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Arwen Hutt & Bradley D. Westbrook Metadata Analysis and Specification Unit UCSD Libraries For PREMIS Workshop La Jolla, CA, 11 Feb 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Arwen Hutt & Bradley D. Westbrook Metadata Analysis and Specification Unit UCSD Libraries For PREMIS Workshop La Jolla, CA, 11 Feb 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arwen Hutt & Bradley D. Westbrook Metadata Analysis and Specification Unit UCSD Libraries For PREMIS Workshop La Jolla, CA, 11 Feb 2008

2  UCSD Libraries’ Digital Content ◦ Digital production distributed throughout the libraries (MSCL, SIO, AAL, etc.) ◦ Projects dating from the mid-nineties ◦ Metadata (descriptive & technical) varies ◦ Formats are fairly, but not completely, homogenous; primarily images at this point, but also text, audio and video.  UCSD Libraries’ DAMS ◦ Bring together Libraries’ digital objects to facilitate management ◦ Normalize metadata

3  Problem of Technical Metadata ◦ Common semantic units encoded/stored in many different ways (both standard and local) ◦ Simplify management ◦ Support format specific metadata  Choice of PREMIS ◦ Express non format specific metadata ◦ (Current) management procedures utilize the same elements regardless of file format ◦ Extensible for supporting future additional management functions

4  METS Profiles ◦ Codify requirements for the DAMS ◦ Simple Object Profile & Complex Object Profile Simple Object Profile Complex Object Profile ◦ PREMIS techMD section required ◦ Additional, techMD sections optional for format specific metadata  MIX  Audio Spec / Guidelines (potential)

5  Elements ◦ Required: ◦ pre/object/objectIdentifier/objectIdentifierType ◦ pre/object/objectIdentifier/objectIdentifierValue ◦ pre/object/preservationLevel ◦ pre/object/objectCategory (file) ◦ pre/object/objectCharacteristics/fixity/messageDigestAlgorithm ◦ pre/object/objectCharacteristics/fixity/messageDigest ◦ pre/object/objectCharacteristics/size ◦ pre/object/objectCharacteristics/format/formatName ◦ pre/object/creatingApplication/dateCreatedByApplication ◦ ◦ Encouraged, but not required: ◦ pre/object/storage/storageMedium ◦ pre/object/objectCharacteristics/formatDesignation/formatVersion pre/object/creatingApplication/creatingApplicationName ◦ pre/object/originalName

6  Where does it come from? ◦ Automated extraction and recording (jhove) ◦ Taken from legacy metadata (either recorded in house or vendor supplied)  Management Functions ◦ Authenticity verification  Replication of files to CDL’s DPR ◦ Format migration

7  Use only base level object assertions  No use of event, agent, or rights assertions

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