

28 24. What is your highest level of education?  Grade 9 or less  High school diploma  College diploma/trade certificate  Some university  University degree

29 25. Do you have a doctor you consider to be your regular doctor?  Yes  No (a) If yes, when do you see this doctor (choose only one)?  Only for specific problems  Annual check up  Once a month  For prescription renewal(s)  Every three to six months  Prefer not to say

30 26. In general how well does your income meet your needs?  Very well  Adequate  Not very well  Not adequate

31 27. What age group are you in?  19-29  30-39  40-49  50-59  60-69  70+

32 28. Are you on Facebook?  Yes  No (a) If yes, how often do you log in?  Every day  Once a week  Once a month  Very rarely (b) If you are on Facebook, how many Facebook friends do you have?  1-50  51-99  100-249  250-499  500+

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