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The Practice of Faith: Living Faithfully Hebrews 13.

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2 The Practice of Faith: Living Faithfully Hebrews 13

3 In this Epistle, we’ve seen: Comparisons & Contrasts which showed the Superiority of Jesus over all aspects of the previous system; Interspersed parenthetical Warnings and Exhortations. All of which were designed to prepare Hebrew Christians to faithfully endure persecution and destruction.

4 In Chapters 11 & 12 we saw FAITH was the key. In chp.11 it was defined & exemplified. In chp.12 it was required as a guiding principle of practice. In chp.13 it will now be specified in various aspects of living in both social and spiritual relationships.

5 So, in some ways: Chp.13 is the culmination (not just the closing) of everything that has been previously stated in the epistle. It is, FAITH IN PRACTICE! How then were Hebrew Christians supposed to react to all of this? In FAITHFUL OBEDIENCE regardless of any & all persecution or circumstance!

6 The Chapter is divided in thirds: vv.1-6 pertain to Social Relationships properly influenced by faith vv.7-17 are concerned with Spiritual Relationships which are maintained by faith vv.18-25 regard personal salutations from the writer to his audience

7 vv.1-6 Social Relationships: v.1 and v.3b seem to dictate that the relationships described are “in the body” - pertaining to Christian fellowship. Thus “I” (PCS, though some disagree) see the commands given relative to “one another”.

8 vv.1-6 Social Relationships: Love one another, faithfully- v.1 cf. Rom.12:10; 1Thess.4:9 & 1Pet.1:22 Show hospitality to strangers, v.2 “angels” may refer simply to “messengers”- cf. Gen.18 & 19 Remember prisoners & ill-treated, v.3 cf. 11:36-37; Acts 8:3-4; 12:1ff

9 vv.1-6 Social Relationships: Honor marriage, v.4 >by keeping the bed pure >by remembering God will judge these sins too! cf. Mt.19:3-9 Be content with what you have! vv.5-6 >1Tim.6:6ff >cf.11:35b-40 > Matt.6:25-34

10 For these Social Precepts to be met: One must live a life of FAITH! (Knowledge, Trust, & Obedience) Hebrews 11:6

11 vv.7-17 Spiritual Relationships: Remember those who led you, v.7 >who spoke God’s word to you, Acts 2 >consider their outcome, Acts 12:2-4 >imitate their faith! They did not shrink back in the face of persecution, imprisonment, or even death!

12 So, you too remain steadfast in your faith! cf. 12:4 by remember Jesus is the same Savior for you also, v.8 by not being “carried away” by Judaism’s teachings & foods, v.9 (see also Col.2:15-23) Thus, go “outside the camp” of Judaism to FAITH IN JESUS! vv.10-14

13 vv.7-17 Spiritual Relationships: Therefore, praise Him continually and give thanks to His name, v.15 And give likewise unto others, v.16 Obey your Leaders, v.17a and Submit to them, v.17b “for they watch over your souls” Make their watching joyous & profitable!

14 Conclusion: Pray for us, vv.18-19 Have faith in God who: (vv.20-21) >raised Jesus from the dead >offered the blood of the eternal covenant to save your souls >thus equipping you to do His will >and be pleasing in His sight.

15 And now a question: Is your faith “pleasing to God” ? Not: -if it hasn’t led you to obey Him in baptism. -if it hasn’t led you to remain faithful to Him regardless of trial, tribulation, persecution, or circumstance.

16 We’ve learned from Hebrews: that Jesus is Superior to everything! Is He to you???


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