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Presented by Celina Collins Instructional Coach at the Secondary Level Jurupa Unified School District.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Celina Collins Instructional Coach at the Secondary Level Jurupa Unified School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Celina Collins Instructional Coach at the Secondary Level Jurupa Unified School District

2 Definition of “Intergalactic Close Reading:” Common core = opportunity to enter the new frontier of digital media and other non-traditional texts Our curriculum must remain relevant in today’s world. “Intergalactic” symbolizes the different “galaxies,” or categories of these texts.

3 Rationale: Each type of text has specific features and qualities Each requires different approaches for analysis Hope you consider these different types of texts Hope to provide some useful tools All content areas should be supplementing curriculum with outside texts

4 Standards: RL and RI 1- (RH1, RST1) CCR: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences…cite specific textual evidence…to support conclusions. RL and RI 2- (RH2, RST2) CCR: Determine central ideas or themes…analyze their development; summarize… RL and RI 6 – (RH6, RST6) CCR: Assess how point of view or purpose shapes…content and style... RL and RI 7 – (RH7, RST7) CCR: Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media… Abbreviations: CCS – Literacy – Reading Literature and Informational Materials; Reading for literacy in History and Social Studies; Reading for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects; College and Career Readiness Standards

5 Example of an Intergalactic Close Reading: NGSS 6 Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas – Life Sciences LS2.C: Ecosystem dynamics, functioning, and resilience: What happens to ecosystems when the environment changes? Text 1: Bear Video

6 Text 2. Phot o

7 How to incorporate “Intergalactic Close Reading” into your curriculum

8 Step 1: Select the standard Read the standard and ask, “What do the students need to ultimately learn? What are students’ interests that might relate to this goal? What are some of your interests that might relate? How can this goal connect to the “real world?” What connections can you make to popular culture that might relate? What have you read, seen, or heard lately that might relate? What current events might connect to this goal?

9 STEP 2: Chose two or more text types. See page ___ Five text types Examples of the text types Some resources to find the texts

10 Step 3: Conduct the close reading See page: ____ Reading #1: Students read text independently Reading #2: Teacher reads text aloud Reading #3: Students re-read text aloud

11 Optional Step 4: Extend the close reading Go back and annotate the reading Write text-dependent questions Have students imitate the text format in a parody or satire Have students find their own texts Break down the text structure Analyze the language (if any): tone, mood, diction, connotation Recreate the text by changing one element (point of view, setting, etc.) Summarize the ideas with a comic or meme

12 Move out of your comfort zone … try something new! Think about unconventional ways to pair texts with your curriculum. Can you think of… …a song to teach variables? …a news article to show the effects of population expansion? …a work of fine art to demonstrate muscle mass in P.E.? …a short story to teach 1800s Romantic art? …a video clip to teach covalent bonds? …a music video to teach the Civil War? …a photograph to teach Transcendentalism? …a meme to summarize the Industrial Revolution? …a news broadcast demonstrating civil liberties? …a viral video to illustrate the effects of force on a stationary object?

13 All teachers must incorporate common core readings into their classes.

14 What are your questions?

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