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SAE Project Title (must be creative) Class: Student: Completion Date:

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Presentation on theme: "SAE Project Title (must be creative) Class: Student: Completion Date:"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAE Project Title (must be creative) Class: Student: Completion Date:

2 I plan to use this project for.... (check all that apply)  Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)  Best Work  Oral Presentation  Civic Action – 15 Hours

3 Project Description “Who,What, When, Where, Why” Who: (Who did you perform your project for?) What: (What is your project?) When: (When did you complete your project?) Where: (Where is your project located?) Why: (Why did you choose your project?)

4 Learning Goals Learning Goal 1): –State your learning goal in detail and place a picture that documents the achievement of your learning goal. –Did you learn your goal? Give a DETAILED explanation

5 Learning Goals Learning Goal 2): –State your learning goal in detail and place a picture that documents the achievement of your learning goal. –Did you learn your goal? Give a DETAILED explanation

6 Learning Goals Learning Goal 3): –State your learning goal in detail and place a picture that documents the achievement of your learning goal. –Did you learn your goal? Give a DETAILED explanation

7 Add Additional Pictures On These Slides as Needed You need to have at least 5 pictures do receive full credit!

8 Pictures Include pictures of YOU working on your SAE…credit will not be given if your pictures don’t have you in them!

9 Pictures


11 Time Log Verification & Project Journal DateTime InTime Out # of Hours DescriptionContact Person Initials

12 Income & Expenses

13 Bibliography Include any resources that you used for research.

14 SAE/Best Work Reflection At least 2 Paragraphs Explain the assignment by summarizing: –Assignment /project requirements –The learning objectives of the assignment –Time given to complete the assignment/project –Resources/technology used (library, Internet, materials, etc.) Justify the selection of the Best Work by providing: –A statement as to why the student feels this assignment/project is indicative of his/her Best Work (beyond receiving a “good grade”) –A comparison to previous work –A description of time and effort spent on assignment/project –Reaction from others –Any additional personal feelings or connections relating to the Best Work –An explanation of how this Best Work involved either an academic risk or personal challenge –Would you do this type of SAE project again? Remove this slide, prior to presentation

15 Resume` A resume is a tool that you will need to secure a job or acceptance to college. It is a timeline of your achievements and your skill development. Your resume` will need to be typed and in a professional format. Your resume does not need to be identical to the example given in class. Please create your resume in Word and “insert object” in this PowerPoint


17 Grading Criteria Name:

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