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CSM06: Information Retrieval Notes about writing coursework reports, revision and examination.

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1 CSM06: Information Retrieval Notes about writing coursework reports, revision and examination

2 Coursework Reports “For this coursework you should aim to increase and demonstrate your understanding for one idea to do with information retrieval” “Your report should briefly explain how the idea your group investigated relates to information retrieval in general. There should then be three main sections in your report relating to (i)-(iii)” –(i) Reviewing some relevant literature about the idea you investigated; –(ii) Implementing one part of an information retrieval system based on that idea; AND –(iii) Experimenting with your implementation in order to evaluate the idea

3 Coursework Reports The word limit (1500-2000 words) should encourage you to focus on reporting / discussing the most important and interesting points of your work It should help to focus and organise your report if you start with a clear statement and explanation of the AIM of your group’s work “Each person must submit an individually written report of 1500-2000 words. Although the report will be based on shared work, it is important that it reflects your personal understanding of what was done and what was found out.” HOWEVER, you should share data sets, graphs, system screenshots, etc. between the group. (It may save paper to submit one copy of data sets for the whole group – individuals can then reference this).


5 For the depth of understanding required for a topic, consider (as a rough guide): –The amount of lecture time spent on it; did it feature in more than one lecture? –Were there any in-class / set exercises –Was there any related set reading As a guide for revision…

6 Revising Set Reading I suggest that you use the lecture notes to guide you through the Set Reading, i.e. use the set reading to give you a deeper understanding of what was in the lecture. It might not be helpful to try and remember every detail from the set reading, especially if we didn’t cover it in the lecture

7 About the Examination 2 hours long – you are required to answer two out of three questions Rubric: “ Attempt two questions. Each question carries 50 marks. (If more than two questions are attempted then only the two best answers will be counted)” –Question 1 will relate mainly to the content of Lectures 1-3 –Question 2 will relate mainly to the content of Lectures 4-6 –Question 3 will relate mainly to the content of Lectures 7-8

8 Kinds of Questions Questions often take the following style… –‘How does X effect Y’ –‘Why is A used for B’ –‘Calculate … using … algorithm / formula’ –‘In your opinion what are the advantages of…’ –‘Discuss how X and Y are similar / different’ The question NEVER says write down everything you can remember from the lecture notes / textbook

9 Past Exam Papers and Solutions Available from the module webpage: The content of the module is updated and revised each year so some of these past questions refer to topics that were not part of the module in 2005. The solutions are written in a style to help with the marking of the exams – this does not necessarily reflect how you would be expected to write your answers, e.g. solutions are sometimes given in note form, whereas you would normally be expected to write full sentences.

10 NEXT WEEK REVISION LECTURE Please email me before next Tuesday with your requests for topics to revise!!

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