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What is Zeal  Literally means to be on fire!  This word is used in the good sense  To enjoy doing something---to have an active pursuit or interest.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Zeal  Literally means to be on fire!  This word is used in the good sense  To enjoy doing something---to have an active pursuit or interest."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Zeal  Literally means to be on fire!  This word is used in the good sense  To enjoy doing something---to have an active pursuit or interest  We have zeal… the question is where is our zeal carried out  Is it doing the work of the Lord, our personal interest, or the work of Satan  We should have a ZEAL for God and his work  Rev 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. What is knowledge  This is defined as religious sense---means to have a clear understanding  Eph 5:14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.  Eph 5:15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,  Eph 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Eph 5:17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.  Should want knowledge, seek it, grow in it  James 1:5  II Pet 3:18

3 This is heat without light, activity without guidance Examples:  The Jewish nation Rom 10:1-2  Peter Matt 26:51-52  Saul Acts 22:3-4 Phil 3:6  Present day “religious” people exhibit a lot of zeal, but often times it is without knowledge There are serious dangers in having zeal without knowledge  Ultimately people will be lost Matt 7:21  People will be influenced and consequently also be lost Matt 15:14  Families will be lost Saul wrought havoc on the church Acts 8:3  Israel was zealous for God but they were not saved  Being zealous for God is not a validation of salvation  Being on fire to talk about Christ, quote scripture, and sacrifice the pleasures of this world is not enough to be saved  To be saved one must first obey the gospel of Christ  Heb 5:8-9

4 This is light without heat, understanding without activity, faith without works Examples: The Christians at Sardis  They heard and received the word but they were dead!....they were without activity  Read Rev 3:1-3 The Christians at Galatia  They were devoted and faithful Christians but they lost their first love  Gal 5:7 The Church at Ephesus  Started well but left their first love  Rev 2:4 This exemplifies many present day Christians  Many know what to do right but fail to do it James 4:17….no activity! Those who this characterize are in a dangerous state  (1) sinful James 4:17  (2) brings condemnation Amos 6:1  (3) brings many stripes Read Luke 12:47-48

5 This is light and heat, understanding and activity. This is the ideal state of being Examples:  Paul the Christian Phil 3:13-14  The disciples in Jerusalem Acts 2:41-42 There are many Christians in our day that exhibit this kind of state of being  Every faithful and working church There are blessings involved in having zeal and knowledge  (1) A crown of righteousness II Tim 4:6-8  (2) A crown of life Rev 2:10  1 + 1 = 2  Zeal + Knowledge = Salvation

6 Can a man have zeal without knowledge  Yes!  We can posses one without the other Is it pleasing to God to have one without the other  NO  In order to be pleasing to God we must have ZEAL & KNOWLEDGE! Which category applies to you today  Do you have zeal without knowledge  Do you have knowledge without zeal  Whatever the case may be God can help you!


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