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Wild type and Albino Corn. Wild-type and Albino Plants Germination to seedling.

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Presentation on theme: "Wild type and Albino Corn. Wild-type and Albino Plants Germination to seedling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wild type and Albino Corn

2 Wild-type and Albino Plants Germination to seedling

3 Data: root and shoot growth Wild type Albino

4 Data: shoot growth after transplanted into soil Wild type Albino Day 12 4.2 cm 4.4 cm Day 15 5.8 cm 5.9 com Day 17 6.5 cm 6.0 cm Day 19 7.8 cm 6.1 cm Day 22 8.9 cm 6.1 cm

5 Original Question: Will the albino corn plants grow and thrive as well as the wild type corn plants?

6 Now the next question: why or why not? CONCLUSION Conclusion must address the following: Was your hypothesis supported? Why or why not? What trends in growth did you observe in the two types of seeds from the start of germination until the end of the experiment? Use as much quantitative information as possible to describe the growth trend..

7 Conclusion continued Explain the genetics of how albino seeds are produced. Explain why albino plants are not able to reproduce yet other albino species (animals) are able to reproduce. Would you expect a higher allele frequency for the albino trait in plants or rabbits? Explain your reasoning

8 The genetics of how produced and allele frequency List possible crosses that would produce albino corn seeds. – G = green or wild type – g = albino

9 Allele frequency/phenotype frequency Data from a Nebraska corn field genetic survey – 150 GG – 75 Gg – 12 gg 1.Calculate the phenotype frequency for wild-type and normal corn. 2.Calculate the recessive allele frequency.

10 Evolutionary trends Can albino corn plants develop flowers and seeds? What type of cross could NOT happen in nature to produce albino plants? Why are there still albino seeds produced?


12 Final Review Q’s

13 1.What did the Human Genome Project accomplish?

14 2.What cuts DNA?

15 3.What is produced on the ends of DNA when it is cut?

16 4. What is the name of the chart that shows family & their genetics?

17 5. When the alleles for a condition is located on the X chromosome this condition is considered to be __________________.

18 6. What makes two organisms different species?

19 7. Draw a graph that represents directional selection

20 8. There are birds on the island with a range in beak sizes. The food source for the middle beak size disappeared and so did those birds. what type of selection is represented in this scenario?

21 9. If an organism changes to become better suited for its environment then this organism has _____________________

22 10. Charles Darwin said that evolution is a process that occurs through ______________

23 11. Name 2 pieces of evidence that supports evolution.

24 12. Name 2 conditions needed for Hardy- Weinberg genetic equilibrium.

25 13. What part of an organism does natural selection act on?

26 14. What purpose do large antlers or bright feather serve for animals?

27 15. What kingdom do cilia, paramecium, & amoeba belong to?

28 16. The system for giving 2 names to a species is called ________________________

29 17. What is the most diverse taxonomic classification? The most specific?

30 18.Put the following organisms in the correct sequence with arrows showing energy flow mouse, hawk, snake, grass

31 19. What type of organism are each of the following: - deer - algae - fox

32 20. In a biomass pyramid which type of organism would be at the bottom?

33 21. What is the name of a graph that shows the success of brine shrimp hatching in the different salinities?

34 22. What is the most inclusive level of organization in ecology?

35 23. List 2 abiotic factors & 2 biotic factors

36 24. What does the letter K represent in ecology?

37 25. What type of population growth occurs when there are limiting factors?

38 26. Increasing temperatures on Earth are due to energy from the sun being trapped in our atmosphere by which gas?

39 27. When barren soil gets taken over by small plants first then shrubs then large trees this is called _________________

40 28. What are the 2 parts in the structure of a virus?

41 29. Bacteria that uses methane gas from hydrothermal vents are considered ______________________

42 30. What role does a decomposer play in a ecosystem?

43 31. All protozoan habitats are characterized by the presence of ______________

44 32. Plants with cones are classified as?

45 33. This is responsible for moving water through the plant.

46 34. What is the part of the water cycle that involves leaves loosing water?

47 35. In a two name classification system what does the first name represent?

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