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Calisthenics Come in and silently take a seat. Take out your lap top and log onto Quia Take the practice “Calisthenics Practice” Quiz. When you finish.

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Presentation on theme: "Calisthenics Come in and silently take a seat. Take out your lap top and log onto Quia Take the practice “Calisthenics Practice” Quiz. When you finish."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calisthenics Come in and silently take a seat. Take out your lap top and log onto Quia Take the practice “Calisthenics Practice” Quiz. When you finish review your answers, and we will go over them as a class.

2 Objective: SWBAT identify how explorers impacted world history. Calisthenics (part II): Why did Western European countries send explorers in the 15 th century?

3 European Exploration The first European explorers came from Portugal, Spain, France, and England. Explorers were trying to find new ways to get to the East so they could trade for silk and spices.

4 Bartholomew Dias Bartholomew Dias was a Portuguese explorer who was the first to sail around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.

5 Vasco da Gama Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and made it to the coast of India. Da Gama established the first water trade route with Europe and Asia.

6 Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus was send by Spain. He discovered the Americas (North and South) by accident on his way to find a new trade route.

7 Ferdinand Magellan Ferdinand Magellan sailed for Spain. He led the first voyage to circumnavigate, or sail around the entire globe.

8 Which explorer? Spanish explorer who discovered the Americas (North and South) by accident on his way to find a new trade route.

9 Which explorer? led the first voyage to circumnavigate, or sail around the entire globe

10 Which explorer? Portuguese explorer who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and made it to the coast of India

11 Which explorer Portuguese explorer who was the first to sail around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.

12 Which explorer? established the first water trade route with Europe and Asia

13 Which Explorer?




17 Which Explorers? Which explorers are from Portugal? Which explorer(s) were from Spain?

18 Vocabulary Review An “import” is a good that is brought in from another country to the home country. – Example: Nike shoes are made in China and shipped to the United States. Nike shoes are imports. An “export” is a good that is brought out from the home country to another country. – Example: Ford Mustangs are made in the United States and shipped to markets around the world. They are exports.

19 Import or Export? Egypt grew wheat and traded it to Mesopotamia. Is wheat an import or an export for Egypt? Is wheat an import or an export for Mesopotamia? Greece traded olives to its colonies. Were olives an import or an export of Greece? Were olives an import or an export of the its colonies?

20 Quiz your partner! 1.First quiz each partner with notes, but don’t write the answers. 2.Quiz each partner without notes, but don’t write the answers. 3.When both partners get them ALL right, both partners should write.

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