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Image Discovery & Access ACRL Image Resources Interest Group ALA Annual, Saturday, June 26, 2010 Nicole Finzer, Visual Resources Librarian, Digital Collections,

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2 Image Discovery & Access ACRL Image Resources Interest Group ALA Annual, Saturday, June 26, 2010 Nicole Finzer, Visual Resources Librarian, Digital Collections, Northwestern University

3 The Library assumed responsibility for the Visual Media Collection (Art History Slide Library) in 2007. Digital Collections then evaluated issues in three major areas of image discovery and access: 1.Digitization and cataloging 2.Service assessment and promotion 3.Providing tools to make the collection useable

4 Challenges: Expanding services to reach users outside of Art History. Convincing users that working with the library to integrate their images into a centralized system will benefit them. Implementing robust and scalable architecture and descriptive metadata standards to support the Digital Image Library. Completing the digitization of the Visual Media Collection (Art History Slide Library).




8 Digital Image Library Implementation Plan: “The library will implement a web-based tool for contributing images, allowing users to upload and catalog their own materials. Once these images are contributed, they will be vetted for inclusion in the shared Digital Image Library collections.” “The goal is to provide a central gateway for images regardless of discipline, keeping the tools Art Historians like but expanding or generalizing them to serve other disciplines.“

9 Migration is driven by initiating a metadata schema better suited to item level description. Replace MARC with a relational schema. Create metadata for images on an item-level basis, conforming to VRA Core/CCO, and implement crosswalks to MODS and Dublin Core for cross searching and Open Archives Initiative (OAI) harvesting.

10 Inherited System/Schema: Voyager/Marc

11 Invited Megan Macken, Director of Visual Resources in the Humanities Division at University of Chicago to collaborate on the metadata editor, and implement the completed tool at both institutions. Metadata Mapping Interface Design Relational Cataloging

12 Marc to VRA Core

13 Marc to MODS

14 Authorities tool (Voyager): Controlled vocabulary lists were licensed and loaded into the local cataloging environment. Clean-up work mapping existing authorities to controlled lists. This work was undertaken as part of a broader initiative to extend vocabulary control to the cataloging interfaces that provide data to the repository.

15 Getty Vocabularies: Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM), Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), Union List of Artist Names (ULAN), and the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN).

16 The process of managing digitization workflows and submitting digital assets to the repository is the Production Support and Delivery System (PSDS). Unify intake, digitization and cataloging services within Digital Collections. Simplify intake procedures and develop an outreach plan to continuously assess faculty needs.


18 Production Support and Delivery System (PSDS) (Drupal)



21 Digital Image Library (DIL): Metadata Editor (Xforms)

22 Relational Cataloging: Image to Work



25 Delivery Tool (Fedora)

26 In Development: Discovery and display Faceted browsing Tagging Grouping Sharing Local Authorities

27 Looking ahead.. The library must work with users from varying disciplines within the university to identify and ingest the content that will best serve their needs. Coupling this content with a set of tools that are better suited for many disciplines, media types, and metadata schemas use is crucial. For additional information, email:

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